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Retell the text in brief. Topic: “The Development of Railroads”

Term II

Topic: “The Development of Railroads”

Text: Railway Boom in the Mid 19(I)

1.Read and memorize new words and expressions on the text:

Convenient service

broad legal framework

railway safety

certain standards

to control or reduce

to raise money

main-line network

began to be laid down

useful and convenient service for passengers



2.Read and translate the text

In the 1830s the first parts of the main-line inter-city network began to be laid down in Britain, and by 1841 you could travel by train from London to Brighton, Southampton, Bristol, and Birmingham, from the London & Birmingham Railway were lines to Liverpool and Manchester, Leeds, Derby, and York. These railways had not been in business for more than a few years. First of all, they gave a very useful and convenient service for passengers and freight which was of great advantage also to the districts served in opening up new markets for their produce. Secondly, the railway companies were profitable, and paid a very reasonable return on the money invested in them.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 369 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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