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Folds and faults

Physical forces produce changes in the earth's crust. They produce bending and breaking in the rocks. A fold is a bend in the rocks. Folds are chiefly divided into two kinds, according to whether they are open above or below, These are called, respectively, synclines and anticlines. A fault is a break in the rocks. Faulting generally takes place along a plane or narrow zone along which the rock mass on one side slips relatively to that on the other side. This is the fault plane, or the fault zone.

The inclination of a bed, vein, dike, fault, etc., is called the dip, which is measured in degrees from the horizontal. The strike is the direction of a horizontal line which lies within the plane of the bed, vein, dike or fault. The upper side of a vein, dike or fault is called by miners and geologists the hanging wall; the lower side is the footwall.

Most fault planes have an inclination or dip, somewhere between the horizontal and vertical. When the rocks on the upper side have moved down relative to the rock on the under side, the fault is called normal. If the reverse movement has taken place, the fault is called a reversed or thrust fault. The majority of faults are normal, but reversed faults are frequent.

Speaking broadly, faulting is apt to have taken place more freely in a shallow zone of the crust, from the surface down for some thousands of feet. Here the rocks are brittle. Many thousands of feet down, sedimentary rocks tend to buckle and yield by slow plastic movement, producing much folding. At great depths the pressure and the gases make the rocks still more plastic, and they yield by slow general flowage, producing gneisses.

2. Виявити лексичні засоби, які було уніфіковано при перекладі.

3. Скласти міні-словник.

Контрольні питання

1. Які є причини для лексичної уніфікації при перекладі?

2. Яка особливість слів, вживаних у різних функціях, є основою для лексичної уніфікації?

3. Які лексичні засоби підлягають уніфікації?

Література: [4, с. 135-142; 10, с. 77-79; 14, с. 220-223].

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 421 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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