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Inner organs lungs

I. Exercises.

ex. 1. Запомните произношение следующих слов:
respiratory - дыхательный external - наружный

lateral — боковой serous — серозный

mediastinum - средостение visceral - внутренний

pleura - плевра subserous - подсерозный

lobe - доля

ex. 2. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

cover — покрывать left - левый

shape - форма, очертание capacity - емкость

border - граница, край vital capacity of the lungs - жизненная емкость

extend - простираться pale - бледный

upward - вверх layer - слой; листок (плевры)

above - над, свыше proper - собственный, правильный

level - уровень, количество thin - тонкий; худой

vary — изменяться heavy — тяжелый; плотный

ex. 3. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык, а словосочетания с ними - на английский:

1) respiratory (a)

дыхательная система (система дыхания); легкое -- орган дыхания; емкость дыхания; дыхательный тракт; respiratory system; the lung is a respiratory organ; respiratory capacity; respiratory tract;

2) to cover (v)

плевра покрывает легкие; закрыть лицо руками; закрыть глаза руками; pleura covers the lungs; to cover the face with one's hands; to cover the eyes with one's hands;

3)a border(n)

границы легких; границы сердца; определить границы печени; the borders of the lungs; the borders of the heart; to determine the borders of the liver;

4) to extend (v)

простираться вверх; простираться во всех направлениях; сосуды проходят по всему организму; to extend upward; to extend in all directions; the vessels extend all over the body;

5) to vary (v)

меняться в цвете; менять (разнообразить) методы лечения; разнообразить диету; to vary in colour; to vary the methods of treatment; to vary a diet;

6) heavy (a)

тяжелый вес; грубая (тяжелая) пища (food); правое легкое тяжелее левого; heavy weight; heavy food; the right lung is heavier than the left one;

7) layer (n)

толстый слой; тонкий слой; в среднем слое; по верхнему слою; a thick layer; a thin layer; in the middle layer; over the upper layer;

8) pale (a)

бледный оттенок (цвет); побледнеть; мужчина побледнел; больной был очень бледным; pale colour; to become pale; the male (the man) became pale; the female (the woman) became pale; the patient was very pale

ex. 4. Переведите следующие предложения и определите время сказуемого:

1. The borders of the heart are dilated. 2. This patient was taken to the operation yesterday. 3. The vital capacity of the lungs will be determined during the examination. 4. They were examined in Histology by Prof. Belov.

ex. 5. Образуйте Present Participle Active от глаголов:

to restore, to introduce, to establish, to connect ex.

ex. 6. Определите, чем является Present Participle в следующих предложениях:

I. Being at the sanatorium the patient began to feel much better. 2. I went to speak
to the doctor treating my mother. 3. The changing condition of the patient became
worse yesterday.

ex. 7. Переведите следующие причастия:

covered - covering; extended - extending; varied - varying; dilated -dilating; contracted - contracting; included - including; separated - separating

II. Text "The Lungs".

The lungs are the main organs of the respiratory system. There are two lungs in the human body located in the lateral cavities of the chest. The lungs are separated from each other by the mediastinum. The lungs are covered with the pleura. They are conical in shape. Each lung has the base, apex, two borders and three surfaces.

The lung has the apex extending upward 3-4 centimetres (cm) above the level of the first rib.

The base of the lungs is located in the convex (выпуклый) surface of the diaphragm.

The posterior borders of the lungs are on each side of the spinal column. The anterior border is thin and overlaps (перекрывать) the pericardium.

The weight of the lungs varies according to many conditions. In the adult male the weight of the lungs is about 1,350 g. The right lung is about 15% heavier than the left one. The vital capacity of the lungs is 3.5-4 litres in the male and it is 3-3.5 litres in the female.

The right lung consisting of three lobes is heavier than the left one because the latter consists only of two lobes. The lower lobe of the left lung is larger than the upper one.

In infants the lungs are of a pale rose colour, but later they become darker.

The structure of the lung consists of an external serous coat, the visceral layer of the pleura, a subserous elastic tissue and the parenchyma or proper substance of the lungs.

III. Exercises.

ex. 8. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. The fibrous bands forming the muscular structure of the heart are divided into
two groups.

2. Carrying blood to and from the lungs the vessels of the pulmonary system dilate
and contract simultaneously with the action of the heart.

3. Now my sister is receiving the treatment at the surgical department.

4. The semilunar valve of the aorta is the dividing portion at the point of origin of
the aorta in the left ventricle.

ex. 9. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Средостение, разделяющее легкие, расположено в грудной клетке. The
mediastinum separating the lungs is located in the chest cavity.

2. Разделяя легкие, средостение простирается между грудиной и
позвоночником. Separating the lungs the mediastinum extends between the
breastbone and the spinal column.

3. Плевра, покрывающая легкие и стенки грудной полости, образует
плевральную полость. The pleura covering the lungs and the walls of the chest
cavity forms the pleural cavity.

4. Покрывая легкие и стенки грудной клетки, плевра образует плевральную
полость. Covering the lungs and the walls of the chest cavity the pleura forms the
pleural cavity.

5. Эта экспериментальная работа будет проведена на будущей неделе.

6. Эти данные применяются на практике.

7. Меня будут обследовать несколько врачей. 8. В пятницу нам читали
лекцию по анатомии.

IV. Text "Aorta".

The aorta is the main vessel of the systemic arteries or the arteries of the general system. It begins at the upper part of the left ventricle, goes up, and arches over the root of the left lung to the left side of the trunk at the level of the fourth thoracic vertebra. On its way from the fifth thoracic vertebra to about the level of the last thoracic vertebra it is called the thoracic aorta.

Then it goes down through the diaphragm. From the point of the last thoracic vertebra to the level of the fourth lumber vertebra it is called the abdominal aorta.

It then goes to the border of the fourth lumber vertebra and there it finishes dividing into the left and right iliac arteries.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 1071 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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