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Read and translate the text. In Russia many people also had doubts about the possibility of using steam engines in the Russian winter

In Russia many people also had doubts about the possibility of using steam engines in the Russian winter. Nevertheless the first railway using steam traction was put into service at the Nizhniy Tagil metallurgical works. It was a short distance line covering only 854 metres. This railway was soon followed by another one constructed in 1837. It was a 15-mile public railway between St. Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo.

The first steam locomotive in Russia was built by the Cherepanovs, father and son who were talented and skilled workmen of their time. Thanks to the Cherepanovs our county may be placed among the countries which were the first to use steam as tractive power.

2.Answer the questions:

1.Are railways used to carry people?

2.Is the railway a means of freight transportation?

3.Do railways play an important part in the development of a country?

4.Does the development of a country depend on transport?

5.Have people faster means of communication than railways?

6.Were the very first railways built to carry people?

7.Did Trevithick's locomotive break down?

8.Was Stephenson's locomotive an experimental machine?

9. Did Stephenson construct only the first steam locomotive?

3.Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and expressions on the text:

first public railways to tractive power imagine the opposition to the building of the early railroads to stop railway construction possibility of using seam engines put a railway into service

as a mean of travel.

to carry freight

the development of the country depends on the wide network of

modern means of communication, the safest and the most popular means of transportation,

to demonstrate the working model,

to travel in a carriage,

to develop a speed.

to demonstrate a model;

a talented engineer;

metallurgical works;

comfortable trains;

4.Complete the sentences:

Stephenson not only constructed …

It is difficult for the people …

Many of them were afraid …

However in 1824...

In Russia many people also had doubts …

The first steam locomotive in Russia was built …

Дата публикования: 2014-12-11; Прочитано: 994 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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