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Details of Working in Different Spheres of Professional Communication

Graduates of translation and linguistic departments work not only at state institutions (MFA, other Ministries and departments), in different mass-media (TV/radio stations and press), where they deal basically with general political genre of oral translation, but also in other spheres, where additional specialized knowledge in economics, law, science and engineering, religion, art, etc., are strongly recommended.

There is an eternal dilemma of oral translation: specialist (e.g., in math or law) is a perfect expert in his sphere, but does not know language (foreign) and has no skills of oral translation, and translator-professional can translate, but is ignorant in a given sphere of knowledge (math or law).

Obvious decision is to train interpreter – specialist in a definite sphere, who may not know profoundly and deeply the given sphere, but more than competent both in terminology and specificity of the sphere chosen, as well as well trained regarding language and translation.

Nowadays, on the one hand, the number of students of linguistic institutions, in parallel obtaining secondary education (economical, financial, judicial, etc.) is growing fast, and on the other – many specialists, knowing language within the framework of their profession, strive to master at least basic skills of oral translation, sometimes showing interest even in simultaneous translation within seminars on their subject-matter.

Specific genres of oral translation determine specificity of working in the following spheres of professional communication:

• interpreter-diplomat (journalist-specialist in international law or affairs – журналіст-міжнародник);

• interpreter-scientific officer;

• interpreter-lawyer (jurisprudent – правознавець);

• interpreter-fine art specialist (мистецтвознавець);

• interpreter of religious subject-matter.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 432 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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