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The integral transmutation technique

The integral transmutation technique alters the inner shape of any SL speech stream fragment while the general content remains untouched. Yet the proximity degree between the original text and the translated version is not very high since it could be defined mostly within the scope of the communication aim of the situation substance.

How do you do?



Раді вітати!

Never mind.

Нічого, не зважайте.

Well done!

Браво! Молодець!

Here you are.

Ось, будь ласка.

Help yourself.


In all examples provided the inner form of the fragment has undergone a total or integral altering or transmutation, with links between inner forms of the SL and TL items being non traceable. Nevertheless the translation process preserves its logical and semantic foundation, i.e. the transformed item didn’t lose its correlation with the situation substance and the SL counterpart. Translational practice witnesses that the integral transmutation technique is most often implemented to translate living colloquial word combinations, formulae of politeness, idioms and diverse situational fragments.

Of all queer circumstances! (J.Galsworthy).

Це ж треба такому статися!

In translating fiction and publicity the integral transmutation technique contributes to restore stylistically marked items.

…cross your heart and kiss your elbow. (T.Capote).

…побожися, що не викажеш таємницю.

Maybe there is some chemistry between us doesn’t mix.

Трапляється, що люди не сходяться характерами.

Assignment. Analyse the following phrases considering the advisability of the integral transmutation technique implementation.

“Well, as I say, we had supper, and after that my memory becomes sort of burning mist. ” (A.Huxley).

Тож далі, ми повечеряли, а потім у мене ніби провал у пам‘яті.

You can carry scruples to altogether too great length. (J.Galsworthy).

У своїй скрупульозності ви не знаєте міри.

…the modern business girl (with her latch-key) had quite a different attitude towards marriage… (J.Priestley).

Сучасна ділова дівчина, що живе окремо від батьків, має дещо відмінні поняття про шлюб.

Give it a name. (Ibid.).

Що бажаєте замовити?

…Major Trape, with whom this miracle of social loaves and fishes worked every time. (Ibid.).

...майор Трейп, для котрого диво світських розваг спрацьовувало щоразу.

…this isn’t Golspie’s show at all. (Ibid.).

...Ґолспі тут не господар.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 202 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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