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I. Exercises.

1. Запомните произношение следующих слов:

microorganism lobar

aerobic pneumococci

anaerobic consolidation

coccus (pi. cocci) mucous

bacillus (pi. bacilli) membrane

virulent phagocyte

2. Выучите следующие слова:

growth (n) — рост; увеличение; новообразование; опухоль

however (cj) - однако, тем не менее, несмотря на

favourable (adj) - благоприятный; положительный; удобный

multiply (v) - размножаться

size (n) - размер, величина

certain (a) - некоторый; некий; определенный

environment (n) - окружающая среда

invade (v) - вторгаться; поражать болезнью

destroy (v) - разрушать, уничтожать

occur (v) — встречаться, случаться; происходить

reveal (v) - показывать, обнаруживать, выявлять

persist (v) - сохраняться, продолжать существовать

impair (v) - повреждать, ухудшать; нарушать

skin (n) - кожа

catch (caught, caught) (v) - схватить; заболеть; заразиться

report (v) - докладывать; сообщать; (п) доклад; сообщение

3. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

1) favourable: a favourable reaction, favourable conditions, favourable results,
favourable development;

2) environment: home environment, the conditions of the environment, the
environment acts favourably;

3) occur: occurred, a disease occurs, an interesting phenomenon occurred during
the observation. When did it occur?

4) persist: persisted, the disease persists, the temperature persists, the pain in the
left side persisted;

5) impair: impairment, to impair the lung, to impair the functions of the pancreas,
to impair the health;

4. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык, а словосочетания с ними -на английский:


быстрый рост; постоянный рост; медленный рост костей; тормозить (задерживать) рост; обнаружить новообразование в печени;

2) favourable (a)

благоприятная реакция; при благоприятных условиях; развиваться быстро в благоприятной окружающей среде;

3) multiply (v)

микроорганизмы размножаются быстро; размножаться делением; процесс размножения;

4) size (n)

большой размер; небольшой размер; микроорганизмы одной величины; определить размер (величину) новообразования; быть равным чему-либо по величине; опухоль была размером с маленький орех (nut);

5) environment (n)

условия окружающей среды; домашняя среда (обстановка); эта окружающая среда действует неблагоприятно на рост кокков;

6) invade (v)

постоянно вторгаться; микроорганизмы вторгаются в организм человека; опухоль поражает здоровые ткани;

7) destroy (v)

уничтожать полностью; уничтожать быстро; уничтожать вирулентные микроорганизмы; вторгающиеся микроорганизмы уничтожаются фагоцитами;

8) occur (v)

Это заболевание встречается очень часто. При гриппе могут происходить некоторые осложнения. Сердечный приступ (attack) случился дважды за один день. Когда это случилось?

9) reveal (v)

медицинский осмотр показал; у больного были выявлены стафилококки; что показывает анализ крови?

10) persist (v)

боль сохраняется; температура сохранялась; болезнь продолжалась, хотя больной получал соответствующее лечение;

11) impair (v)

подорвать здоровье; нарушить функции сердца; кровоснабжение было нарушено;

12) skin (n)

гладкая кожа; красноватая кожа; повредить наружный (outer) кожный покров;

13) catch (v)

заболеть гриппом; заразиться инфекционной болезнью; фагоциты захватывают и уничтожают определенные микробы;

14) report (v)

сообщают, что...; докладывать о последних научных достижениях; в этой статье сообщалось о результатах многочисленных опытов;

15) certain (а)

в определенные (установленные) дни; при определенных условиях; некий исследователь; по некоторым причинам (reasons).

5. Соедините пары предложений по образцу, используя союз however -однако.


The patient is receiving a proper treatment. The disease persists.

The patient is receiving a proper treatment however the disease persists.

1) The environment was not favourable. The pneumococci continued to multiply. 2) The general condition of the patient has become better. Some impairments of the blood supply of the left lower extremity still persist. 3) Many virulent microorganisms invade our body. The disease does not always develop due to protective agents.

II. a) Text "Microorganisms"

All the existing microorganisms can be divided into two main groups -aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic microorganisms must have atmospheric free oxygen for their life and growth. However one knows that free oxygen is not favourable for the development of anaerobic microorganisms.

Bacteria vary in shape and according to this feature they are divided into some groups. Spherical bacteria have been called cocci. They are also subdivided into several groups. Rod-shaped bacteria are called bacilli.

