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Cinema/video/TV-translation is a combined type of translation, which blends together peculiarities of simultaneous, consecutive, written translation, sometimes sight translation, depending on the purpose and character of work (translation for the audience, for dubbing, when post- scoring, etc.)

This type of interpretation puts before interpreter interesting and difficult professional tasks, but for all of that it gives great possibilities for creativity, in this case getting closer to written translation (cinema is art, and the best examples of this genre are masterpieces of world culture).

Translator faces uneasy task not to degrade a general artistic impression, to maintain the author’s intention, quality of dialogues, speech characteristics. It’s a responsible mission to be able to impart the essence of epoch and individual speech characteristics. When cinema/video interpretation is raw or not well done, losses are inevitable, but one should try to reduce to minimum.

Cinema/TV-serial personages, if compared with the participants of talks or international conferences, in no way take into account the interests of feasible interpreters, don’t speak “for translation” (i.e. don’t aspire to facilitate the interpretation process or help the interpreter to increase the interpretation adequacy).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 196 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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