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Caused by the creation of the EU, and a European Development Fund established to provide aid to

Countries of the Lome Convention.

A European Environment Agency was set up in 1990. All internal import duties were abolished

And a common external tariff established by 1 July 1968. For agricultural products, the Common

Agricultural Policy became effective in 1968. Workers and their families can move from one country

To another without a permit, and foreign workers from within the community have the same

Rights to social security and are subject to the same taxation as nationals.

As from 1 January 1973 the Republic of Ireland and two members of the European Free Trade

Association — the United Kingdom and Denmark — became full members of the EU. The elimination

Of tariffs between the original six and the new members and the adoption by them of the

Common external tariff was completed on 1 January 1977. Greece became a member of the Community

In 1981, Portugal and Spain in 1986, Austria, Finland and Sweden in 1995.

The EU was not a complete single market because there existed restrictions which prevent

Free trade, such as national differences in technical standards within the Community and differential

Qualification requirements for the professions (barrier to entry). Later on a programme

Was initiated and embodied in the Single European Act in 1986 for the abolition of such restrictions

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 181 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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