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Scientific and technological revolution

speed n (to proceed at one's own -)

subject matter тема, предмет обсуждения

substitute v, n (- teacher нештатный преподаватель; to ~ smth. for smth.)

superior лучший, более совершенный; превосходящий a (to be - to a teacher)

take notes of lectures конспектировать лекцию (but: to make brief/outline notes набросать заметки)

terminal конечное устройство n (home -; computer -)

time sharing использование ЭВМ в режиме разделения времени

trial испытание and erro r пробы и ошибки (method)

user n

I. Lifelong learning is vital for every individual. Only by continuous nourish­ment of the human mind, body and soul can man be adequate to the challenge of our time. "How to teach" seems to be a well-developed area in education. What about methods of learning?

1. a) Read the following:

You may think that study is an individual matter; that methods which suit some individual will not suit others; and that different methods are appropriate подходящие to different subjects. All this is true. Study remains an art. The best methods of learning medieval стредневековую history will not necessarily be the best methods of learning chemical engineering. But, whatever какой бы то ни было subject you are studying, there are nevertheless certain general principles which you should know about, and which


should enable you to work out разрабатывать your own personal methods and schemes of study more effectively, and with less trial испытанием and error.

Success in study depends not only on ability and hard work but also on effective methods of study. Some students can do more work in a given time than others, and do it more easily. This is largely a matter of ability, no doubt, but ability is by no means the only fac­tor. Important study skills such as note-taking записывание, revising исправление, and making plans and time-tables расписание, графики have to be learned and practised, yet very few students get добиваются any systematic instruction in these matters. Most have to rely on надеяться the study techniques which they learned at school, or to proceed by personal trial пробами and error. Even the most gifted students can seldom discover unaided без (посторонней) помощи the most effective ways of studying.

Take a question which must concern all students: What is the most effective method of learning from textbooks? Several methods are possible, e.g. 1) simple reading and re-reading, 2) underlining the main points and important details in the text, 3) reading and then making brief outline notes наброски.

Actual research studies of the effectiveness of these methods, as judged by examination success, have in fact been done on quite a large scale масштабе. Method (3) turned out to be the best, but only if the text was read over first in order to get the general sense, and if the notes were made in the student's own words. Without some practice and training in note-taking, method (3) was actually inferior хуже to method (1).

You must thoroughly основательно understand what you are studying. If you really understand a subject not only do you remember it easily, but you can apply your knowledge in new situations. The important thing is not what you know, but what you can do with what you know. The extra effort envolved in getting a firm grounding твёрдую почву in the essen­tials суть of a subject is repaid компенсируется many times in later study.

How are you to achieve understanding? Understanding involves 1) linking связывание new knowledge to the old and 2) organizing it and remem­bering it in a systematic fashion.

(From: Maddox II. How to Study. L, 1971.)

b) Answer the following questions:

1. Do you think that study is really an individual matter? Do you believe that you can become efficient in learning through proper organization and method? 2. Which of the three methods of learning from textbooks suggested by the author do you usu­ally stick to in your studies? Which do you personally find effect-


tive? 3. There is a most important general rule of learning given by the author in this extract. What is it? 4. How do students achieve understanding?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 448 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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