When bacteria multiply they divide. The growing organism increases in size up to a certain limit and in due time divides. The process of division depends on the conditions of the environment.

Any minute virulent microorganisms may invade the human body. But due to the local protective agents of the human body they are destroyed. In this case no disease occurs.

However the local protective agents of the human body are always able to destroy completely the invading microorganisms. It is known that in such a case a local or general infection may occur.

Most of the microorganisms produce diseases when they enter the tissue and destroy it. If one examines under the microscope the alveoli of the lung of the man with lobar pneumonia a great number of pneumococci can be revealed. While the disease persists the lung may be considerably impaired because of the consolidations which may develop in it.

But the human body can fight against the microorganisms which have passed its first protective barriers, i.e. skin and mucous membranes.

The prominent Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov had made investigations before he was able to come to the conclusion that leucocytes could catch and destroy certain microbes. I.I. Mechnikov called them phagocytes or microbe cell destroyers.

Answer the following questions:

1) What conditions are favourable for the growth and life of both aerobic and
anaerobic microbes?

2) According to what are bacteria divided into groups?

3) To what limit do growing organisms increase in size when they multiply?

4) Due to what are minute virulent microorganisms destroyed when they invade
the human body?

5) In what case may local or general infection occur?

6) What can be revealed under the microscope in the alveoli of the lung of the man
with lobar pneumonia?

7) Why may the lung be considerably impaired while the disease persists?

8) What barriers do skin and mucous membranes form?

9) What is the role of leucocytes in the human body?

b) Text "Robert Koch"

Robert Koch was a prominent German bacteriologist, the founder of modern microbiology. He was born in 1843, dies in 1910. When Robert Koch became a doctor he carried on many experiments on mice in a small laboratory. In 1882 Robert Koch discovered tuberculosis bacilli. In his report made in the Berlin Physiologist Society Robert Koch described in detail the morphology of tuberculosis bacilli and the ways to reveal them. Due to his discovery Robert Koch became known all over the world. In 1884 Robert Koch published his book on cholera. This book included the investigations of his research work carried out during the cholera epidemic in Egypt and India. From the intestines of the men with cholera Robert Koch isolated a small comma-shaped bacterium. He determined that these bacteria spread through drinking water. In 1905 Robert Koch got Nobel prize for his important scientific discoveries.

III. Model verbs and their equivalents. Exercises.

1. Прочтите данные предложения, обращая внимание на то, чем заменяются модальные глаголы. Запомните эти заменители-эквиваленты:

A. Не can do this work. = Не is able to do this work.
He could do this work. = He was able to do this work.

He will be able to do this work.

B. He may do this work. = He is allowed to do this work.

He will be allowed to do this work.

С. Не must do this work. = He has to do this work.

He had to do this work. He will have to do this work.

2. Употребите сказуемые в будущем времени:

1) The scientist can prove his investigations. 2) The patient may walk. 3) The nurse must feed the infant.

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые слова:

1) "Somebody has just come to see you", said the nurse. 2) Something new has been found out during this experiment. 3) We'll go somewhere on Sunday. 4) Have you discovered anything new during the examination? 5) Has the doctor seen anybody yet? 6) Did go anywhere last summer? 7) The scientist did not observe anything new. 8) My friend did not see anybody there. 9) Someone must count the number of the red blood cells. 10) Has anyone already accomplished the research work? 11) Nobody was discharged from the hospital yesterday. 12) Nothing interesting was proved. 13) He could find this book nowhere.

4. Переведите слова, данные в скобках, а затем переведите предложения:

1) (Все) understood well the significance of this problem. 2) (Никто) felt tiredness after a long walk. 3) Can you see (что-либо) on the lateral surface of the right lower extremity? 4) Does the pain spread (куда-либо) when you breathe in? 5) There is (ничего) new about the process of inhibition in the report?

5. Выучите следующие слова. Предложения переведите:
wound (n)

There was a large and deep wound on the lateral surface of the leg. throat (n)

to have a sore throat to gargle one's throat

The doctor revealed redness in the patient's throat.

He has a sore throat, property (n)

The main property of phagocytes is to destroy the invading microbes, mucus (n)

The inner surface of the nose is covered with mucus, pathogenic (a)

Pathogenic microorganisms produce different diseases.

6. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык, а словосочетания с ними -
на английский:

1) plant (n)

полезное растение; быстрый рост растений; табак (растение); исследовать развитие растений;

2) juice (n)

сок растения; овощной сок; пить томатный сок; желудочный сок; сделать анализ сока поджелудочной железы;

3) fine (a)

тонкая игла; тонкая (нежная) кожа; мелкий фильтр; мелкая пыль; вдыхать мелкую пыль; сшивать (to suture) ткани тонкой иглой;

4) pass (v)

кровь проходит по сосудам; время проходит быстро; пропускать сок через тонкий фильтр; звук не проходит через толстые стены;

5) branch (n)

важная отрасль науки; вирусология является одним из разделов микробиологии; установить (основать) новую отрасль медицины;

6) wound (n)

тяжелая рана; серьезная рана; легкая рана; рана заживает (to be healing) хорошо; умереть от ран; перевязать (to bandage) рану;

7) throat (n)

больное горло; у меня болит горло; осмотреть горло больного; покраснение (краснота) горла; болезни горла; полоскать (to gargle) горло;

8) property (n)

химические свойства различных элементов; растения, обладающие целебными свойствами; главное свойство; иметь некоторые специфические свойства;

9) mucus (n)

выделять слизь; выделение слизи; слизь кишечника; бактерии могут размножаться в слизи;

10) pathogenic (a)

патогенные микроорганизмы; патогенные микроорганизмы вызывают болезни; фагоциты разрушают патогенные микроорганизмы;


IV. Text "The Founder of Virology"

Dmitry losiphovitch Ivanovsky, a prominent Russian scientist, was born in 1864. In 1888 he graduated from Petersburg University, and began to study the physiology of plants and microbiology.

When Dmitry losiphovitch Ivanovsky was investigating the tobacco mosaic disease he was able to come to the conclusion that this disease occurred due to a microscopic agent, many times smaller than bacteria.

To prove this phenomenon Dmitry losiphovitch Ivanovsky had to make many experiments on various plants. He had to pass the juice of the diseased plant through a fine filter which could catch the smallest bacteria. At that time a little over 90 years ago everybody considered that bacteria were the smallest living

organisms. But when Dmitry losiphovitch Ivanovsky had completed to pass the juice through a fine filter, he was able to come to the conclusion that the living organisms smaller than bacteria existed in the environment, because when he introduced the filtrate of the diseased plants to healthy ones they became infected.

Before Dmitry losiphovitch Ivanovsky nobody had been able to prove the existence of viruses. Dmitry losiphovitch Ivanovsky was the first scientist who was able to establish the new branch of microbiology - virology.

V. Exercises.

1. Instead of the modal verbs use their equivalents in the proper tense:

1) The doctor must determine the origin of the disease for its successful treatment. 2) The doctor could reveal the consolidation in the lung by the X-ray examination. 3) The students of our group may not be present at this meeting. 4) The scientists can observe a rapid growth of microorganisms under the microscope.

2. Put the predicate into Past:

1) The infant must move as much as possible for the proper development of the body. 2) In this patient the proper functions of the heart can be impaired due to the grippe. 3) During work one must give rest to the organism (particularly to the brain and the eyes) every hour or half an hour. 4) His constant tiredness may impair his heart.

3. Translate the following sentences:

1) Все знают, что микроорганизмы размножаются делением. 2) Долгое время Кох нигде не мог обнаружить бактерии холеры. 3) До Везалия никто не мог точно определить строение сердца человека. 4) Должен ли был исследователь доказать что-то новое этим опытом? 5) Всем известно, что температура тела бывает наиболее низкой утром и наиболее высокой в ранние вечерние часы.

VI. Text "How bacteria invade the body"

If there are no wounds on the skin no bacteria can invade it. But if any smallest wound exists then bacteria can pass into the tissue. The thin membranes about the eye, in the nose and throat have less protective properties against bacterial invasion and infection may often develop in these points.

The way by which a microorganism enters the human body is an important factor to determine the occurrence of any disease. Certain bacteria can persist and develop in the human body only coming into contact with respiratory tract, others through contact with the mucus of the intestines.

The skin and mucus membranes of the body have a large number of bacteria; some of them are highly pathogenic in a favourable environment. The spread of these bacteria is controlled by the skin and phagocytes fighting against the invaders.

VII. Exercises.

1. В следующих предложениях обратите внимание на случаи употребления

глагола "to be":

1. My friend is a surgeon. 1. Мой друг — хирург.
2. The surgeon is performing an 2. Хирург производит операцию.
3. The patient is operated on. 3. Больного оперируют.
4. The surgeon is in the clinic. 4. Хирург находится в клинике.
5. The surgeon is to operate on this 5. Хирург должен оперировать этого
patient. больного.

