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Colour and life

Colours do affect our life, actions and reactions. They can create fatigue, stress, damage to eyes, errors, loss of orientation. Some colours are very comforting, others are irritating. Some colours appeal to men, others appeal to women. In fact, there is a significant difference in men and women's reaction to colour. For instance, men get bored in grey environment very quickly, while women stay indifferent to this colour. Men prefer bright colours and women prefer soft ones, though there is no significant difference in preferences of light versus dark colour for men and women.

Green is considered to be the most comforting and restful colour for eyes. Suicides dropped 34% when London Blackfriar Bridge was painted green. Green is a sacred colour for the Egyptians symbolising hope and joy of Spring. In Celtic myths the Green man was the God of fertility, that’s why for some nations the bride's gown colour was green. If you look at the Renaissance masterpiece the picture by Jan Van Eyck «Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride», you see that she wears the green gown. Though for most people today the bride's colour is white, for some it is inappropriate.

In China, white is the colour of mourning and if a bride wears it, parents would never allow her to get married. In India, for example, the bride colour is white with the touch of other colours.

Choosing the right colour is essential to advertising, producing and selling products, creating positive company image. Believe it or not, but some colours, blue in particular, are appetite suppressers. A few years ago makers of «M&Ms» American candy, assortment of different coloured chocolates, added blue. So, if you want to lose your weight just put your food on blue plates, or uses blue light in your dining room and refrigerator. The thing is that there is no blue food in nature, and we have no automatic appetite reaction to it. Moreover, million years ago, blue, purple and black were «warning signs» of deadly food for our ancestors.

Shopping is not as simple as you may think! There are all sorts of psychological and eye-deceiving tricks at play each time we reach out for that particular brand of product on the shelf. Colouring, for example, varies according to what the manufacturers are trying to sell. Most cosmetics are packaged in delicate pastel colours such as pink. Health foods come in greens, yellows or browns because we think of these as healthy colours. Ice cream packets are often blue because we identify that as a cool colour; and luxury goods, like expensive chocolates, are invariably gold or silver.

Text-based exercises

Exercise III. Translate and memorize the following groups of words of the same stem:

Differ – difference – different – differently – indifferent.

Fertile – fertility – fertilization – fertilize – fertilizer.

Lose – loser – loss – lost.

Create – creation – creative – creature – creator.

Pack – package – packer – packet.

Identify – identity – identical – identification.

Exercise IV. Give English equivalents:

Сіре оточення, колір, самогубство, шедевр, дорогий шоколад, м’який колір, надія, бути байдужим, дозволяти, сумувати, втрата орієнтації, в порівнянні з, бути суттєвим, бути відповідним до чогось.

Exercise V. Answer the following questions:

1. How does colour affect our life?

2. Is there any difference in men and women’s reaction to colour?

3. What colour do men prefer?

4. What colour is considered to be the most comforting colour for eyes?

5. What colours are appetite suppressers?

6. what tricks do the manufacturers use to make us buy their products?

7. What is your favourite colour?

Grammar exercises

Exercise VI. Introduce help-verbs and corrections whenever necessary:

1. Who (works) in your laboratory?

2. What method you (used) in your previous experiment?

3. What (helps) you in your work?

4. when she (will call) you?

5. Why you (didn’t come) on time?

6. how much money she (has) on her account?

7. Whose dictionary (lies) on the table?

8. why you (don’t return) books to the library?

Exercise VII. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past simple or Present Continuous:

1. I … English since 1999. (to study)

2. We … English at school. (to study)

3. From 2000 to 20006 he … as a customs officer. (to work)

4. When he was a sales representative, he … twelve hours a day. (to work)

5. I … very busy all this week. (to be)

6. How many pages … you…? (to read)

7. How much … you … at your last job? (to get)

8. Where … all the managers … (to go)

Exercise VIII. Replace the Possessive Case by the of-phrase:

Our teacher’s pen = the pen of our teacher

1. My father’s library.

2. The woman’s reaction

3. The ship’s crew.

4. The engineer’s drawings

5. the buyer’s confirmation.

