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Sight translation with the help of dictaphone

This kind of sight translation is generally used in international organizations like UNO, UNESCO, ВООЗ, МЗС, etc.

Main feature of this type of sight translation is that the interpreter within some time limit pronounces his translation into a dictaphone, and then this text is typed and gets to the editor, responsible for the group of interpreters (mostly these duties are fulfilled by more experienced colleagues). After correcting and discussing, in case time allows, the work is considered completed and comes to the administration.

Nowadays computers are widely used in this sphere of activity, therefore this method of translation is used less frequently, but we can’t help but outline its advantages:

• comparatively high speed of translating and final arranging the documents;

• less tiresome character of the sight translation process, as well as more rational use of the time of personnel, their qualification and experience taken into account;

• great possibilities of correcting and inserting in conditions of temporary pressing;

• providing high level of confidentiality if compared with the work on network computer (it’s important for working in Embassy).

Necessary skills:

In general they are identical with those of traditional sight translation, but still let’s point out the following:

• ability to pronounce the text into the dictaphone accurately and clearly, taking into consideration the peculiarities of perceiving the text tape-recorded even by an experienced operator (for better perception of the text by the operator while dictating beating out the rhythm by foot is advised);

• good pronunciation and clear diction, including ability to emphasize case endings, word sequence in a sentence by voice, correctly pronounce proper names and other well known informational elements (sometimes it is worth spelling them);

• correct coordination of work with those operators, who are charged with deciphering such texts: sometimes it is necessary to get clarified in advance regarding the dictation tempo, sound volume, etc.

Drawbacks of sight translation with using dictaphone:

• additional staff of engineering workers is necessary, including those who know foreign language;

• unavoidable failures in typing the texts saturated with information.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 230 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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