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Read out the following words and word combinations paying attention to the phonetic phenomena of connected speech

1) Assimilation: a) The alveolar consonants [t, d, n, 1] become dental before [р, ε]:

set the alarm ; congratulations on the baby's new tooth; not the subject but the whole child; to bring out the best in him; beyond the prescribed work; all this is easier said than done; and thrillers ; except the fact that they have always been taught; to excite the class; on the blackboard; when the dismissal выпускной bell rang; find the Requisition Forms бланки заявки; I got them to be quiet; in the classroom; in the school system

b) The alveolar consonants [t, d] become post-alveolar under the influence of [r]:

her troubles; the recent strike threats угрозы забастовки; I've been trying; that's frus­tration крушение; to have a dream; I had strewn рассыпала; strange as it may seem; drill строевая подготовка; strident скрипучий; attractive ; truly; trivia-in-triplicate; administrative

c) The backlingual consonants [k, g] become labialized before [w]:

require, quit, frequently, quiet, quivering колышутся, bilingual, language

2) The linking "r"

there is bound непременно to be; there is an oversupply переизбыток of them; or other; (in) their own words; enter Admiral Ass; are in love; there are a few good; or a refuge убежище


5. Read the following extracts out loud: from "Is it wise. I asked..." up to "...cli ches seem freshly minted" and from "There are a few good, hard-working, patient people..." up to "...an excuse or a refuge". Beat the time. Remember that parenthe ses as a rule should be unstressed and constitute the tail of the intonation group they belong to. Use proper intonation patterns to convey appropriate attitudes.

6. Study the following proverbs, a) Translate them into Russian or supply their Russian equivalents, b) Practise their reading paying attention to the vowels [з:, v, и:], the phonetic phenomena of connected speech and the intonation:

1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. 2. Between two stools one goes to the ground. Хотел сесть на два стула, да и очутился на полу. 3. Choose an author as you choose a friend. Выбирай книгу так, как выбираешь друга. 4. Don't halloo until you are out of the wood. Не говори "гоп", пока не перескочишь. 5. He who would search for pearls must dive below. Без труда нет плода. 6. Many words hurt more than swords. Cлово пуще стрелы разит 7. No news is good news. Отсутствие вестей - (само по себе) неплохая весть. 8. Of two evils choose the least. Из двух зол выбирай меньшее. 9. The ear­ly bird catches the worm. Кто рано встаёт, того удача ждёт. 10. The work shows the workman. Мастера видно по работе; ≈ дело мастера боится.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 589 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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