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Applied grammar. (seegrammar reference § 7, 8, 9, 10)

(see GRAMMAR REFERENCE § 7, 8, 9, 10)

Task 14. Find the Verbals and their complexes in the following sentences, name them and state their functions. Translate the sentences:

A. The Infinitive and its complexes:

1. Culture is often assumed to be the cause of misinterpretation. 2. Her high position made her conform to a certain kind of behaviour. 3. His gestures and movements were regarded to be impolite. 4. Despite all her efforts to emphasise the importance of those edicts, she failed to do this. 5. Here are some obviously arrogant and belligerent gestures for you to remember. 6. He wants her to be an advanced and efficient manager. 7. He recommended them to change the suppliers. 8. To be a good communicator means to be able to overcome various cultural differences. 9. The point was to perceive this complex situation. 10. They supposed John to be the main source of misinterpretation.

B. The Gerund and its complexes:

1. Hunkering is a very normal body position. 2. People from South American culture see standing up as the appropriate thing to do on certain occasions. 3. David was in the habit of rubbing his hands. 4. Can you sit without jerking? 5. The topic of our conversation is bribe taking. 6. The commission confirmed breaching health and safety regulations. 7. His main responsibility is hiring and firing. 8. He was obviously proud of having been given a sign (a nod) of approval. 9. It was no use varying the rules. 10. She was looking forward to breaking down these old rigorous regulations.

C. The Participle and its complexes:

1. “Here it is”, she said, indicating the segment on the map. 2. You are to avoid problems stemming from misinterpretations. 3. They sell products ranging from television to computer software. 4. The techni­ques used differ from company to company. 5. When questioned, he adopted a very aggressive attitude. 6. Having perceived the impor­tance of this contract, he decided to check it once again. 7. Some nations disrespect people talking too loud. 8. He was seen staring at the executive director. 9. He had his edicts published. 10. The conversation was considered finished.

Task 15.Transform the sentences using the Infinitive and its complexes:

1. He has confused two different gestures. He was sorry for this. 2. She hands down national traditions to her children. She is proud of it. 3. It is necessary that you should have an access to some information. 4. It is said that full embraces and kisses are quite normal while greeting in some cultures. 5. In some African cultures a smile is a sign of weakness. I cannot believe it. 6. It is assumed that some gestures and movements stemmed from religious beliefs. 7. It is believed that your prejudiced and biased attitude will cause some serious problems. 8. He enriched his knowledge of etiquette with some new rules. He was happy about it. 9. Body language or non-verbal communication is vital. We cannot do without it. 10. He trusted an old lady. He was awfully sorry for it.

Task 16.Transform the sentences using the Gerund and Gerundial phrases:

1. I ask dozens of questions. I cannot help that. 2. He insisted that she should vary her habits. 3. He emphasised that it gave him much pleasure to work with city dwellers. 4. They greeted him. They didn’t shake hands with him. 5. He was given a warm greeting. He is proud of it. 6. It is useless to work without market research. 7. He insisted that his suggestion should be adopted by the company. 8. Before he left the manager gave me some interesting information on the culture of communication. 9. I think I shall hunker for a moment. 10. Before he went on a business trip, he had several conversations about peculiarities of that country.

Task 17.Transform the sentences using the Participle and its complexes:

1. I saw him when he was shaking hands with a new supplier. 2. When he read the report, he found some inconsequentional remarks. 3. People who rub their face and hands while speaking are considered to be weak and shy. 4. Psychologists divide our behaviour into segments and analyze it. 5. I saw him when he was preparing his speech on non-verbal communi­cation. 6. As they had adopted some key points, they decided to remain at office despite late hour. 7. Eleven contracts were signed by the manager, who was hired last year. 8. We are to be careful with gestures which are used by different cultures. 9. I saw him as he was rubbing his cheek. 10. When his friendly gesture had been misinterpreted, he tried to explain it.

Task 18.Choose the appropriate Verbal and use it in the following sentences:

1. Seemingly, she was trying ____ (to reduce) her gestures. 2. Some misinterpretations can ____ (to create) without any visible causes. 3. It’s no use ____ (to be belligerent), when something goes wrong. 4. She was looking forward to ____ (to enrich) her vocabulary. 5. (to break down) ____ all rules of etiquette, he didn’t feel ashamed. 6. He was seen ____ (to make) some strange signs. 7. He made a sign ____ (to convey) disrespect. 8. He was ashamed of ____ (to be rude and biased) with her. 9. Most people dislike ____ (to affect) by others. 10. He wanted to have his edicts ____ (to publish) immediately. 11. Mary was in the habit of ____ (to confuse) details. 12. Would you mind my ____ (to hunker) here? 13. She is said ____ (to write and publish) two books on the history of gestures and movements. 14. All cultures use body movements in ____ (to communicate), but in different ways. 15. She was the last ____ (to greet) him.

