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Use of the essential vocabulary. Task 2. Memorise the essential vocabulary to text 1 and translate the sentences containing it: (1) advantage (перевага; користь

Task 2. Memorise the essential vocabulary to Text 1 and translate the sentences containing it:

(1) advantage (перевага; користь, вигода) – smth. that puts you in a better position than other people or the state of being in a better position than others who are competing against you. Here are some key aspects of electronic commerce – both internal and external that offer your organisation a real competitive advantage. to take advantage of smth. – скористатися з чогось
(2) to aid (допомагати, сприяти) – to help, to assist. For businesses, electronic commerce means to use technology to aid in designing and producing products. aid – допомога, підтримка
(3) commerce (торгівля, комерція) – financial transactions, esp. buying and selling. The popular term for doing business electronically or with the aid of technology is electronic commerce.
(4) delivery (доставка, постачання) – the act of taking goods to particular place. An interorganisational system (IOS) automates the flow of information between organisations to support the planning, design, development, production and delivery of products and services.
(5) distributor (дистриб’ютор, гуртовик, агент з продажу) – a person or company that supplies manufacture’s goods or services to the consumers. For many organisations the Internet represents a great way to easily, quickly and inexpensively connect to customers, suppliers, distributors and retailers all over the world.
(6) effort (зусилля) – use of physical and mental energy. For external market information, most organisations focus a great deal of their efforts on gathering competitive intelligence about their competitors.
(7) to embark on (починати, братися за щось) – to start doing smth. The government embarked on a programme of radical economic reform.
(8) to encompass (містити в собі, торкатися проблеми тощо) – to cover, to include. This definition encompasses two themes: 1) information technology in support of how a business interacts with the marketplace and 2) information technology support of internal processes, functions and operations.
(9) to fall within (належати, бути частиною чого-небудь) – to be classed among; to come within. Whether you’re gathering competitive intelligence about your competitors, customers or internal processes, it falls within the category of electronic commerce if you do it by the way of technology.
(10) a great deal of (багато) –a large amount. He had a great deal of work to do.
(11) host (безліч, сила-силенна) –a great number, multitude. A host of management problems can be solved much easier using Management Information Systems.
(12) huge (величезний, колосальний) – extremely large; enormous. In business advertising can result in either a huge increase in sales or static sales.
(13) infancy (рання стадія розвитку, період становлення) – smth. new which hasn’t developed very much. Information technology, as both an industry and business resource, is still in its infancy.
(14) IT (information technology) (інформаційні технології) – the science and activity of using computers and other electronic equipment to store and send information. Traditional jobs such as mechanics or craftsman developed different ways than for example the IT branch.
(15) intelligence(інформація, дані) – information, news. Competitive intelligence is simply information about the internal workings of your organisation as well as the external market surrounding your organisation.
(16) to interact (взаємодіяти) – to act on each other. External electronic commerce addresses the use of information technology to support how a business interacts with the marketplace.
(17) interchange(взаємообмін)– 1) a substitution for one another of two things; 2) mutualexchange. One of the most important and widely used forms of electronic commerce between organisations is the use of electronic data interchange.
(18) ongoing(діючий, який відбувається у цей час; поточний) – activity going on; growing or developing. Intranet allows employees to meet in online chat rooms, exchange documents, discuss ongoing projects and conduct virtual meetings with staff located in remote geographic areas.
(19) primarily (спершу, спочатку; здебільшого) –chiefly, essen­tially. Investment remains tiny primarily because of the exorbitant cost of land.
(20) to put out (усувати) – to cause to be out. Remember, what you don’t know can put you out of business.
(21) to result in (закінчуватися, бути наслідком чогось) – to have a specified end or outcome. The wide use of innovative technologies can result in better sales of comnpany’s products.
(22) retailer (роздрібний торговець)– distributor that sells goods or services to consumers. Furniture and carpet retailers are among those reporting the sharpest annual decline in sales.
(23) static (статичний, непорушний) – not moving or changing. The number of young people obtaining qualifications has remained static or decreased.
(24) to support (підтримувати, сприяти) – to give help, to further (a course etc.). The economy of the time made it difficult to support centralised rule.
(25) telecommuting (режим дистанційної роботи працівника, телеком’ютинг) – working from home using equipment such as telephone, fax machines and modems to contact people. Today many organisations are restructuring in a variety of ways including virtualisation and telecommuting.
(26) transaction(справа, угода, операція) – a piece of esp. commercial business done. They would not disclose details of the transaction.

