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Ecology problem

Interrelations between man and the biosphere are of a fairly complex nature. Man, like every other living organism, depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, food and shelter. On the other hand, the biosphere is strongly affected by all sorts of human activity.

About 200 years ago man lived in greater harmony with his environment because industry was not developed. Prehistoric man withdrew from atmosphere only the oxygen he required for respiration. Today the situation is quite different. Modern man consumes a far greater amount of oxygen to support fires , power plants and chemical processes. The carbon dioxide produced by technological processes has greatly changed the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. The technology has introduced into the biosphere man-made radio-isotopes and a wide variety of synthetic materials such as plastics, insecticides, herbicides and numerous, industrial materials. These substances and materials alter the biosphere.

The problem of the environmental crisis has recently assumed global proportions. Scientists say, that unless some radical steps are taken, life on our planet may be irrevocably damaged, if not destroyed altogether.

The Earth provides people with mineral resources, rivers and forests. The resources demand rational use. But very often a man can not cope with this task. As a result nature and people suffer. Such vital sources of life as air, water, minerals, fauna and flora are being wasted and destroyed. Some animal species and plants have become extinct. When this happens the Red Fish die in the lakes, rivers and seas, while trees die in the forests.

The Earth is our home. We must take care of our home. The protection of nature has become one of the real problems of the 20th century. More and more people in all countries are raising their voices in defence of nature.

Concern about the preservation of the environment and its protection from pollution as well as concern about our limited natural resources has given rise to a powerful movement throughout the world. This movement is called environmentalism from the English word environment.

Western Europe has the same basic environmental problems, but they take different forms in each country.

Text-based exercises

Exercise III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is ecology?

2. What are the components of biosphere?

3. Does the environmental protection occupy an important place in everybody’s life?

4. What is the air like in the place you life?

5. What is the biosphere affected by?

6. What are at present being done to solve the problem?

7. Is the Mediterranean actually dying from pollutions?

8. Is there much sulphur dioxide in the smoke?

9. What has the technology introduced into the biosphere?

Exercise IV. Translate and memorize the following groups of words of the same stem:

To provide – provision – provider – provided

To require – requirement – required

To produce – producer – product – productive – productivity

To alter – alteration – alterative

To protect – protective – protection – protector

To smoke – smoker – smokeless – smoked

Exercise V. Give English equivalents:

Захист навколишнього середовища, очисні споруди, ріки та озера, доповідь про флору і фауну, турбуватися, мінеральні ресурси, забезпечувати, життєві джерела, чиста вода, чисте повітря, помирати від диму, зона, де не курять, забруднення, штучні матеріали, жертва, бути пошкодженим.

Grammar exercises

Exercise VI. Study the function of the verb “to be” in the fallowing sentences and translate them:

1. They were at home last night.

2. He is well known scientist.

3. They are to leave Kyiv tonight.

4. the children were walking down the street.

5. The KPI is situated in a beautiful shady park.

6. She is an experienced manager.

7. The letter was sent by the secretary.

8. The purpose of his visit was to negotiate for the purchase of timber.

9. There are many books on the desk.

Exercise VII. Fill in the gaps with correct words in English:

1. Ecology is a (проблема) common for all mankind.

2. All people actively (брати участь) in international cooperation on the protection of the natural habitat.

3. Environmental problems (незважаючи) their relatively short history, have already been an object of a number of international discussions.

4. They (говорили) about mineral resources, flowing rivers, forest and fields.

5. They have done a great deal of (шкода) to man.

Exercise VIII. Tell what you are going to do using the verbs:

• To get in touch with the President,

• to establish business contact,

• to place big order,

• to call,

• to deliver the goods,

• to pay a bill,

• to open the exhibition,

• to visit an old friend.

Exercise IX. Put the verbs in the appropriate tense and person. Answer the questions:

1. When and were (to be) you born?

2. How old (to be) you?

3. What (to be) your parents?

4. What (to be) your future speciality?

5. What (to be) your hobby?

6. What (to be) your plants for the future?

Exercise X. Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect Simple or Past perfect Continuous:

1. By the time we got the cinema, the film …. (already / start).

2. She let me use her camera after she … (show) me how to use it.

3. Henrietta … (travel) for three days before she reached her destination.

4. mark … (type) for so long that his fingers hurt.

5. He … (practice) for the big match since January.

6. She … (save) up for months before she bought a car.

7. She left the room after she … (look) everywhere for her missing bracelet.

Exercise XI. Put a tag at the and of each question:

You can drive, can’t you?

1. You haven’t been to Syria, …?

2. He comes from Japan, …?

3. I’m wonderful, …?

4. It’s never too late, …?

5. She broke your computer, …?

6. He loves you, …?

7. There’s nobody in there, …?

8. They’ve taken everything, …?

9. They’ve asleep, …?

Speech exercises

Exercise XII. Read the dialogue:

Chernenko, as engineer of the Ukrainian Trade Delegation in London, received a drawing of the pump with the manufacturing plant of Goodman and Co modified not long ago.Chernenko had some queries and he decided to contact Mr. Brook, the production manager of the plant. As Mr. Brook was notavailable at that moment Chernenko left a message for him. Some time later Mr. Brook called Chernenko back.

Brook: Hello, Mr. Chernenko, this is Brook.
Chernenko: Hello, Mr. Brook.
Brook: I'm sorry I couldn't phone you as soon as I received your message as I had some urgent business in the assembly shop. What can I do for you, Mr. Chernenko?
Chernenko: The fact is we've received a drawing from you, which shows you've modified the previous model of pump. How does it compare with the previous model?
Brook: Well, its capacity is higher and it’s easier to operate.
Chernenko: Good. And one more thing, Mr. Brook, will it be possible to see teats of the new model?
Brook: Yes, certainly. I'11 contact the test department and find out when they are going to test this model. I'll make all the necessary arrangements for your visit after that.
Chernenko: Thank you. Good-bye.
Brook: Good-bye, Mr. Chernenko.

Exercise XIII.

a) Ask questions on the dialogue.

b) Say what you have learned from the dialogue about:

1. the drawing of a new model that Chernenko received from Mr. Brooke.

2. the purpose of Chernenko’s a telephone conversation with Mr. Brooke.

3. the arrangement between Chernenko and Mr. Brook about a visit to the test department.

Exercise XIV. Think and answer:

1. What kinds of goods do you export?

2. What can you say about their quality?

3. Are your goods popular abroad? Why?

4. How do your goods compare with the goods of foreign company?

5. Have you ever visited a plant?

6. What plant did you visit?

7. Who showed you round the plant?

8. What shops did he show you round?

9. Could he answer all your queries?

10. How did the plant impress you?

11. Have you ever been to an assembly shop?

12. What did you see there?

13. When did the plant modifytheir model?

14. How does the latest model compare with the previous one?

Exercise XV. Speak on the topic:

“My visit to a plant”

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