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Describe the verbal category of DEVELOPMENT in terms of opposition

The category of development is a kind of ASPECTUAL category (категория вида). It is represented by TWO forms which make up a PRIVATIVE opposition. One of member of such an opposition is MARKED, the other is UNMARKED.

The marked member is marked by the presence of the DISCONTINUOUS morpheme {be … ing}. The first element ‘be’ takes different forms in speech according to the form of the subject and according to the tense of the verb, its mood, etc: am, is, was, were, has been, have been, had been, will be. In all cases the marked form describes the action as being in process during some definite period of time. E.g. Ted was smoking at that moment.

The unmarked member of the opposition has no discontinuous morpheme {be … ing}. This form describes the action as a mere fact. E.g. Ted smokes a lot.

The DISCONTINUOUS morpheme {be … ing}can be taken both by FINITE and NON-FINITE verbal forms. For example, the INFINITIVE can express non-continuity and continuity: to read:: to be read ing.

The GERUND can also express non-continuity and continuity: walking:: be ing walk ing.

PARTICIPLE ONE can also express non-continuity and continuity: walking:: be ing walk ing.

8) Describe the verbal category of RETROSPECTIVE COORDINATION in terms of opposition.

The category of retrospective coordination is a kind of ASPECTUAL category (категория вида). It is represented by TWO forms which make up a PRIVATIVE opposition. One of member of such an opposition is MARKED, the other is UNMARKED.

The marked member expresses the meaning of the PERFECT aspect, the unmarked member expresses the meaning of the INDEFINITE (= NON-PERFECT) aspect.

The marked member is marked by the presence of the DISCONTINUOUS morpheme {have … en}. The first element ‘have’ takes different forms in speech according to the form of the subject and according to the tense of the verb, its mood, etc: has, had, has had, have had, had had, will have. In all cases the marked form describes the action as correlated with some other action or some moment. For example:

I have corrected all the mistakes. – Here the action is correlated with the moment of speaking: it is shown that the action has been completed by the moment of speaking.

Ted will have translated the article by Saturday. – Here the action is correlated with Saturday: it is shown that the action will have been done by the indicated day.

Michael understood that his daughter had fallen in love. – Here the action of falling in love is correlated with the other action – that of understanding: it is shown that the action of falling in love preceded the action of understanding.

The unmarked member of the opposition has no discontinuous morpheme {have … en}. This form describes the action as a mere fact. E.g. I corrected all the mistakes yesterday.

The DISCONTINUOUS morpheme {have … en} can be taken both by FINITE and NON-FINITE verbal forms. For example, the INFINITIVE can express non-perfectness and perfectness: to write:: to have writt en.

The GERUND can also express non-perfectness and perfectness: taking:: hav ing tak en.

PARTICIPLE ONE can also express non-perfectness and perfectness: taking:: hav ing tak en.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-03; Прочитано: 993 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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