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Physiology of the human body Physiology of the respira tion

I. Exercises.

1. Запомните произношение следующих слов:

psychology process

absorption diffusion

phenomenon (pi. phenomena)

2. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

observe - наблюдать; изучать investigate - исследовать

isolate - отделять; выделять combine - соединять, объединять

able - способный, умелый solution - раствор, растворение

to be able - быть в состоянии, мочь salt - соль

conclusion - вывод, заключение prove - доказать; оказаться

to draw a conclusion - сделать вывод transfer - перенос; передача

accomplish - выполнять, завершать transfer - переводить, перемещать

exchange - обмен; обмениваться enable — давать возможность (право)

due (a) - обусловленный, должный, надлежащий, соответствующий due to (prp) - вследствие; благодаря, из-за, в связи с; в результате to be due to - обуславливаться

3. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

1) prove: to prove facts, to prove to smb that, he proved that he was right, he was
able to prove that;

2) conclusion: a right conclusion, in conclusion, to come to the conclusion that...,
to draw a conclusion;

3) accomplish: accomplishment, to accomplish the observation, the
accomplishment of the respiratory process;

4) due to: due to his illness, due to a high temperature, in due time, his bad
condition was due to a high blood pressure;

5) investigate: investigation, to accomplish the investigation, the investigation of
the blood cells;

4. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык, а словосочетания с ними -на английский:

1) observe (v), observation (n)

наблюдать внимательно; наблюдать осторожно; наблюдать изменения; проводить наблюдение;

2) investigate (v), investigation (n)

исследовать строение ткани; исследовать состояние внутренних органов; закончить исследование; исследование клеток крови;

3) isolate (v)

изолировать больного; выделить вещество из соединения; выделить газы крови;

4) conclusion (n)

в заключение; прийти к правильному выводу; сделать вывод;

5) accomplish (v), accomplishment (n)

закончить наблюдения; закончить эксперимент; завершение дыхательного процесса;

6) due, due to, be due to

надлежащий уход; в должное время; вследствие его болезни; в связи с высокой температурой; его плохое состояние обусловлено высоким артериальным давлением;

7) prove (v)

он доказал мне, что прав; мы смогли доказать это; она оказалась больной;

8) enable (v)

наши исследования дадут нам возможность прийти к надлежащему выводу; его хорошее здоровье дает ему возможность заниматься спортом регулярно; глубокие знания по анатомии дали ему возможность сделать хороший доклад на конференции;

9) appear (v)

быстро появиться; первые симптомы болезни появились на третий день; головная боль появилась вчера; казаться больным; он казался усталым;

II. 1) Text "Sechenov and His Works on the Blood Gases"

I.M.Sechenov (1829-1905) was a prominent Russian scientist, the founder of Russian physiology and scientific psychology.

The range of Sechenov's scientific interests and the number of his research works are really great. 106 scientific works were written by him. In these works he included the findings which he had observed and determined before.

Some of his research works were connected with the investigation of the blood gases and their role in the respiratory process.

I.M.Sechenov isolated the blood gases and found out that most of the blood gases were combined with erythrocytes. No physiologist had been able to do it before Sechenov. On the basis of his observations I.M.Sechenov came to the conclusion that hemoglobin was that substance of the blood which accomplished the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the respiratory process. Physiologists of many countries who had worked on this problem before I.M.Sechenov could not estimate the role of hemoglobin in the act of respiration. So the accomplishment of the respiratory process is due to hemoglobin.

I.M.Sechenov investigated the process of absorption of carbon dioxide by the solutions of salts. When he had completed his investigations, he proved that

only 2\3 of carbon dioxide were dissolved in plasma. The rest of carbon dioxide was combined with red blood cells. The transfer of carbon dioxide from the blood into the lungs was due to the law of diffusion of gas from fluid into the air. When I.M.Sechenov had investigated this phenomenon, he was able to answer the question why oxygen passed into the blood from atmospheric gases during the act of respiration.

2) Text "The Exchange of Gases in the Lungs"

The exchange of gases takes place in the alveoli of the lungs. Oxygen passes into the blood and carbon dioxide passes into the atmospheric air.

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is due to the difference of partial pressure of these gases in the alveolar air and in the venous blood.