Task 19. Complete the sentences of the following texts with the appropriate forms of the Verbals:

A. Without ____ (to gesture) our world would ____ (to be) static and colourless. 60 per cent of all our communication are considered ____ (to be) non-verbal. We use gestures daily, from ____ (to nod) to a waiter, ____ (to shake) hands with friends and clients to ____ (to use) a whole dictionary of gestures while ____ (to teach) a child.

No two people behave in the same way. Chinese like to avoid ____ (to say) “No”, ____ (to use) instead of it their head and teeth. In Japan women cover their mouths when ____ (to giggle) or ____ (to laugh). Thumbs-up is used for ____ (to hitch-hike) in America. Instead of ____ (to point) to an object, Filipinos will shift their eyes towards it or pursue the lips and point with a mouth, though in most countries such movement of lips is considered ____ (to be) impolite. Besides, generally ____ (to speak), some societies are touch-oriented and others are not. That’s why, while ____ (to visit) other country, be extremely attentive with your gestures, ____ (to try) to avoid those, which may ____ (to misinterpret).

B. Can’t ____ (to find) the right word? You might ____ (to want) to start ____ (to move) your hand. New research at the University of Alberta suggests that ____ (to gesture) while you talk may ____ (to improve) your access to language.

Dr. Nicoladis observed the hand gestures of bilingual children ____ (to tell) the same story twice, first in one language and then the other. ____ (to do) the research, doctor was very surprised. “The children used gestures a lot more when ____ (to tell) the story in what that considered ____ (to be) their stronger language”, said she. ”We thought the children would ____ (to be) more inclined to use gestures ____ (to help) them communicate in their weaker language”.

____ (to base) on these results and the results of earlier studies, Nicoladis believes there is a connection between language, memory access and ____ (to gesture).

Task 20. Translate the sentences into English using the Verbals:

1. Неможливо подолати упереджене ставлення до деяких звичок. 2. Інколи вона має тенденцію бути дуже войовничою та грубою. 3. Люди, які живуть у різних країнах, мають різні звички та цін­ності. 4. Які жести вважають образливими у США? 5. Кажуть, що ці жести та рухи передавалися з покоління в покоління. 6. Одер­жання подарунку чи дотик лівою рукою є серйозним порушенням етикету серед мусульман. 7. Він думав про те, щоб перейняти цей стиль поведінки. 8. Деякі європейці не люблять дотику та потис­кання рук. 9. Мій партнер по бізнесу не любив людей, які пока­зують знак “перемога” із двох пальців. 10. Відвідавши Болгарію, він дізнався, що у цій країні рух голови вверх-вниз означає “ні”, а рух голови з боку у бік – “так”. 11. Не знаючи жестів цієї країни, він намагався уникати навіть потиску рук. 12. Вони перейшли до пункту, визначеного раніше. 13. Він сидів зі складеними руками та ногами. 14. Хоча жести та рухи тіла можуть передавати різні значення, немає сенсу цілковито уникати їх. 15. Їй подобалось розмовляти з клієнтами. 16. Вважається, що певні зміни відбули­ся в азіатській культурі. 17. Він продовжував сидіти, не змінюю­чи своєї пози. 18. Помітили, що він вплутувався у якісь проблеми. 19. Передавши основну ідею, він кивнув головою. 20. Він думав про те, щоб “схопити” момент для підписання контракту. 21. Бачили, що він залишався там впродовж певного часу. 22. Бачили, як партнери усміхалися та потискали руки. 23. Усміхнувшись до клієнтів, вона продовжила презентацію. 24. Перед тим, як сказати щось серйозне, наш директор завжди вигинав брови дугою. 25. Вважають, що невербальне спілкування є нечітким та неточним. 26. Як ми називаємо спілкування, яке відбувається без слів? 27. Спілкуючись із людьми з різних країн, ми значно збагачуємо наше життя. 28. Очевидно, він був зайнятий обговоренням недоліків їхнього контракту. 29. Вибачте за те, що я був неввічливим. 30. Чи не заперечуєте ви проти того, щоб я наголосив на цій проблемі? 31. Немає потреби передавати усі ці едикти. 32. Вона із нетерпінням очікувала на те, щоб передати інформацію. 33. У Японії знак “ОК” означає “гроші”. 34. Відомо, що він робив непослідовні кроки раніше. 35. Кажуть, що цей чоловік пов’язаний із хабарництвом. 36. Кажуть, що кожна країна і кожна культура мають певні особливості, пов’язані із мовою жестів. 37. Виявилось, що вони неправильно трактували жести та вирази обличчя один одного впродовж довгого періоду. 38. Вона хотіла, щоб менеджери мали ґрунтовні знання різних культур. 39. Він був першим, хто розпочав розмову. 40. Він показав мені дорогу, кивнувши головою.

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