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Applied grammar. (seegrammar reference § 9)


Task 14. Transform the sentences using the Gerund instead of the Infinitive according to the model:

We continue to adhere to his instructions. – We continue adhering to his instructions.

1. He likes to adjust databases. 2. He began to advocate his subordinates. 3. We started to anticipate good news. 4. His colleagues prefer to advocate his new ideas. 5. They began to cooperate during the previous project. 6. They started to coerce people to work on holidays. 7. She intends to conceal the real situation. 8. They prefer to debrief customers. 9. She continues to deceive her friends. 10. He intends to eliminate unethical problems from the research process.

Task 15. Combine the sentences using the Gerund according to the model:

You ensured my security. I thank you for it. – I thank you for ensuring my security.

1. You explained the ethical code to us. We thank you for this. 2. She guided the whole research project. We thank her for it. 3. They induced our activity. We thank them for it. 4. She invoiced all goods for us. We thank her for it. 5. She found the middle ground. I thank her for it. 6. He always questioned the morality of his actions. We thank him for this. 7. He never overstated our possibilities. We thank him for this. 8. He looked through my resume. I thank him for it. 9. He regulates my activity. I thank him for it. 10. He prepared the report for us. We thank him for it.

Task 16. Transform the sentences using the Gerundial phrases according to the models:

A. After he forecasted changes in the market, he began to work as an analyst. – After forecasting changes in the market, he began to work as an analyst.

1. Before he started a project, he defined his personal goals. 2. Before he came to conclusion, he found several evidences. 3. Before they supplied their products, they surveyed the market. 4. After he finished his research, he informed the top-manager about its results. 5. Before he wrote his report, he carried out additional research. 6. After he inquired customers, he predicted sales increase. 7. Before he made a presentation, he prepared a lot of visual aids. 8. After he finished his research, he refined data storing. 9. After he prepared the plan of his research, he began the process. 10. After they hired some more employees, they finished their research very quickly.

B. She insisted that she should solve the problem herself. – She insisted on solving the problem herself.

1. He insisted that he should solve the problem himself. 2. They insisted that they should report about the current economic situation. 3. She insisted that she should survey the market. 4. I insisted that I should participate in the research process. 5. She insisted that she should adhere to the laws. 6. He insisted that he should adjust this ethical dilemma. 7. We insisted that we should advocate our rights. 8. We insisted that we should arrange our research according to procedures and protocol. 9. She insisted that she should have an additional day-off. 10. He insisted that he should debrief the company’s suppliers.

C. He insisted that he should be eliminated from the team. – He insisted on being eliminated from the team.

1. He insisted that he should be provided with the necessary equipment. 2. She insisted that she should be shown the results of the survey. 3. They insisted that they should be provided with psychological help. 4. He insisted that he should be guided by a professional. 5. He insisted that he should be encouraged with high salary. 6. He insisted that he should be exempted from all liabilities. 7. He insisted that he should be helped with his research. 8. She insisted that she should not be supervised. 9. He insisted that he should be shown the way out. 10. We insisted that we should be paid in time.

Task 17. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Gerund according to the models:

A. I want to get your report very much. – I am looking forward to getting your report.

1. She wants to participate in research very much. 2. He wants to account for his project very much. 3. We want to analyze their activity very much. 4. We want to use scientific approach very much. 5. I want to reach the goal very much. 6. He wants to conduct research very much. 7. He wants to enhance his position in the company very much. 8. He wants to initiate a new project. 9. She wants to explore the activity of our competitors very much. 10. He wants to present various facets of the problem very much.

B. It gave me much pleasure to work with you. – I enjoyed working with you.

1. It gave me much pleasure to communicate with you. 2. It gave her much pleasure to forecast the company’s growth. 3. It gave him much pleasure to reach the goal. 4. It gave them much pleasure to predict our success. 5. It gave us much pleasure to get this information. 6. It gave me much pleasure to carry out inquiry. 7. It gave her much pleasure to announce the results. 8. It gave me much pleasure to research the market. 9. It gave us much pleasure to do the merger of our companies. 10. It gave me much pleasure to get these outcomes.

C. It is useless to apply old methods. – It is no use applying old methods.

1. It is useless to refine old equipment. 2. It is useless to apply old samples. 3. It is useless to select only one aspect of the problem. 4. It is useless to neglect this problem. 5. It is useless to state this point of view. 6. It is useless to complete this project. 7. It is useless to survey their trade policy. 8. It is useless to witness the whole process. 9. It is useless to break the rules. 10. It is useless to modify the design of the project once again.

Task 18. Combine the following sentences using the Gerund according to the models:

A. I am a team leader. I am proud of it. – I am proud of being a team leader.

1. He works with our director. He is proud of it. 2. I advocate his rights. I am proud of it. 3. I anticipated our success. I am proud of it. 4. He concealed negative emotions. He is proud of it. 5. She shows creativity. She is proud of it. 6. She debriefs customers. She is proud of it. 7. He assisted his boss. He is proud of it. 8. He won the competition. He is proud of it. 9. He achieved good results. He is proud of it. 10. He showed ethical relativism. He is proud of it.

