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Shopping in London

Whether or not you're coming to London for a spending spree the main shopping streets should be on your list of sights to see. They are as follows:

Oxford Street is a wide selection of fashion boutiques and shoe shops, big department stores and the Oxford Walk arcade.

South Motton Street, off Oxford Street, is a delightful pedestrian thoroughfare full of character. The shops are beautiful and exclusive.

Bond Street has nearly 200 shops to choose from, selling everything from fine china, glass, antiques and cloth to exquisite clothes and shoes.

Regent Street is a handsome street containing several well known department stores famous for beautiful fabrics, china, glass, silver and jewellery specialists.

The oldest bookshop in London is in Piccadilly, the most beautiful perfumer is in Jermyn Street, the place for musical instruments, books old and new is Charing Gross Road.

They sell electronic and hi-fi equipment as well as top-quality modern furniture in Tottenham Court Road.

Welcome to Harrods — a different world for a million reasons. Harrods is the largest store in Europe with goods displayed in 60 windows and 5 hectares and a half of selling space. In one year over 14 million purchases are made in the 214 departments where you can buy anything from a pin to an elephant. It is Harrods' policy to stock a wide and excitting range of goods in every department, to give the customer a choice of goods which is unique in its variety and which no other store can offer. For example, Harrods stocks 450 different cheeses, 500 types of shirts and 9000 ties to go with them, 8000 dresses and 150 different pianos, etc. Harrods also offers a number of special services to its customers including a bank, an insurance department, a travel agency, London's last circulating library, a theatre ticket agency and a funeral service. £ 40 million worth of goods are exported annually from Harrods.

The Export Department can deal with any customer's purchase or order and will pack and send goods to any address in the world. Recently, for example, six bread rolls were sent to New York, a handkerchief to Los Angeles, a pound of sausages to a yacht anchored in the Mediterranean, a Persian carpet to Iran and a £ 5000 chess set to Australia. Harrods has a world-wide reputation for first-class service. It has a staff of 4000, rising to 6000 at Christmas time.

A morning spent strolling round Harrods is guaranteed to give any shopper an appetite and to feed its customers. Harrods has six restaurants, some bars and tea-rooms. If you feel like a drink you can choose between the pub atmosphere of the Green Man Tavern and the sophistication of the Cocktail Lounge. Harrods truly is a different world.

Text-based exercises

Exercise III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the most popular shopping centre in London?

2. Why do many people prefer supermarkets to small food shops?

3. What is the largest department store in Oxford Street?

4. Why do these department stores attract a lot of people?

5. Are there many department stores in your city?

6. What department store do you usually go shopping to?

7. what does the Export Department of Harrods deal with?

8. How big is Harrods staff?

9. Have you ever been to Harrods?

Exercise IV.

a) Form the adjectives using the following suffixes:

-ful: success, care, help, use, rest, delight, beauty;

-able: desire, explain, depend, change, value.

b) Form and translate nouns using the given suffixes:

- ion, -sion, -tion: accelerate, continue, demonstrate, evaporate, observe, explain, select, attract;

- ment: replace, manage, develop, equip.

Exercise V. Give English equivalents:

Товар, примірочна, пасувати, вибирати, торговельний центр, асортимент товару, розмір, ціна, за ціною, широкий вибір, замовляти, приміряти щось, покупка, клієнт, приваблювати, дешевий, готовий одяг, самообслуговування, продавець, коштувати, обмінювати.

Grammar exercises

Exercise VI. Rewrite the following sentences putting the verbs that are in brackets into the Future Perfect Tense and translate them:

1. By half-past seven we (have) supper.

2. We (leave) my grandmother’s house before it gets dark.

3. I hope it (stop) raining before we have to go.

4. When we see you next week we (buy) the new car.

5. Before I see you again I (be) to Paris.

6. He (finish) the building of the house before summer.

Exercise VII. Complete the sentences using one the verbs in brackets. Put them in the Passive Voice and translate:

1. A lot of machines (to make) in Ukraine.

2. Some of them (to send) abroad.

3. This meeting (to organize) by the committee.

4. The committee (to elect) last year.

5. The next meeting (to hold) next month.

6. I (to ask) to be present at the next meeting.

7. This place (to build) by a rich family, and (to destroy) during the war.

8. It (to own) by the state now.

Exercise VIII. Turn the following from Active Voice into Passive Voice:

1. Mary helps the teacher.

2. The porter takes the luggage to the train.

3. I finish my work about five o’clock.

4. Joseph gives Tom a small cheque.

5. my friend took me to the cinema.

6. We shall use these books in the class.

7. We are eating cake.

8. You must use a dictionary.

9. Do you understand the questions?

Exercise IX.

a) Study the function of the verbs “to have” in the following sentences and translate them:

1. She has come home.

2. He has a large family.

3. We have to leave home early in the morning.

4. he had the letter typed.

5. he has dinner at home.

6. They had to complete their work on Monday.

7. he will have read the story by 10 o’clock.

b) Use the dictionary and translate into English:

1. В мене немає її адреси.

2. В мене вчора була дуже цікава розмова з представником цієї фірми.

3. В нього є дуже цікаві книжки по цій спеціальності.

