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What is a SEMI-CLAUSE?

A semi-clause originates from a clause. It happens when we convert a clause into a semi-clause, that is when we replace a FINITE verbal form in a clause with a NON-FINITE verbal form (these forms occupy the position of the predicate).

A clause is a construction of PRIMARY predication. In such a construction the PREDICATE is a FINITE verbal form.

A semi-clause is a construction of SECONDARY predication. In such a construction the PREDICATE is a NON-FINITE verbal form.

NON-FINITE verbal forms include:

- the infinitive

- the gerund

- participle one

- participle two.

For example:

A) We lost the game because Harry played badly. → We lost the game because of Harry playing badly.

‘Because Harry played badly’ is a clause.

Because of Harry playing badly ’ is a semi-clause (= a gerundial construction).

B) The water was cold and we decided not to swim. → The water being cold, we decided not to swim.

The water was cold’ is a clause.

The water being cold’ is a semi-clause (= the absolute participial construction).

C) We knew that you were a very generous person. → We knew you to be a very generous person.

That you were a very generous person ’ is a clause.

You to be a very generous person. ’ is a semi-clause (= the infinitive construction in the function of Complex Object).

Дата публикования: 2015-02-03; Прочитано: 3211 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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