6. The sellers’ claim.

7. The representative’s report.

8. The shipowners’ instructions.

Exercise IX. Put the verbs into the correct tense:

1. How long (you know) Anna?

2. She (stay) with our family for 20 years.

3. After her marriage we (not see) her for a long time.

4. I (visit) London a few months ago.

5. We (be) at Victoria in ten minutes.

6. It (be) ten years since I (leave) school.

7. Olga (finish) that exercise 5 minutes ago.

8. how long (you stay) in English.

Exercise X. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the model:

This is my coat – this is coat is mine.

1. This is our school.

2. This is my catalogue.

3. This is our order.

4. This is his number.

5. This is her letter.

6. This is their price-list.

Exercise XI. Translate into English:

1. Я навчаюсь у «КПІ» на 1 курсі.

2. у мене йде півгодини на те, щоб доїхати до Університету.

3. Але вчора у мене пішло 45 хвилин через затримку транспорту.

4. Коли я зайшов в аудиторію, всі студенти писали конспект.

5. Ви вже зробили покупки? Де виробили покупки?

6. Ви витратили багато грошей на продукти?

7. Він вже прийшов з інституту?

8. Де він був учора?

9. Вони збираються вечеряти.

10. Я щойно повернувся із відрядження і збираюся відвідувати своїх батьків.

Speech exercises

Exercise XII. Read the dialogue:

Stanley: Good morning, Mr. Borisov.
Borisov: Good morning, Mr. Stanley.
Stanley: Happy to meet you again.
Borisov: The pleasure is mine.
Stanley: Sunny morning, isn't it?
Borisov: Yes, it's beautiful.
Stanley: The weather will keep fine, I hope.
Borisov: I hope so too.
Stanley: Good weather is a good way to start business, isn't it?
Borisov: That's right. Let's get down to business then. I'd like to start with the price. Mr. Stanley. I'm sorry it is not acceptable to as. You have quoted a very high price.
Stanley: Oh, 20 gr. unit is quite a reasonable price. As you know we have, improved the model. And besides the price includes export packing.
Borisov: Yes, we know that. But we also know that the prices on the world market for this type of pumps are lower than yours.
Stanley: But the quality of our pumps is higher and we've de­livered a lot of pumps to different countries of the world at this price.
Borisov: And still, Mr. Stanley, we find the price a bit high. I'd like to stress that it's our trial order with your company and if we are satisfied with our transaction you can expect repeat orders from us.
Stanley: Well, the only thing we can do is to give you a discount of 2%off the value of the contract.
Borisov: Fine. That settles the price problem.
Stanley: Stanley: And how about the manner of payment? I hope payment by a letter of Credit against shipping documents suits you, doesn't it?
Borisov: Yes, it does.
Stanley: Good. You are to open a L/C with the Kiev Narodny Bank after our notification of the Readiness of the goods for shipment.
Borisov: All right. One more thing, Mr.Stanley. Our people would like to visit your manufacturing plant, if possible.
Stanley: No problem. We can easily arrange it and I myself will take you there.
Borisov: Thank you, Mr. Stanley.
Stanley: Stanley: Thank you, Mr. Borisov. We are looking forward to establishing good business relations with your company.

Exercise XIII. Agree or disagree. Give your reasons:

1. When Mr. Stanley and Borisov met, the weather was very bad. It was raining heavily.

2. The company quoted a reasonable price.

3. Bond and Co delivered a lot of pumps to different countries of the world.

4. Their customers were quite-satisfied with the quality of the рumрs.

5. The Buyers were to make payment for collection.

6. It was difficult for Mr. Stanley to arrange a visit to the manufacturing plant.

Exercise XIV. Say what you have learned from the dialogue about:

1. the discussing of the price 2. the Sellers' manner of payment

Exercise XV. Think and answer:

1. Why was Ukrainimport interested in the pumps of the Bond and Co?

2. Why were Bond and Co interested in doing business with Ukrainimport?

3. Why did Bond and Co improve the model?

4. Why did Bond and Co give a discount to the Buyers?

5. Why did Borisov want to visit the manufacturing plant?

Exercise XVI. Speak on the topic:

“The goods of our office”


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