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Applied grammar. (seegrammar reference § 11)


Task 14. Transform the sentences according to the models and translate them into Ukrainian:

A. Knowledge is a key to success, so there are so many ways to gather and keep information. – If knowledge weren’t a key to success, there wouldn’t be so many ways to gather and keep information.

1. Workplace virtualisation and telecommuting are very interesting topics, so I’ll prepare a report about them. 2. This company doesn’t use the Internet for advertising, so it will lose a host of potential clients. 3. I have a great deal of work to do, so I’ll spend this evening in the office. 4. He is a retailer, so he deals with different distributors. 5. MISs “alert” people to the existence of problems and opportunities, so they are often called management alerting systems. 6. I am in Greece now, so I use online chat rooms for discussing ongoing projects and exchanging some interesting ideas. 7. I am closely related to this project, so I have to deal with accounting. 8. This kind of business is still in its infancy, so you have to put a lot of money and other resources into its development. 9. We are a bit pressed for money, so you will have to keep your expenses below predetermined level of spending. 10. The information provided is very doubtful, so I’ll check it up once again.

B. I didn’t know about telecommuting, so I didn’t use it. – If I had known about telecommuting, I would have used it.

1. He put a lot of money into this transaction, so he wanted to know everything about it. 2. My last attempt to gain this client failed, so I waited for another opportunity. 3. The contract about delivery was really huge, so it took some time to read it. 4. The office was closed, so I had to wait to get my invoices signed. 5. This relationship was fundamental, so we spent a great deal of time to investigate it. 6. He didn’t get any fundamental information, so he wasn’t able to prepare this comparative report. 7. The seminar was devoted to different types of virtual workplaces, so I was provided with an opportunity to get a lot of helpful informa­tion. 8. The company had a disastrous lack of human resources, so it was faced with a real dilemma. 9. The demand is determined by the price, so there is a close relationship between demand and price. 10. His destiny in this company was predetermined, so he decided to find a job of a retailer in some other organisation.

Task 15. Transform the sentences according to the models and translate them into Ukrainian:

A. I am sorry an online chart room is not available in my computer now. – I wish an online chart room were available in my computer now.

1. It’s a pity you don’t know about electronic commerce. 2. It’s a pity our company hasn’t an intranet. 3. I am sorry this information isn’t available now. 4. Unfortunately, he hasn’t any talent for running a commercial department. 5. It’s a pity you are so ignorant of MIS. 6. Unfortunately, I can’t help you. 7. It’s a pity I haven’t any experience in this sphere of management. 8. I am sorry they don’t understand the relationship between success and effort. 9. It’s a pity you have to deal with this problem. 10. Unfortunately, the delivery was very long.

B. It’s a pity, I had such poor information about ongoing situation. – I wish I hadn’t had such poor information about ongoing situation.

1. Unfortunately, he hadn’t another opportunity. 2. It’s a pity, his career was predetermined. 3. What a pity, they didn’t manage to conquer the marketplace of that country. 4. I am sorry, I’ve lost the file with important information. 5. It’s a pity, he didn’t gain some proper qualification. 6. Unfortunately, it was impossible to provide them with all the necessary resources. 7. Unfortunately, those forces were too strong. 8. It’s a pity, I couldn’t find you earlier. 9. It’s a pity, the interchange was so unsuccessful. 10. He was sorry he conveyed that piece of information.

Task 16. Transform the sentences according to the models and translate them into Ukrainian:

A. I advise you to stop your attempts in this sphere of business. – You had better stop your attempts in this sphere of business.

1. We advise him to deal with tasks related to information processing and management. 2. I advise you to determine your goal. 3. They advised her to summarise her ideas in a short report. 4. He advised them to use computer-generated reports. 5. I advise you to organise an on-line conference. 6. I advise you to start at once. 7. They advised him to put out some drawbacks. 8. They advised us to take advantage of the opportunity. 9. I advise you to gather some competitive intelligence about this company. 10. We advised him to take part in some of the ongoing projects.

B. I prefer to use a chat room. – I would (had) rather (sooner) use a chat room.

1. I prefer to deal with clients in person. 2. He prefers to convey information through the Internet. 3. They prefer to store information in the computers. 4. I prefer to compare the data on my own. 5. She prefers to discuss this with her bank manager. 6. We prefer to be involved in this kind of delivery. 7. I prefer to deal with external information. 8. She prefers to use different types of advertising. 9. These employees prefer to use technology-enabled workplaces. 10. The customer prefers to buy a cheaper product.

Task 17. Fill in the gaps with correct forms of the verbs given in brackets using Conditional Mood:

1. But for the lack of videoconferencing software we ____ this mini conference even tomorrow (to organise). 2. I ____ you an e-mail, but one of the ongoing projects took all my time (to write). 3. But for the interorganisational system the flow of information between organisations ____ (to be automated). 4. She ____ a message, but her voice mail was out of order (to leave). 5. But for the lack of aid, we ____ this project today (to finish). 6. If you had used the Internet for advertising, the number of your clients ____ bigger (to be). 7. If I were you, I ____ with external market information (to work). 8. If you told me the definition of the term “information technology”, you ____ an excellent mark (to get). 9. If the electronic advertising hadn’t differed radically from television and radio advertising, there ____any need to conduct different kinds of seminars devoted to it (not to be). 10. I ____ this information, but I am busy with the preparation of the virtual meeting with the staff (to check).

