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What is the difference between a complex and a compound sentence?

The clauses in a COMPOUND sentence are related by the COORDINATIVE connection. It means that in a COMPOUND sentence clauses follow each other resembling the way our thoughts follow each other. Each clause describes one elementary situation. The order in which the clauses follow each other reflects the order in which the situations happened or happen or will happen. Compare:

(I) I switched off the light and John turned on the TV.

(2) John turned on the TV and I switched off the light.

We can regard these situations as:

- completing each other. In such a case we speak of the copulative connection

- being opposed to each other. In such a case we speak of the adversative connection

- offering a choice between them. In such a case we speak of the disjunctive connection

- being a cause (situation 1) and the result of this cause. In such a case we speak of the causative-consecutive connection

The clauses in a COMPLEX sentence are related by the SUBORDINATIVE connection. It means that in the process of the generation of a COMPLEX sentence one sentence is inserted into the other.

Grammarians believe that the process of generating a complex sentence starts with two simple sentences. They are called BASE sentences. One of them is inserted into the other. The one which is inserted is called the INSERT sentence. The one into which the insert sentence is inserted is called the MATRIX sentence.

The matrix sentence becomes the MAIN / PRINCIPAL clause inside a complex sentence. The insert sentence becomes a SUBORDINATE clause inside a complex sentence.

The subordinate clauses may be of different types. The name of the type depends upon the name of the syntactic position into which the insert sentence has been inserted.

If you have inserted the insert sentence into the position of the SUBJECT (подлежащее) inside the matrix sentence, the insert sentence becomes a SUBJECT CLAUSE. For example: Somebody did it (insert sentence). It is a mystery (matrix). We use a conjunctive pronoun 'who' instead of 'somebody' and insert the sentence 'Who did it' into the matrix instead of 'it' (into the position of the subject). We get: Who did it is a mystery. 'Who did it' is the subject clause.

If you have inserted the insert sentence into the position of the PREDICATIVE (after a link verb) inside the matrix sentence, the insert sentence becomes a PREDICATIVE CLAUSE. For example: Our task is such (matrix). We must fine the clue to the problem (insert sentence). We use a conjunction 'that' and insert the sentence 'We must fine the clue to the problem' into the matrix instead of ' such ' (into the position of the predicative). We get: Our task is that we must fine the clue to the problem. 'That we must fine the clue to the problem' is the predicative clause.

If you have inserted the insert sentence into the position of the OBJECT (дополнение) inside the matrix sentence, the insert sentence becomes an OBJECT CLAUSE. For example:

- I know it (matrix).

- You want to deceive me (insert sentence).

We use a conjunction 'that' and insert the sentence 'You want to deceive me ' into the matrix instead of 'it' (into the position of the object). We get: I know that you want to deceive me. 'That you want to deceive me' is the object clause.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-03; Прочитано: 428 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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