4. Я повинен піти туди ще раз.

5. Ви обідали вчора у ресторані?

6. В мене не було вчора часу провідати його.

7. Чи потрібно вам сьогодні йти до бібліотеки?

Exercise X.

а) replace can and could in these sentence by the correct form of to be able to:

1. Can you hear my properly.

2. I can’t.hear what you’re saying.

3. He could play the piano beautifully.

4. You can do this lesson easily.

5. That family can all sing well.

6. He couldn’t remember my name.

7. Couldn’t he come today?

8. No, I am afraid he couldn’t.

b) Open the brackets and translate:

1. I (можу) show you the way to park.

2. He (зміг) buy the ticket beforehand.

3. You (маєш право) use dictionary on the exam.

4. the man (повинен) sell his house.

5. You (повинен) pay for it.

Exercise XI.

a) Put into the plural:

1. This is a contract.

2. That is an enquiry.

3. Is this a table?

4. Is that a room?

b) Use the demonstrative pronoun that (those) to avoid the repetition of the preceding noun:

Model: This stadium is better than the stadium in our town.

This stadium is better than that in our town.

1. The price of a motor car is higher than the price of a motor cycle.

2. These flowers are more beautiful than the flowers near our house.

3. The windows of our classroom are larger than the windows of our flat.

4. Our flat is more comfortable than the flat of our neighbour.

Speech exercises

Exercise XII. Ask and answer as in the model:

Pattern: I read many English books to know English well.

– Your friend learns English, doesn't he?

– Yes, he learns English to speak this language at the talks.

Prompts: 1. To translate letters from English into Ukrainian. 2. to write letters to foreign companies; 3. to read English cables and telexes; 4. to read English books; 5. to speak this language to foreign customers.

Exercise XIII. Say and respond as in the model:

Pattern: I'd like to speak to Mr. Blake.

– I'd like to learn French. And what about you?

– I'd like to learn French too.

Prompts: 1. to have English lessons only in the morning; 2. to know English well; to meet our friends today; 4. to read an interesting book about London; 5 to stay at home this week-end; 6. to look through this journal.

Exercise XIV. Ask and answer as in the model:

– Would you like to go to Kiev?

– No, I wouldn't. I would like to go to Odessa.

Prompts: 1. to go to Poltava on Sunday; 2. to stay at home at the week-end; 3. to look through the mail now; 4. to go to the plant after lunch; 5. to discuss this matter with Mr. Brown on the phone.

Exercise XV.

a) Read the text:

Philip Blake іs Мг Blake's son. He has got a small house in Bishopton. Bishopton is a small place near London. Philip works in London. He is the manager of a plant. He always goes to London in the morning on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. He doesn't go to his office on Saturday and Sunday. Every morning Philip looks through newspapers. He is interested in the latest political and business events. Sometimes Philip goes to different cities to discuss business with their customers. He is a very busy man. Floy Robinson is a secretary to Mr. Philip Blake. Her office is not large. She has got a typewriter, and many letters, cables on her desk. Every morning from Monday to Friday Floy comes to the office at nine. At 10 o'clock Floy usually looks through the mail and at 11 she comes into the manager's office with the letters. The manager reads them, give a answers to the letters. Floy writes them in her book and goes to her office.

Floy usually has lunch at home but sometimes she has lunch at the plant with her friend Tom. She stays in the office till 5. In the evening Floy has French lessons. She learns the French language with pleasure. Floy wants to know French well to read books and see films in French.

b) Ask questions on the text.

c) Say what you have learnedfrom the text about:
1. Philip Blake; 2. Ploy Robinson.

Exercise XVI. Answer the following questions:

1. Where do you work?

2. What’s the name of your company?

3. Your company is large, isn't it?

4. What companies do you do business with?

5. When do your office hours begin?

6. Have you got much work to do every day?

7. What do you usually do in your office in the morning?

8. What matters do you usually discuss with foreign businessmen?

9. When do you have lunch?

10. Do you have lunch at the ministry or do you go out for lunch?

11. What do you do after lunch?

12. When do you finish your work?

Exercise XVII. Speak on the topics:

“My friend's office hours”

“The secretary of our firm and her work”

Unit six

Grammar: 1. Passive voice (revision)

2. Modals (should, ought)

3. Auxiliary verb “to do”

4. Indefinite Pronouns (some, any)

Pre-reading exercises

Exercise I. Pronounce the following words:

commercial tv – комерційне телебачення; commercials – реклама; channel – канал; viewer – глядач; cable – кабель; аdvertise – рекламувати; аdvertisement – реклама; entertainment – розвага; daily – щоденно; choice – вибір; to finance – фінансувати; content – зміст; petrol – бензин; item – питання; to broadcast – транслювати; serials – серіал.

Exercise II. Pronounce the following word combinations:

Serious concern - серйозне занепокоєння;

live sport programmes - пряма трансляція спортивної програми;

quiz shows - телевікторина;

soap opera- мильна опера;

prime time - кращий час;

to have nothing to do- не мати нічого спільного;

at regular intervals - через певні інтервали часу;

current events - поточні новини, події;

sport events - спортивні новини.


Read closely the text, translate it into Ukrainian and try to retell it:

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 760 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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