2. В следующих предложениях обратите внимание на случаи употребления глагола "to have":

1. My friend has an atlas. 1. У моего друга есть атлас.
2. He has proved his conclusions. 2. Он доказал свои выводы.
3. We have to examine him. 3. Нам нужно обследовать его.

3. Прочтите предложения и обратите внимание на способы выражения долженствования:

1. Students must attend all the lectures. 1. Студенты должны посещать все лекции.
2. Students have to carry on scientific 2. Студентам нужно проводить научную работу.
3. The students are to visit this museum. 3. Студентам необходимо посетить этот музей.
4. The students should pay more 4. Студентам следует обращать большое внимание на иностранные языки.
attention to foreign languages.

4. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1) One should remember that most viruses are destroyed at the temperature of 50-60° within 30-60 minutes. 2) During the experiment the scientist was to investigate the process of inhibition in the cortex of the experimental animals. 3) D. Ivanovsky filtered the juice of the diseased plants through such fine filters through which even the smallest bacteria could not pass. 4) The environment must be provided with the proper amount of oxygen for the growth of aerobic microorganisms.

5. Прочтите следующие слова. Переведите их:

antibacterial expert

colony injection

toxic penicillin

biologist nature

6. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

drug (n) - лекарство

dangerous (a) - опасный

disappear (v) - исчезать

immediately (adv) - немедленно

common (a) - обычный; общий; распространенный

same (a) - тот же самый, одинаковый

dry (а) - сухой; (v) - сушить; вытирать

extract (v) - выделять; удалять

pure (a) - чистый

try (v) - пробовать, стараться

fail (v) - не удаваться, терпеть неудачу; провалиться (на экзамене);

to fail to do smth - не суметь, не быть в состоянии сделать что-либо

NB! Иногда глагол to fail с последующим инфинитивом переводится отрицанием не, а инфинитив переводится в том времени, в каком стоит глагол to fail.

The X-ray examination failed to reveal heart enlargement. Рентгенологическое обследование не показало расширения сердца.

7. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык, а словосочетания с ними -на английский:


полезное лекарство; лекарство от головной боли; принимать лекарство три раза в день; заказать лекарство;

2) dangerous (a)

опасный для жизни; быть опасным для людей; опасная болезнь; иметь опасные осложнения;

3) disappear (v)

бактерии исчезают; быстро исчезать; внезапно исчезнуть; токсические явления уже исчезли;

4) immediately (adv)

оперировать немедленно; быть принятым в больницу немедленно; немедленно исчезнуть;

5) common (a)

обычное (распространенное) заболевание; общие свойства микроорганизмов; развиваться в обычной среде;

6) dry (a, v)

сухой климат; сухой кашель; сухая кожа; сухое горло; сушить овощи и фрукты; хирург вытер руки;

7) extract (v)

выделить сок; выделить чистый пенициллин; зуб был немедленно удален; хирург удалил инородное тело из горла;

8) pure (a)

в чистом виде; чистый сок; ввести чистый новокаин;

8. Из данных предложений выберите те, в которых глагол to be употреблен в
модальном значении; переведите их.

1) The disease is particularly dangerous to our health. 2) The dentist is to extract your bad tooth. 3) The biologist is investigating the nature of this phenomenon. 4) This drug is to be taken three times a day before meals. 5) His health is impaired due to a dangerous lung disease. 6) The growth of virulent microorganisms is to be stopped by penicillin injections. 7) The consolidation in the lungs is revealed by X-ray examination.

9. Переведите следующие предложения, используя глагол to have в разных

1) Недавно он сильно простудился. 2) Антибиотики имеют некоторые антибактериальные свойства. 3) Нужно пить чистую воду, чтобы не заболеть какой-либо желудочно-кишечной болезнью. 4) Медсестра уже перевязала рану больного. 5) Младенца нужно кормить регулярно.

10. Измените предложения по образцу и переведите их:

Model: He must take this drug for a headache. He should take this drug for a headache. He has to take this drug for a headache. He is to take this drug for a headache.

1) The scientist must carry on numerous experiments on animals before treating people with new drugs. 2) The microbiologist must try a new method of investigation to reveal virulent microorganisms.

