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Мeans of Transport

Mode of transport (or means of transport or transport mode or transport modality or form of transport) is a term used to identify rather different ways of transport. The most dominant modes of transport are aviation, land transport, which includes rail, road and off-road transport, and ship transport. All modes are suitable for transporting goods, and most are suitable for transporting people.

Each mode of transport has a fundamentally different technological solution, and some require a separate environment. Each mode has its own infrastructure, vehicles, and operations, and often has unique regulations. Each mode also has separate subsystems. A subsystem is a group of many parts that make up one part. The word transport comes from Latin –“transport”,which means to transform. Transport has a complex structure and it also occupies the most important place in any economy of the country. It does not produce any goods in comparison with other brunches of industry. The only product of transport is the transportation of the goods produced by other brunches of industry such as Mining industry,Metallurgical,Light,Chemical,Machine-building etc.

2. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

a) to identify rather different ways of transport

b) dominant modes of transport

c) suitable for transporting goods

d) some require a separate environment

e) separate subsystems.

f) a group of many parts that make up one part

g) produce any goods in comparison with

h) product of transport is the transportation of the goods

i) brunches of industry.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What are the synonyms of the word transport?

2. What is transport?

3. What are the modes of transport?

4. What does each mode of transport have?

5. What categories of transport do you know?

6. What is the most important product of transport?

4.Complete the sentences:

1. The word transport comes from …

2. Transport has a complex structure …

3. The only product of transport is the transportation of the goods…

4. The most dominant modes of transport are....

5. All modes are suitable for transporting goods…

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 282 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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