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Translation and Interpretation Modes

Translation is performed in two modes: written translation and oral translation (interpretation). Written translation is subdivided into: translation of fictional and non–fictional texts. Oral translation (interpretation) is subdivided into: oral consecutive, oral simultaneous and oral whispered interpretation.

Interpretation is performed in different modes, which are as follows:

1. Consecutive interpretation is performed by an interpreter consecutively, i.e. messages of the SL speaker are interpreted one after another in pauses (these messages may be sentences or paragraphs long enough to convey a complete meaning and short enough for an interpreter to remember or/and to take notes of them). Thus, while working in a consecutive mode, the interpreter sits at a conference table, listens to a speech, takes notes, and then renders the meaning of the speaker's message into the target language.

2. Simultaneous interpretation is a kind of interpreting, performed by an interpreter almost simultaneously (i.e. within the delay of not more than several seconds or about half a sentence), who receives a message in the SL through a special equipment. Thus, while working in a simultaneous mode, the interpreter sits in a sound–proof booth with direct (or indirect – via the TV monitor) view of the conference hall, listens to a speaker through earphones and simultaneously interprets the message into the target language via microphone to the audience.

Simultaneous interpretation is also called “conference interpretation/interpreting” because today it is mostly used at international (often multilingual) conventions, while consecutive interpretation/interpreting is more often associated with bilingual meetings, discussions and interviews.

Consecutive interpretation is characterized by establishing “interpersonal relationships” between the interpreter and other participants, while professional simultaneous interpretation is performed in a booth, which isolates interpreters from the audience and with the help of special equipment (microphones, earphones, FM radio or infra–red transceivers, TV monitors, tape–recorders, etc.).

3. Whispered interpretation is performed in the following mode: seated in the meeting room, the interpreter whispers in the TL to a maximum of two or three delegates what is being said by the source speaker. Whispered interpreting is performed in a simultaneous mode, however without special equipment.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 416 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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