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The electrolyte contains sulfuric acid. Be careful not to have it touch your skin or eyes. If touched, wash it off with liberal amount of water. Get medical attention if severe


The sealed battery can fully display its performance only when combined with a proper vehicle elec­tric system. Therefore, replace the sealed battery only on a motorcycle which was originally equipped with the sealed battery.

Be careful, if a sealed battery is installed on a motorcycle which had an ordinary battery as original equipment, the sealed battery’s life will be shortened. Charging Condition Inspection

Battery charging condition can be checked by measuring battery terminal voltage.

• Remove the seat (see Seat Removal in the Frame chap­ter).

Disconnect the battery terminals.

CAUTION Be sure to disconnect the negative terminal first.

• Measure the battery terminal voltage.


О Measure with a digital voltmeter [A] which can be read one decimal place voltage.

If the reading is below the specified, refreshing charge is

Battery Terminal Voltage
Standard: 12.8 V or more

Дата публикования: 2014-12-25; Прочитано: 181 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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