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The First Underground Railway of the World

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In the first place analysts in the U.S. have put the oldest and largest metro in Europe - London Tube. It was opened in 1863.
In second place was underground forever the romantic city of Paris. And even the subway is not devoid of romance. The interior of most stations is decorated in a unique art style. Especially famous entrances to the subway - twisted iron railings, looked like a liana, lights, resembling the head of grasshoppers etc.
Thus, the Moscow Metro has won an honorable third place. Not only is the subway in Moscow, the most beautiful (44 stations have been named architectural landmarks), it is also the most visited. Each year over 3.2 billion inhabitants of the capital used the subway to get to destination, and along with a nap or read your favorite newspaper. The Moscow metro is still the leader and the rapidity. Train speed reaches 90 km / h, and the intervals between them in the off-peak hours are reduced to 90 seconds.
Fourth place, U.S. analysts have given the subway of Madrid. Its main advantage - it is clean. Does not interfere with even the fact that this is one of the busiest subway in the world. The secret is that it uses the latest ecological system cleaning cars and stations. Among other things, the Spanish subway boasts high-speed trains, modern interior and the rapid development of transportation lines. So, for 4 years underground in Madrid increased by another 100 km of new roads.
Japan, as always, ahead of the rest in terms of technology. The Japanese are very disciplined: trains in the Tokyo subway go strictly on schedule, arriving at the station to the nearest second, and their doors open directly opposite the special markup. Subway in Tokyo are very clean, and at some stations you can go to the supermarket or use other services for passengers.
Seoul metro is one of the busiest in the world. Every day here down to 8 million passengers. The length of the tract is nearly 300 kilometers. But not all routes run under the ground, 30% carried to the surface. Seoul subway as well as Moscow can boast of its beautiful architecture, or as Madrid - its rapid development.
Although the New York metro area is neither pure, nor the frequency of trains, but it is the only subway, which operates around the clock. In 1904, 28 stations were opened now they have 462. Every day on the subway ride up to 5 million residents of New York.
Metropolitan Montreal, Canada was discovered relatively recently, only in 1966. Therefore, it is not very large, and: 65 stations, 4 underground lines, and the total length is less than 100 km. But American experts Montreal metro is just attracted its modernity. First, the design. The modernist style was borrowed from the Paris Metro. Design of each of the stations created by different architects, it is diversity. And secondly, pleasant and comfortable journey. Rails in the Montreal subway equipped with special rubber pads. This reduces the noise from the moving train. Moreover, the trains themselves are very comfortable and go often enough.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 289 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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