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Interpretation in the New Millennium

The RMFA officers, dealing with the contemporary Kremlin master, speak respectfully of his intelligence, consistency and civility.

V. Putin “is not squeamish” to ask his interpreter for advice, how to say something better or to do in such a way so that it could be more convenient – a wonderful quality: the higher the status of a person, the more attentive and courteous he should be to his subordinates (the “King-sun” Lyudovick XIV took off his hat before the lowest maid).

Now the V. Putin’s speaking has become more measured and clear in wording, though sometimes he is carried away into the “humor in tarpaulin boots”. Some parts of numerous Russian population probably like it, but for interpreters those “word acrobatics” are a serious problem.

For example, against the notorious “circumcision” (обрізання) stumbled a young interpreter, just not knowing the English term and being unable to make up something like “operation on your thing”. Confusion occurred, and all the taste vanished. (All those who wanted, could watch it in the program “Namedni”, which was closed, by accidental coincidence, shortly after that episode, detailed and pretty spiteful, was shown.)

So far by V. Putin’s side one can’t see a permanent interpreter-“shadow”; partly because the president can independently communicate in English and has a wonderful command of German, partly because of current salary (by the way, no pay rise or welfare allowance for the work at the highest level is supposed), therefore interpreter has to “turn out pot-boilers” (make money on the side) somewhere in the West, where “synchron” reaches 500 dollars a day. Partly it is explained by labor fluidity (qualified officers are gained over by big corporations and banks). More often together with the president one can see now a handsome and talented A.Tsybenko, graduate of the Moscow state linguistic university. He is confident in presentation and looks well beside his “boss”. A new generation of masters is growing, too. They will have to witness the creation of a new age history.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 257 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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