11. Переведите предложения, в которых встречаются слова со значением "то
же самое" ("те же самые").

1) The skin was impaired by some infection. 2) The investigator observed the same phenomenon in all his experiments. 3) Some dangerous complications have occurred after the grippe. 5) The repeated blood analyses gave the same findings.

12. Переведите следующие предложения:

1) Вы должны принимать то же (самое) лекарство, которое принимали в прошлом году. 2) При исследовании слизи из кишечника были найдены те же бациллы, что и при исследовании слизи из ротовой полости. 3) Во всех исследованных случаях была установлена та же (самая) природа заболевания.

VIII. Text "Alexander Fleming"

Alexander Fleming was born in 1881. He did research work at one of the hospitals in London and became interested in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs.

One day Alexander Fleming's assistant brought him a plate on which a colony of dangerous bacteria were being grown. "This plate cannot be used for the experiment," said the assistant. "Some mould has formed on it and I'll have to take another plate." Alexander Fleming was ready to allow his assistant to do so. Then he looked at the plate and saw that the bacteria around the mould had disappeared. Alexander Fleming understood the importance of what had happened and immediately began to study the phenomenon.

He placed some mould on other plates and grew more colonies, By means of numerous experiments on animals he determined that this new substance was not toxic to the tissues and stopped the growth of the most common pathogenic bacteria.

Alexander Fleming called this substance penicillin. It is of the same family of moulds that often appear on dry bread.

But many investigations had been carried out before a method of extracting pure penicillin was found. It was also very difficult for Alexander Fleming to interest biologists and mould experts in penicillin and to decide the problem of its production.

In 1942 Alexander Fleming tried his own first experiment. A friend of his was very ill, dying. After several injections of penicillin the man was cured. It marked the beginning of penicillin treatment.

Alexander Fleming received the Nobel Prize for his great discovery. But he said: "Everywhere I go people thank me for saving their lives. I do not know why they do it. I didn't do anything. Nature makes penicillin. I only found it."

IX. Exercises.

1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the verbs "to
be", "to have", "should":

1) Hypertension is a dangerous disease. 2) Hypertension is treated with special antihypertensive drugs. 3) We see that in this patient the symptoms of hypertension are disappeared slowly. 4) A patient with hypertension is usually in the clinic. 5) A patient with hypertension is to follow a definite course of treatment. 6) The patient has a deep would in his leg. 7) The surgeon has just examined a deep would in the patient's leg. 8) The surgeon has to examine the patient with a deep wound in his leg. 9) You should report me on any changes in the patient's condition. 10) One should remember that white blood cell count increases (nearly) almost in all diseases.

2. Translate the words given in brackets into English and then translate the

1) To fight against any infectious disease successfully a doctor (должен) know its origin. 2) The redness on the lateral surface of the arm (может) disappear after the treatment. 3) To determine the origin of the tobacco mosaic disease Ivanovsky (должен был) carry out many experiments on the plants. 4) The doctor (следует) know all the properties of a drug before he gives it to the patient. 5) At the nest conference one of the researchers of this laboratory (нужно будет) report on his discovery in detail. 6) The medical students (будет разрешено) operate on the patients only in the fifth year. 7) It is only in the presence of oxygen that aerobic microorganisms (могут) multiply rapidly.

3. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the underlined words:

1) The researcher failed to draw any conclusion from his numerous experiments. 2) The X-ray examination failed to prove the consolidation in the lung. 3) Nobody failed (at) the examination in Physiology. 4) Sometimes in the man with impaired health phagocytes fail to destroy the invading microorganisms. 5) He failed in Biochemistry as he had not paid enough attention to this subject.

X. Text "Louis Pasteur"

Louis Pasteur was born in 1822. He was a prominent French chemist, one of the founders of modern microbiology.

His research work helped much to establish the field of bacteriology. In his early years Louis Pasteur devoted his energies to the discovery of microorganisms in wine and beer production. He introduced the idea of heat (жар) sterilization (pasteurization) for these products and milk too.

In later life he became interested in hydrophobia. Working in this field he developed the principle that viral (вирусный) pathogenic properties could be attenuated (ослаблять) by passing the virus through the body of a proper animal. On the basis of these observations he developed a vaccine for hydrophobia.

Continuing his investigation Louis Pasteur discovered the method to prevent (предотвратить) some infectious disease by introducing attenuated causative agents (возбудитель). This method is known as vaccination. It has helped to fight against many infectious diseases.

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