The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveolar air is higher than in the venous blood. The transfer of oxygen from the atmospheric air into the blood is due to this difference of pressures.

The partial pressure of carbon dioxide is higher in the venous blood and this enables carbon dioxide to pass from the blood into alveolar air.

The process of transfer of gases into the medium with a lower partial pressure is called diffusion. Hemoglobin is that substance of the blood which transfers oxygen in the blood. The oxygen capacity of the blood averages to 18-20 millilitres (ml) per 100 g of blood. Carbon dioxide is transferred in combination with hemoglobin and as bicarbonic salts.

The combination of oxygen and hemoglobin is called oxyhemoglobin, that of carbon dioxide and hemoglobin - carbohemoglobin.

III. Exercises.

1. Выучите следующие слова:

associate (v) - соединять, связывать flow - ток, течение; циркулировать

associate (a) - объединенный, связанный decrease - уменьшать; понижать

passage - проход; проток depth - глубина

breathe - дышать fat - жир; жирный, упитанный

breathe in - вдыхать amount — количество

breathe out - выдыхать

2. Переведите одно коренные слова:

associate, associated, associative, association; particular, particularly, particularity; change, changed, changing, changeable, exchange; connection, connective, connected; deep, deeply, depth

3. Переведите следующие слова на русский язык, а словосочетания с ними -на английский:

1) associate (v)

Головные боли часто бывают связаны с высоким артериальным давлением. Возникновение некоторых заболеваний сердца связано с изменением в состоянии кровеносных сосудов.

2) passage (n)

альвеолярные проходы; широкий проход; искусственный проток; эластичные волокна образуют альвеолярные проходы;

3) breathe (v)

дышать тяжело; дышать с трудом; дышать глубоко;

4) breathe in (v)

вдыхать кислород; вдыхать быстро; вдыхать медленно;

5) breathe out (v)

выдыхать углекислый газ; выдыхать быстро; выдыхать медленно;

6) flow (n)

ток крови; быстрое течение воды; течение жидкости; ток крови увеличивается; ток крови уменьшается;

7) flow (v)

венозная кровь течет по венам; насыщенная кислородом кровь течет из легких в левое предсердие;

8) decrease (v)

артериальное давление падает; температура понизилась; уменьшаться значительно; количество красных клеток крови немного понижено;

9) depth (n)

глубина знаний; на глубине 10 миллиметров; глубиной в 15 миллиметров; глубина дыхания;

10)fat(n, a)

растительный жир; жирная пища; при обмене белков, жиров и углеводов; упитанный ребенок;

11) amount (n)

количество жидкости в организме; большое количество исследований; количество воздуха

IV. 1) Text "The Physiology of the Lungs"

The physiology of the lungs is associated with their structure. There are over 700,000,000 alveoli in the lungs. The total surface of the alveoli is about 90 sq. m (square metres). The lungs have many capillaries with the total surface of about 80 sq. m. This particular structure of the lungs enables the exchange of gases between the alveolar air and the blood.

Elastic fibres of connective tissue composing the walls of the alveoli, alveolar passages and the visceral pleura enable the lungs to dilate.

When one breathes normally not all the alveoli and capillaries of the lungs are opened. When respiration becomes deep, the number of the opened alveoli and

capillaries increases. The flow of blood into the lungs increases when one breathes in and it decreases when one breathes out.

The regulation of the vital capacity of the lungs is of particular importance to the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide taking place in the lungs. It is considered that in the adult the vital capacity of the lungs is about 3-4 litres. When the depth of respiration increases the vital capacity may be 6 litres and even more.

The lungs take part in the production of physiologically active substances, in the regulation of blood coagulation, in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

2) Text "Respiratory Movements"

Under normal conditions the respiratory movements are performed in both halves of the chest at one and the same moment.

During the examination of the chest one must find out the respiratory rate and its correlation to the pulse rate which is normally estimated as 1:4.

The respiratory rate must be determined in such a way that the patient does not see it because he will begin to breathe rapidly or slowly when he understands that he is being observed.

The rhythm and depth of respiration must also be determined during the examination.

There are two types of respiration: costo-inferior or male because it is mainly seen in men and costo-superior or female observed mainly in women.

The knowledge of the type of respiration is important because in some diseases of the lungs and pleura the type of respiration changes.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 1026 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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