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Phraseology in Interpretation

Translation of phrasal units (proverbs, sayings) represents considerable difficulty in two-way and, moreover, in synchronous translation, when the factor of time “plays” against translator.

Qualified translator has his own “gold reserves” of the most widespread equivalents, analogues, phrasal expressions in different languages, including Latin, French, and Italian.

A number of phrasal units (catchwords) which have come from mythology, Roman history, the Bible, from Latin and Greek, have steady correspondences (translations) in different languages, which have become canonical and are not subject to any changes.

Other purely English (or purely Ukrainian or Russian) proverbs can get approximate translation, by changing figurativeness, and sometimes only descriptive one. If you do not know the analogous phrasal unit, but understand its meaning, you should render its meaning, even with the loss of figurativeness. It is worse if the meaning is unclear to you, but the context should help here.

As Lynn Wisson figuratively marks, “Actually one should translate not from language into language, but from one culture into another”. It is very true, especially in case of translating proverbs, sayings, catchwords, in which all riches of cultural and historical heritage of the country are reflected.

Questions for discussion:

1. What is professional communication?

2. What are the spheres of professional communication?

3. What are the forms of initial voice information?

4. What are the features of general-political informational (diplomatic) discourse?

5. What are the ways to cope with phraseology in interpretation?

Make sight translation of the following text:

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 450 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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