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Grammatical transformations

In most cases grammatical transformations amalgamate with lexical transformations and in many instances are generated by them. Since the pragmatic aspect is placed high on the list in the translator’s hierarchy of normative assessment the communicative loading of the saying needs the utmost accurate word forming in the TL, precise choice of its grammatical category. If for instance a Ukrainian noun replaces an English verb, it alters the whole structure of the TL phrase. Yet it is advisable to consider grammatical transformations separately since they are influenced by a number of various functional factors. Now we’ll try to give the definition: grammatical transformation or grammatical replacement is a translational technique in which a SL grammatical item is being rendered by a TL item with different categorical meaning.

Since both English and Ukrainian possess the category of number the corresponding nouns both in the original and in translation are to be used in the same number: in singular or in plural.But some cases occur when singular form in English context corresponds plural form in Ukrainian:

Money – гроші, sledge – сани, ski – лижі, or the other way round – an English word used in plural corresponds to Ukrainian item in singular.

Still in some circumstances change of the number form may be resorted to as an occasional counterpart.

We are searching for talents everywhere. –

Ми скрізь шукаємо таланти.

The invaders resorted to violence and atrocity to crush the resistance of the native population. –

Щоб подолати спротив корінного населення, загарбники вдалися до насильств і звірств,

Change of the parts of speech (conversion)

Change of the parts of speech or conversion is a very common grammatical transformation in the translation process. Especially in translation of fiction English nouns (mostly with the endings –er showing a profession or an agent in general) and adjectives are substituted for Ukrainian verbs.

He is a poor swimmer. – Він погано плаває.

She is no good as a letter writer. – Вона не вміє писати листи.

I am a very rapid packer. – Я дуже швидко пакуюсь.

It is worth noting that replacement of a SL noun with a TL verb is often accompanied by replacement of the neighbouring English adjective with a Ukrainian adverb. In another occasions verbal nouns converse into verbs.

It is our hope that the agreement will be reached by Friday.

Ми сподіваємося, що угоду буде досягнуто до п’ятниці.

English adjectives derived from geographic names are usually conveyed into Ukrainian as corresponding nouns in the Genitive case.

Australian prosperity was followed by a slump.

Услід за економічним процвітанням Австралії настала криза.

By analogy:

British Government – уряд Великої Британії; American decision -- рішення США; the Congolese embassy -- посольство Конго etc.

Similar replacement is frequently used when rendering English adjectives in comparative degree with the meaning of measure enhancing or reducing.

The stoppage that is in support of higher pay and shorter working hours began on Monday.

Страйк на підтримку вимог щодо підвищення заробітної платні та скорочення робочого дня почався у понеділок.

In some cases personal pronouns are being rendered as corresponding nouns and other way round. The point is that English syntax permits using of personal pronouns prior to nouns with the former being followed by the explanation. Here the translator is to operate in conformity with the norms of the TL.

When he met with the security team at the special retreat in Maryland the President urged the military to take necessary measures to protect the US air space.

Коли президент зустрівся зі співробітниками спецслужб у спеціальному сховищі у штаті Меріленд, він видав розпорядження військовим вжити необхідних заходів з метою посилення безпеки повітряного простору США.

Here the translator simply transposed the noun and the pronoun.

It is also the case when the translator has to consider the broader context. When things mentioned earlier in the narration are familiar to the reader and a personal pronoun is used in the given context it should be concretised in translation by repeating the names of things, persons etc.

‘I took possession of his effects after his death’ I explained: ‘ They were done in a parcel and I was directed to give them to you ’. (S.Maugham).

-- Все, що залишилося від нього після смерті, віддали мені,-- пояснив я. – Листи і портсигар було зв’язано в пакет. На ньому було написано: передати леді К. особисто.

Sometimes the adjective from the original sentence is rendered by the complex attribute consisting of a pronoun + noun.

You always got these very lumpy mashed potatoes… (J.Salinger).

До цього завжди подавали картопляне пюре з грудочками.

The adjective as a predicate accompanied by a link verb may by transformed into a TL verb:

to be glad -- радіти; to be angry -- сердитися; to be silent -- мовчати.

…I was really glad to see him.

Я таки зрадів йому.

He was too conceited.

Він надто певний себе.

There are cases when alternate types of conversion take place. Usually they are accompanied by replacement of parts of sentences, thus syntactical rearrangement is necessary.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 189 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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