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Text; From Historical Development of Geodesy.(II)

1.Read and memorize new words and expressions on the text:

the question of the figure of the Earth

to raise in the antiquity

the model of the earth

rotational ellipsoid

the notion

founder of scientific geodesy

to develop the principles of measurements

to apply in modern ages

summer solstice

2.Read and translate the text

Through the initiative of the Academy of Sciences, founded in Paris in 1666, France in the 18l centuries assumed the leading role in geodesy. The French abbey J. Picard in 1669-70 carried out an arc measurement on the meridian through Paris; he was the first to use a telescope with cross hairs. The value obtained by him for the radius of the earth aided Newton in the verification of the law of gravitation which he had formulated in 1665-66.

In the 161 and 17l centuries, new observations and ideas from astronomy and physics influenced the perception of the figure of the Earth and its position in space.

N. Copernicus (1473 - 1543) achieved the transition from the geocentric universe of Ptolemy to a heliocentric system. J.Kepler (1571 - 1630) discovered the laws of planetary motion and Galileo Galilee (1564 - 1642) developed modern mechanics (law of falling bodies, law of pendulum motion).

Building on these and on their own works, Isaac Newton (1643 -1727) and Christian Huygens (1629 - 1695) developed the Earth models flattened at the poles and founded on principles of physics.


Who was the founder of geodesy?

When were the problems of geodesy raised first?

What were the opinions about the form of the Earth?

Do you know the scientists who made contribution in geodesy?

What happened in 1666?

Why were 16 and17 centuries important for geodesy?

4. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and expressions:

the question of the figure of the Earth

to raise in the antiquity

the model of the earth

rotational ellipsoid

the notion

founder of scientific geodesy

to develop the principles of measurements

to apply in modern ages

summer solstice

to form an angle

to compute the distance

to assume the leading role of geodesy

geocentric universe

to discover the laws of planetary motion

principles of physics

5.Complete the sentences:

The formulation of the problem of geodesy...

First the model of the Earth …

During the middle ages in Europe,..

Through the initiative of the Academy of Sciences,..

In the 161 and 17l centuries,..

Building on these and on their own works,..

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