Task 18. Fill in the gaps with correct forms of the verbs given in brackets using Suppositional Mood:

1. It was a pity that we ____ (to lose) such valuable competitive information. 2. It is desirable that you ____, ____ and ____ as much information as it is possible (to capture, to process, to store). 3. He suggested that we ____ these information resources in order to simplify their work over the project (to provide). 4. She was afraid lest she ____ her first steps in the sphere of electronic commerce (to fail). 5. John feared lest we ____ to get the information we needed from the Internet (to be unable). 6. It was ordered that we ____ all the necessary information related to this transaction (to provide). 7. I recommended that we ____ gathered competitive information more carefully (to study). 8. It’s a shame that we ____ the data and figures about our deliveries over the last ten months (not to check). 9. It was odd that he ____ abroad before having a host of foreign distributors and retailers (not to be). 10. He worried lest he ____ about something important during their meeting an hour ago (to forget).

Task 19. Fill in the gaps with correct forms of the verbs given in the brackets using:

A. Subjunctive I.

1. He demanded that we ____ a clear distinction between an MIS and other systems that support management efforts (to have). 2. It is necessary that we ____ these data for further usage (to store). 3. We suggested that we ____ the necessary number of employees, workplaces and resources (to provide). 4. I insist that we ____ some equipment for on-line conferences (to buy). 5. It is vitally important that business ____ with a marketplace (to interact). 6. He recommended that I ____ electronic data exchange (to use). 7. The manager proposed that we ____ on using communications technology (to focus). 8. It is important that organisation ____ intranets (to develop). 9. It is advisable that your company ____ with others both domestically and worldwide (to interact). 10. We demanded that our intranet ____ against outside access by special security software (to be guarded).

B. Subjunctive II.

1. I wish I ____ one more attempt yesterday (to have). 2. They wish they ____this difficult period (to survive). 3. If he ____ all the necessary information, I would have summarised it (to provide). 4. It’s high time we ____ towards our musts (to work). 5. It was high time we ____ which kind of action to take (to determine). 6. If only I ____ the information stored earlier (to summarise)! 7. He looked at me as though I ____ his last chance (to be). 8. She acted as if she ____everything beforehand (to decide). 9. If I ____ you, I would discuss this transaction once again. (to be). 10. I wish you ____ more successful in your business (to be).

Task 20. Translate the sentences into English using Conditional, Suppositional and Subjunctive Mood:

1. Шкода, що я не маю із собою цих накладних. 2. Він запропо­нував, щоб ми використовували Інтернет для спілкування з клієн­тами, постачальниками, дистриб’юторами та роздрібними торгов­цями. 3. Бажано, щоб моя майбутня робота була пов’язана із електронною комерцією. 4. Директор наполягав, щоб ми рекламу­вали товари за допомогою Інтернету. 5. На жаль, на зовнішньому ринку інформації немає жодних даних про наших конкурентів. 6. Важливо, щоб уся наявна інформація зберігалася у відповідних підгрупах. 7. Необ­хідно, щоб мій звіт містив велику кількість інформації про постав­ки за останні п’ять років. 8. Шкода, що ця компанія все ще пере­буває на ранньому етапі свого розвитку. 9. Він наказав, щоб ми взаємодіяли з ринком активніше. 10. Я вимагаю, щоб мені була надана допомога. 11. Якби не ця пере­вага, ми б втратили велику кількість клієнтів. 12. Саме час ско­ристатися їхньою допомогою. 13. Давно пора, щоб дані були зібрані в єдине ціле. 14. Необхідно, щоб ти скористався цією сприятливою нагодою. 15. Він заявляв, що знання повинні стати ключем до успіху. 16. Вона поводиться так, ніби вона топ-менеджер. 17. Він витрачає гроші так, ніби його доходи є справді величезними. 18. Я б хотіла, щоб їхні зусилля були більшими. 19. Тобі краще бути обережним під час спроби зібрати інформа­цію, необхідну для порівняльного звіту. 20. Їм краще ство­рити кілька віртуальних робочих місць. 21. Йому краще прослухати курс про бухгалтерські операції перед тим, як розпочати власний бізнес. 22. Якби звіт був готовий у заздалегідь визначений час, не було б жодних проблем (але вони були). 23. Їй краще підсумувати цю інформацію у формі коротких підгруп. 24. Я б волів поспілку­ватися із цим постачальником особисто. 25. Ми б воліли витра­тити трохи грошей на розвиток інформаційних технологій. 26. Він волів би працювати над поточним проектом. 27. Він побоювався, щоб він не працював із цією угодою самостійно. 28. Компанія хвилювалася, щоб віртуальна конференція не мала жодних недоліків. 29. Я боявся, що буду неспроможний виріши­ти, де і коли діяти. 30. Ми б одер­жали тисячі нових клієнтів у всьому світі, якби скористалися Інтернетом для ведення елект­ронної комерційної діяльності. 31. Якби мене попередили раніше! (в минулому). 32. О, якби ця інформація була доступна! 33. Якби це не була моя остання спроба! 34. Навіть якби члени колективу працювали у віддалених географіч­них зонах, ви змогли б спілку­ватися за допомогою Інтернету. 35. Важливо, щоб електронна комерційна діяльність підтримувала як зовнішні, так і внутрішні функції бізнесу. 36. Виглядало так, ніби телеком’ютинг цієї компанії все ще перебував на ранній стадії свого розвитку. 37. Я б повідомила цю інформацію, але вона не була наявна у базі даних. 38. Якщо б ви витратили трохи грошей на рекламу, це дало б результат у вигляді зростання обсягів продажу. 39. Він би отримав необхідну інформацію дуже швидко, але швидкість Інтернету була надзвичайно малою. 40. Якби їхня компанія роз­винула власну внутрішню мережу, її менеджери не мали б жодних проблем, пов’язаних зі спілкуванням на відстані.

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