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Omission is the operation reverse to addition. In the translation process we most often omit or leave out semantically redundant elements provided the faithfulness of translation is not impaired. The omitted lexemes do not carry important semantic loadings; moreover their presence in the final version violates TL norms. In English—Ukrainian translation the so-called binomial expressions (pairs of words possessing close or identical referential meanings) are primarily to leave out. This phenomenon is indicative in legal matter. The use of binomial expressions is not organic for Ukrainian, rather it leads to tautology and thus the operation of elimination is to be effected.

Just and equitable treatment – справедливе ставлення;

The treaty was pronounced null and void.

Угоду було проголошено недійсною.

The proposal was rejected and repudiated.

Пропозицію було відкинуто.

As it was demonstrated in the above phrases one of the parallel elements was left out.

Similarly in the following examples:

First and foremost – першочерговий

Flat and plain – ясно

Free and easy – невимушено

Bag and pray – благати

By force and violence – шляхом насильства

Really and truly – в дійсності.

The same occurrence is often seen in publicity:

The bold and courageous struggle of colonies for independence.

Мужня боротьба колоній за незалежність.

Occasionally binomial expressions could be encountered in speeches and reports delivered at international forums, at the UN session in particular.

Judging by all external appearances, this session of our Assembly is regular and normal

Судячи за зовнішніми ознаками, це є чергова сесія нашої Асамблеї…

Operations of omission are characteristic in translation of scientific and technological articles.

Burning or combustion is the process of uniting a fuel or combustible with the oxygen in the air.

Згорання – це процес сполучення пального з киснем повітря.

Omission is very helpful when a translated sentence needs clearing up and disposing of the words that are loaded with repeated information and distract the final reader’s attention from the major points in the text contents thus hampering the understanding.

Within this framework the participating states will recognise and respect the freedom of the individual to profess and practise, alone or in community with others, religion or belief acting in accordance with the dictates of his or her own conscience.

В рамках цієї угоди країни-учасниці повинні визнавати свободу особи сповідувати окремо чи у спільноті будь-яку релігію чи вірування, діючи у відповідності з велінням власного сумління.

As it was shown, the lexemes that convey already known information are to be left out as well as grammatical lacunas, e.g. possessive pronouns his, her, especially in cases when a gender loading is present: his or her; his/her. Those elements are progressively encountered in English texts of late.

Real translational practice displays occasions when a number of diverse transformations take place in one sentence, even reverse in their essence. As a matter of fact the next example shows a combination of transformations. To achieve faithful translation additions and omissions are simultaneously used. The translator’s choice here is to be dictated by his or her education, experience, professional skills and literary taste.

The Congress overwhelmingly authorised President Bush to use all necessary and appropriate force against the terrorists who hijacked commercial airliners to destroy the World Trade Centre and damage the Pentagon.

Переважною більшістю голосів конгрес надав президентові Бушу повноваження вживати всіх необхідних заходів проти терористів, які захопили пасажирські авіалайнери і, використавши їх, зруйнували Світовий торговельний центр та пошкодили Пентаґон.


Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 193 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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