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Education in great Britain

School is compulsory in Great Britain until the age of 16. Children start formal education at 5 and many of them complete 13 full years of schooling at 18. But not all. Some can leave school at 14 or 16 after the fifth form. To leave school and go to other educational institution (vocational or technical schools, as a rule) they have to take the exam for General Certificate of Secondary Education. Pupils must take English language, Math and Science for GCSE, as well as a half GCSE in a foreign language and Technology.

Private schools include public and tutorial schools. Most of these are single-sex boarding schools, where students study and live. The public schools provide well-rounded education, paying attention to academic disciplines, art, music and sports. Once they were established to educate the monarchy and aristocracy, and some have almost 1000-year old history. Such public schools as Eton, Harrow and Roedean are very expensive and during their long history educated many monarchs and leaders of many countries of the world. Tutorial schools have smaller classes, personal tutoring here focuses on academic subjects only; that's why tutorial schools have smaller campuses with no sports facilities.

Most secondary schools in Britain are comprehensive schools. These are state schools, which take children of all abilities. About six per cent of students go to grammar schools, state schools which only take students who pass an examination at the age of 11.

In 1988, for the first time in British history, a National Curriculum was introduced. It tells pupils which subjects they have to study, what they must learn and when they have to take assessment tests.

So, at the age of 16 pupils can leave school. If they stay on, in two years they usually take a higher level of secondary school exam, the so called A (advanced) level required by UK universities.

Most big towns in Britain have both a university and a college of higher education. There are 169 universities and colleges in UK with more than 1.8 million students studying there. Universities offer two-, three- and four-year degree courses, leading to a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree. A degree is a qualification that students get from the university when they pass their final exams. They are then awarded a B. A. (Bachelor of Arts), B. Sc. (Bachelor of Science) or B. Ed. (Bachelor of Education). Sandwich courses, which include a period of work outside the university, add one year. Medical and veterinary courses require five years of study.

Until 1998, British students did not have to pay to go to university. Now they must pay about 10 thousand pounds a year as a tuition fee.

Competition to get into British universities is tough and not everyone who gets levels can go. Students usually apply to universities months before they take their A levels. They are given a personal interview and the university decides which students it wants. The place, which a student is offered, depends on his or her A level results. The more popular is the university, the higher the grades it will ask for.

Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities in Britain and they have the highest academic reputation.

Text-based exercises

Exercise III. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the role of education in the life of young people?

2. What is person leaving school given?

3. What types of secondary school in England do you know?

4. What is a National Curriculum?

5. How many universities are there in UK?

6. What old English universities do you know?

Exercise IV. Study the definitions of the following words:

Education – the process of developing knowledge or skills; teaching.

Knowledge – range of information or understanding; what is known.

Curriculum – a course of study in a school or college.

Student – one who studies something; one who is enrolled for study at college, ets.

Graduate – one who has completed a course of study at a school or college.

Technique – method of procedure, scientific operation.

Facility – means by which something can be easily done.

Department – faculty; a separate part or division.

Exercise V. Translate the following sentences using words and expressions from the text:

1. Роки навчання в університеті чи в інституті – найкращі роки молодої людини.

2. Освіченій людині завжди легко знайти своє місце в житті.

3. Навчання в університеті проводиться методом консультації.

4. Крім теоретичних знань, студенти набувають практичних навичок роботи в лабораторії.

5. громадська активність – одна із важливих рис сучасних студентів.

6. Роки навчання найкращим чином готують людей до їхньої кар’єри у промисловості, науці, освіті та мистецтві.

Grammar exercises

Exercise VI. Fill in the form of “to be” that agrees with the subject:

1. Education... very important for ambitious young people.

2. It... a vital part of their life.

3. Students... always in the focus of any educational system.

4. The goal of teaching at a department of chemistry... to train a well-rounded specialist both in general and special chemistry.

5. A school year... divided into 2 semesters.

6. The curriculum for a spring semester... discussed at the Dean's office.

7. According to the curriculum basic material... presented in the form of lectures.

8. Many students of our department... members of the University sports and art clubs or societies.

Exercise VII. Rewrite the following sentences making them interrogative. Then give short negative answers:

1. Education today is more important than at any previous time in our history.

2. The objective of a study programme is to provide good knowledge in science.

3. At higher school basic material is presented in the form of lectures.

4. They attend interesting meeting, lectures, films, exhibitions.

5. the department actively helps its students to find their professional positions.

Exercise VIII. Give degrees of comparison of the following adjectives and adverbs:

Short, little, small, wide, big, narrow, young, old, beautiful, any, many, bad, handsome, tall, expression, thick, good, large, attractive, thin, early, well-known, delicate, slender, careful, happy, considerable, lean.

Exercise IX. Open the brackets. Mind degrees of comparison of adjective and adverbs:

1. He is (tall) than his father is.

2. My grandfather is 5 years (older) than my grandmother is.

3. Are you (young) than me?

4. Who is your (good) friend?

5. Janet is (pretty) of all.

6. Is your friend as (witty) as you?

7. (Old) he grew (wise) he became.

8. She will get (thin) when she gets (old).

Exercise X. Put general questions to the following sentences:

1. The engineers of the ministry often go to different countries to do business with foreign companies.

2. Now he is in London.

3. he works at the Ukrainian trade delegation.

4. She was very busy yesterday.

5. her office hours begin at 8:30.

6. That morning she looked through all newspapers and catalogues.

7. They will discuss prices for different goods, terms of payment, shipment and delivery.

8. They received much mail.

9. Today he has got few letters and telex on his desk.

Exercise XI. Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Use a/an where necessary:

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