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Read the text and consider its following aspects. a) Comment on the syntax and the rhythmic effect achieved in "I can wash a blouse, think a thought

a) Comment on the syntax and the rhythmic effect achieved in "I can wash a blouse, think a thought, write a letter."

b) Explain:

teaching not the subject but the whole child; individualization and enrichment ; enlarge his scope; to motivate стимулировать and distribute books; their background consists of the simplest comics and thrillers ; some com­mittee комиссия was asked to come up with нагонять some titles; a man's reach should exceed превосходить his grasp возможности; to the young, cliches seem freshly minted выдуманные; hitch подцепляй your wagon to a star судьбе;...who teaches English on one foot; to teach against insuperable непреодолимые odds

c) Indicate the stylistic devices in the following sentences. Comment upon the fitness of the comparison with sparrows in the first sentence. What is the speak er's attitude conveyed by the last sentence?

1. They crowded in the doorway, chirping чирикая like agitated sparrows, pecking клюя at the seeds семена I had strewn рассыпала. 2.1 had succeeded, I thought, in establishing a mood. I mean, I got them to be quiet. 3....Enter Admi­ral Ass, in full regalia , epaulettes эполеты quivering колышутся with indignation возмущении.

d) Exemplify the use of colloquialisms and learned words. Why does the writ er of the letter make use of both?

e) Comment on the passage beginning "There are a few good, hard-working, patient people...". What immediate impression does it make on you? What is the key sentence of the passage? Enlarge upon the idea expressed in it.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 771 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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