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F) Comment on the language. Compare it with that of James Hilton (Text One)


I. Listen attentively to your fellow-student's reading of Ex. 2. In what way will you correct his mistakes if he makes any?

II. Ask your fellow-student to read out loud Ex. 3; ask him to beat the time to observe proper stresses; correct his mistakes in the pronunciation of vowels.

III. While listening to your fellow-students' reading of Ex. 4, write down their mistakes, then analyse them and ask the students to correct them orally.

IV. Ask your fellow-student to read the passages given in Ex. 5 observing the intonation of parentheses; correct his mistakes.

V. Comment on Professor Winters' recommendation to teach not the subject but the whole child. What does it imply in terms of foreign-language teaching?

VI. What do you think of the popular quotation from B. Shaw "Those who can, do, those who can't teach"? Give reasons for your answer.

VII. a) Reread the text for the information on the "culture element". Make up a list of specific features of American school life as can be seen through this ex tract, b) Be ready to speak on the American high school system. (Revise the mate rial given in Part Four.)

VIII. The text of this lesson is given in a form of a letter. That should remind you of the peculiarities of letter-writing in English, a) Write down the expressions for the salutation, the body of the letter and the complimentary clause that you


think appropriate for teaching on a school level, b) Speaking in terms of meth­ods, why do you think letter-writing is so essential in foreign-language teach­ing at all levels?

IX. Give a professional account of the papers or written homework at your teacher's choice that you have corrected. Use the following:

1. I've marked/corrected your papers. 2. Will you do your correc­tions now! 3. Now I'm going to give you your homework back. 4. Would you read the last sentence again, please! 5. In this way we check on the proficiency of the students. 6. All students of English especially those who are trained to become school teachers must have legible writing. 7. Give it a suitable title.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 489 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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