B. He is given important information. He is proud of it. – He is proud of being given important information.

1. He is guided by his manager. He is proud of it. 2. She is induced by a bonus. She is proud of it. 3. He is included to the research group. He is proud of it. 4. He is examined by professionals. He is proud of it. 5. He is influenced by his colleagues. He is proud of it. 6. They are awarded premium every year. They are proud of it. 7. He is guided by sense of morality. He is proud of it. 8. He is considered a good specialist. He is proud of it. 9. He is governed by ethical code. He is proud of it. 10. He is excluded from the list of debtors. He is proud of it.

Task 19. Combine the following sentences using the Gerund according to the models:

A. He was given important information. He is proud of it. – He is proud of having been given important information.

1. She was guided by her friend. She is proud of it. 2. They were induced by premium. They are proud of it. 3. She was guided by ethical code. She is proud of it. 4. He was treated like a very important person. He is proud of it. 5. He was announced as a project manager. He is proud of it. 6. She was declared as a research sponsor. She is proud of it. 7. He was protected from failure. He is proud of it. 8. He was followed by his disciple. He is proud of it. 9. He was explained the study benefits. He is proud of it. 10. He was named as the best author of the year. He is proud of it.

B. I did not request permission. I planned the interview myself. – Instead of requesting permission, I planned the interview myself.

1. I did not collect data during research process. I debriefed respondents. 2. He did not describe the hypothesis. He clarified the purpose of research. 3. He did not guarantee the confidentiality. He published the names of respondents. 4. She did not restrict access to respondent identification. She made public all the names. 5. He did not answer. He asked many questions himself. 6. He did not admit the researcher. He closed the door. 7. He did not inform the respondent of his rights. He began his interview. 8. He did not obtain permission. He interviewed respondents himself. 9. He did not react to changes in business environment. He increased the number of employees. 10. He did not respond to public policy. He increased the production.

Task 20. Translate the sentences into English using Gerunds and Gerundial phrases:

1. Пробачте, що я провів інтерв’ю без вас. 2. Пробачте, що я прийняв рішення самостійно. 3. Вибачте, що я не попередив вас. 4. Дякую вам за те, що погодились брати участь у дослідженні. 5. Дякую тобі, що допоміг спланувати дослідження. 6. Дякую, що ви пояснили мені кодекс поведінки працівників компанії. 7. Я пам’ятаю, що забезпечив вас необхідною інформацією. 8. Вони пам’ятають, що вирішували цю проблему під час зустрічі. 9. Ми пам’ятаємо, що застосовували саме ці методи дослідження. 10. Мене дивує, що вони не можуть прийняти рішення самос­тійно. 11. Мені дивно, що вони застосували науковий підхід до вирішення цієї проблеми. 12. Мене дивує, що вони здійснили дослідження для іншої компанії. 13. Він заперечував проти того, щоб я здійснив фінансовий аудит проекту. 14. Вони заперечували проти того, щоб я забезпечила їх інформацією. 15. Ви не заперечуєте проти того, щоб я приєдналася до проекту? 16. Він наполя­гав на тому, щоб усі здали звіт вчасно. 17. Вона наполягала на тому, щоб їй доручили проведення презентації. 18. Він наполягав на тому, щоб його включили до складу комісії. 19. Це залежить від того, чи завершить він проект вчасно. 20. Все залежить від того, чи буде інформація достовірною. 21. Ваша зарплата зале­жить від того, чи удосконалите ви виробництво. 22. Успіх нашої роботи залежить від того, чи отримаємо ми достовірні результати дослідження. 23. Ми з нетерпінням чекали, коли він звільниться. 24. Він з нетерпінням чекав, коли вони доручать йому цю справу. 25. Вона з нетерпінням чекала, коли її запросять на переговори. 26. Я з нетерпінням чекаю, коли займу місце регіонального менеджера. 27. Вона пішла додому, не закінчивши роботу. 28. Ми не можемо розширити виробництво, не закінчивши вивчення ринку збуту. 29. Замість того, щоб розмовляти з респондентами по телефону, ми можемо зустрітися з ними в магазинах. 30. Замість того, щоб дати відповідь, він почав ставити запитан­ня. 31. Я дізнався багато цікавого, порозмовлявши із споживача­ми. 32. Ми можемо удосконалити виробництво, закупивши нове обладнання. 33. Я краще встановлюю контакт з людиною, роз­мовляючи з нею по телефону. 34. Я не мав нагоди дати їй пораду. 35. Він не мав нагоди налагодити стосунки з колективом. 36. Це питання потребує додаткового розгляду. 37. Респондентів треба опитати ще раз. 38. Він зайнятий опитуванням споживачів. 39. Ми зайняті розширенням штату працівників. 40. Ця проблема потребує прискіпливого вивчення.

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