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Compensation of losses

There are cases in the translation process when some SL text elements have no counterparts in the TL and cannot be rendered at all. Thus the word or word combination is omitted, left out. Still according to the translatability principle, even impossibility to convey some element does not mean the translator’s failure, since the translatability principle relates to the whole text as to the unity, which consists of separate parts and elements that do not present a mechanical aggregate, but make an integral wholeness. So the opportunity arises to implement multiple devises in order to make some replacement or compensation. Therefore the loss of some element that plays not a significant part in the system of wholeness could be compensated by another element that conveys identical or the most proximate information in alternate form, even in a neighbouring place. In a creative and skilful approach small losses could be compensated without being noticed at the background of the vast wholeness.

Now we can provide the definition: the compensation (compensation of losses) is a lexico-semantic replacement of the original element, which cannot be restored in the TL, by the element of different order that meets the requirements on the closest proximity degree with the lost element. One can compensate the content of the lost element making a semantic compensation; or recompense the style and imagery pertained to the initial work – the stylistic compensation; or reconstruct the pragmatic potential of the original text – the pragmatic compensation. At the lexical level the most often compensated elements include: SL realias, phraseology, dialectisms, and the so called contaminated speech (barbarisms, various jargons, slang, argot and similar lower layers of the colloquial register).

Shoot! -- Яка дурня! My hat! -- Оце так!

The word-by-word translation wouldn’t contribute to sufficient comprehension of the original item. In case of leaving this element out (zero translation) the translated version would lack the integrity available in the initial text. The best way out for the translator is to implement the technique of compensation. The latter could be successfully used in rendering colloquialisms, slang etc.

One of his sisters, Elizabeth, was in my class at school, and she got the best grades, straight A’s. (T.Capote).

Одна з його сестер вчилася зі мною в одному класі і мала найкращі оцінки, тільки “ відмінно ”. + concr. + omission.

The system of knowledge assessment at American schools is based upon the English alphabet. In translating American schooling grades into Ukrainian the nomination of grades accepted in this country was put in thus featuring the compensation technique.

He wore bow ties and sharp jazzy suits; (Ibid.).

Він носив краватки-метелики і недолугі крикливі костюми.

These are the proper words for the description of a mobster’s appearance, as he is possessed by the desire to look swell. In Ukrainian version the translator following the norms of the TL resorts to the technique of compensation.

As for him, they’ve located not hide nor hair; (Ibid.).

А щодо нього, то по ньому й слід запався.

The AE colloquial item was successfully rendered into Ukrainian after finding a parallel replacement in the abundant thesaurus of Ukrainian phraseology.

…and she said her brother would fix my wagon. (T.Capote).

А вона пообіцяла, що її брат дасть мені прочухану.

A typical slangy unit from AE was recompensed due to finding the appropriate Ukrainian low colloquial item. In this particular case and the like the translator is not supposed to use stronger language because of the pragmatic aspect of translation with its postulates requiring equipollency in responses of the native speaker and the final receptor of the message. To achieve this goal the translator is recommended to mitigate somehow the expressions impregnated with vulgarisms and even cursing that are not infrequently encountered in modern American and British fiction and movies for the Ukrainian reader (spectator) isn’t got used so far to this phenomenon and his/her response may be too stormy.

You can beat your brains out for her, and she’ll hand you horseshit on a platter. (T.Capote).

Ти з шкури лізтимеш заради неї, а вона ще й мізки тобі вправлятиме.

In translating this sentence the second compensatory element was mitigated due to the pragmatic aspect of translation.

Assignment. Analyse the following phrases for the purpose of assessment of lexico-grammatical transformation of compensation.

You think I’m around the bend? (T.Capote).

Гадаєш, я несповна розуму?

…one might have taken him for a Little Person. (Ibid.)

…його можна було сприйняти за маленького гнома.

Miss Holiday Golightly… making every day a holiday for the 24-karat Rusty Trawler. (Ibid.).

Панна Голлі Ґолайтлі … щодня робить свято для мільйонера чистої води Расті Тролера.

I’m always top banana in the shock department. (Ibid.).

Я завжди верховодила, коли треба було когось шокувати.

She spent whole hausfrau afternoons slopping about in the sweatbox of her midget kitchen. (Ibid.).

По обіді, як справжня господиня, вона повсякчас товклася по своїй мізерній кухні, що нагадувала спекотний карцер.

I thought Mrs. Screaming Twenty-three had done it in properly. (J.Priestley).

Я думала, що пані Панікерка з двадцять третього номера зробила це належним чином.

ІУ. Методичні розробки і література:

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25. Maler J., Groves J. Chomsky for Beginners. - L., 1998.

26. Readings in General Translation Theory. S. 1988.

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