Task 3. Match each word in section A with its translation in section B:

A. Ongoing; to support; delivery; to encompass; primarily; telecommuting; commerce; interchange; huge; to result in; external; distributor; internal; to occur; to embark on; a great deal of; transaction; effort; to aid; supplier; advantage; to fall within; intelligence; accounting; marketplace; invoice; retailer; host; to interact; static.

B. Внутрішній; допомагати; закінчуватись; зовнішній; комерція; починати; багато; зусилля; бухгалтерська справа; поточний; постачальник; інформація; містити в собі; роздрібний торговець; фактура; безліч; взаємодіяти; траплятися; головним чином; телеком’ютинг; статичний; ринок; взаємообмін; угода; перевага; відноситись; постачання; гуртовик; величезний; підтримувати.

Task 4. Match each word in section A with the one of the similar meaning in section B:

A. Supplier; to occur; transaction; commerce; invoice; distributor; interchange; ongoing; to aid; to encompass; primarily; intelligence; host.

B. Trade; exchange; to assist; to comprise; provider; bill; mainly; multitude; information; deal; current; wholesaler; to happen.

Task 5. Match each word in section A with the one of the opposite meaning in section B:

A. External; retailer; advantage; huge; to support; static; primarily.

B. Tiny; to oppose; dynamic; secondarily; internal; wholesaler; drawback.

Task 6. Match each word in section A with its definition in section B:

A. Marketplace; to support; a great deal of; to embark on; to result in; to occur; internal; to fall within; commerce; effort; infancy; to interact.

B. Use of physical and mental energy; to come within; smth. new which hasn’t developed very much; to work together; existing or happening inside an organisation; financial transactions; to happen, to exist; to give help, to further; commercial world; to have a specified end or outcome; a large amount; to start doing smth.

Task 7. Rearrange the following jumbled words into sentences:

1. Information technology, in its infancy, is still. 2. IT, in today’s business environment, is one of the most important resources. 3. Businesses use IT, that occur in business, to perform functions. 4. The popular term, or with the aid of technology, for doing business electronically, is electronic commerce. 5. Electronic commerce, that addresses the use of informationtechnology, is a modern methodo­logy, as an essential enabler of business. 6. External electronic commerce, and internal electronic commerce, addresses the use of information technology, addresses the use of information technology to support internal processes, to support how a business interacts with the marketplace, functions and operations. 7. Electronic commerce means, from other organisations, being able to order products and services electronically. 8. One of the most important and widely used forms of electronic commerce, while performing transactions, is that of moving information electronically, with other organisations, between two organisations, through the use of electronic data interchange. 9. An interorganisational system, to support the planning, design, development, production, automates the flow of information between organisations, and delivery of products and services. 10. For most people, is about business-to-customer, electronic commerce.

Task 8. Memorise the essential vocabulary to Text 2 and translate the sentences containing it:

(1) to aggregate (збирати в одне ціле) – to collect, to add up, to combine into one mass. Summarised reports are simply those reports that aggregate information in some way.  
(2) to alert (попереджати про щось) – to warn, to inform. MISs are often called management alerting systems because they “alert” people (usually management) to the existence (or potential existence) of problems or opportunities.
(3) attempt(спроба, намагання) – a try, endeavour. As you might guess, comparative reports show two or more sets of similar information in an attempt to illustrate a relationship.
(4) available (наявний, доступний, досяжний) – at one’s disposal, obtainable. Exception reports show only a subset of available information based on some selection criteria.
(5) business (бізнес, комерційна діяльність; підприємство, фірма) – 1) buying and selling; trade; 2) commercial firm. Businesses understand that what they don’t know can become an Achilles heel and a source of advantage for their competitors.
(6) to capture (зібрати, записати дані) – to record (data) for use in a computer. Each system has its primary (and sometimes secondary) information-processing responsibilities such as capturing information, processing it and cradling or storing it in a database.  
(7) comparative (порівняльний) – involving comparison. A Washington newspaper published comparative profiles.  
(8) distinction(різниця, відмінність, розбіжність) – difference between two things. This is an important distinction between MIS and other systems that support management efforts.
(9) to face (стояти перед) – to confront. Therefore the challenge facing any business is to plan, develop, manage and use the most important resources-information, information technology and people – to provide perfect service at the customer’s moment of value.
(10) force (сила, фактор) – power. Forces shaping today’s new business, such as globalisation and electronic commerce, have made communication information a must for all organisations.
(11) to gain (здобути, отримати) – to obtain or win. More so than ever before, businesses all over the world are using information to gain a competitive advantage.  
(12) to generate (створювати, породжувати) – bring into existence; produce. Reports generated by MISs rarely tell someone why a problem or opportunity exist.  
(13) to move (переміщатися) – to shift; to change position, place. Today we have moved into the age that is different from any other.  
(14) must (необхідність; нагальна потреба) – essential, necessity. These valuable books are musts for you.  
(15) opportunity (сприятлива можливість, шанс, нагода) – favourable chance or possibility provided by circumstances. Opportunities will improve as the company expands domestically and internationally.  
(16) predetermined (заздалегідь визначений, встановлений, вирі­шений наперед) – to be predestined or decided by previous events or by people rather than by chance; decreed beforehand. Periodic reports are reports that are produced at a predetermined time interval i.e. daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and so on.  
(17) to store (зберігати) – to enter or retain (data or instructions) for subsequent use by a computer. The data are stored in the computer’s memory.  
(18) subset (підгрупа) – a set of all the elements which are contained in another set. Exception reports show only a subset of available information based on some selection criteria.  
(19) to summarise (підсумовувати, резюмувати; підводити під­сумки) – to be or make a summary of, to sum up. A management information system (MIS) is a system providing periodic and predetermined reports that summarise information within a database.  
(20) to survive(вижити, уціліти; продовжити існувати) – continue to live or exist. A business will only survive if it provides perfect service to its customers.

Task 9. Match each word in section A with its translation in section B:

A. Business; to move; to gain; distinction; to determine; to aggregate; force; must; to relate to; attempt; to generate; available; to capture; to store; relationship; to deal with; to convey; subset; to summarise; to alert; to point toward; to face; opportunity; to provide; resources; comparative.

B. Необхідність; стояти перед; стосуватися; спроба; займатися; наявний; зберігати; передавати; підсумовувати; підгрупа; порівняльний; ресурси; вказувати; визначати; попереджати; надавати; переміщатися; створювати; фактор; компанія; записувати; отримувати; відмінність; збирати; шанс; зв’язок.

Task 10. Match each word in section A with the one of the similar meaning in section B:

A. Must; to point; opportunity; to generate; force; to capture; to gain; distinction; related; to aggregate; business; available.

B. Necessity; to achieve; factor; to collect; to produce; connected; possibility; to record; difference; to indicate; company; obtainable;

Task 11. Match each word in section A with the one of the opposite meaning in section B:

A. Distinction; to store; to survive; to provide; to gain; available; related.

B. Unconnected; to die; to lose; to use; similarity; to take; out of stock.

Task 12. Match each word in section A with its definition in section B:

A. Attempt; to relate to; to survive; to determine; to generate; available; distinction; relationship; predetermined; to capture; opportunity; fundamental.

B. To decide or settle; at one’s disposal, obtainable; connection or association; to be predestined or decided; favourable chance or opening offered by circumstances; try, endeavour; to record data for use in a computer; to have reference to; being a base or foundation; continue to live or exist; bring into existence; difference between two things.

Task 13. Rearrange the following jumbled words into sentences:

1. Today, that is different, we have moved into the age, from any other. 2. Forces, have made communication information a must, shaping today’s new business, such as globalisation and electronic commerce, for all organisations. 3. Businesses understand, can become an Achilles heel and a source of advantage, that what they don’t know, for their competitors. 4. IT systems, are fundamental to the success, that help your organisation work with information and perform tasks, related to information processing, of an organisation. 5. Each system, such as capturing information, processing it, has its primary information-processing responsibilities, and cradling or storing it in a database. 6. Management information systems are, helping people access information, among the different types of systems. 7. A management information system, providing periodic and predetermined reports, is a system, that summarises information within a database. 8. MISs are systems, having information-processing responsibilities, through analytical processing and con­veying information, that include creating information, to whoever needs it. 9. MISs are often called, because they “alert” people, mana­gement alerting systems, to the existence of problems or opportunities. 10. Reports, rarely tell someone, generated by MISs, why a problem or opportunity exist.

Дата публикования: 2015-01-13; Прочитано: 460 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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