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Word list. Exercise 6. 2say if these sentences are true (t) or false(f) or if the information is missing (im) in the text

accident [׳æksid(E)nt] случай; несчастный случай; катастрофа; авария
approximately [E’prOksimetli] приблизительно
clearance [’kliEr(E)ns] разрешение
crew [kru:] экипаж
dangerous [’deind3rEs ] опасный, угрожающий
delay [di’lei] задержка; задерживать, откладывать
descend [di’send] снижаться
descent [di’sent] снижение
emergency [i’mE:d3(E)nsi] непредвиденный случай; аварийность
emergency descent [i’mE:d3(E)nsi] [di’sent] аварийное снижение
evacuate [i’vækjueit] эвакуировать
forced landing [fO:st][’lændiN] вынужденная посадка
human [’hju:mEn] человеческий; свойственный человеку
immediately [i’mi:djEtli} немедленно, тотчас же
injury [’in(d)3(E)ri] ушиб, рана; телесное повреждение
leave [li:v] уходить, уезжать; оставлять, покидать
on board [bO:d] на борту
oxygen mask [’Oksid3(e)n][ma:sk] кислородная маска
permitted rate [pE’mitid][reit] разрешённая вертикальная скорость
predicted [pri’diktid] предсказанный
push [puS] толкать, пихать
put out [put] тушить, гасить
regard [ri’ga:d] внимание; уважение; забота
rush [ruS] бросаться; устремляться; мчаться
safety [’seifti] безопасность
surface [’sE:fis] поверхность
survival instinct [sE’vaiEbl][ ’Instinkt] инстинкт выживания
take into account [teik][E’kaunt] принимать во внимание

Exercise 6.2 Say if these sentences are true (T) or false(F) or if the INFORMATION is MISSING (IM) in the text. Correct the false ones.

  Fire is one of the most dangerous accidents on board the plane.  
  It takes place in about 40% of all accidents  
  If passengers do not leave the plane as soon as possible, there will be a lot of fatalities  
  Human behaviour in fire is predicted.  
  They must be evacuated during 10 minutes.  
  In case of fire people never panic.  
  The controller should impose silence on his frequency.  
  The crew will have to inform the ATC about the beginning of this manoeuvre immediately.  
  The crew uses oxygen masks.  
  The higher level at which this occurs the less serious the situation is.  
  The controller must allow the pilot sufficient time to work on his problem.  

Exercise 6.3 Put questions to the underlined words.

1. One of the most dangerous accidents on board the plane is a fire.

2. It takes place in approximately 60% of all events.

3. Otherwise there will be a lot of fatalities.

4. But human behaviour in fire is not predicted.

5. People rush to the available exits, cry and shout, push each other struggling to get out as quickly as possible.

6. They sometimes block exits causing a lot of injuries and even death.

7. If fire happens the aircraft will descend.

8. Emergency descent is a procedure for the fastest closing to the ground surface at a maximum permitted rate.

9. All the controller can do during this phase of emergency is only to provide safety by turning aircraft out of the way.

10. The crew uses the oxygen masks.

11. The controller should not call the crew of the plane until they get a survivable level and are able to talk without the use of oxygen masks.

12. In case when fire is not put out, the plane descends to make a forced landing.

13. After the forced landing the passengers and the crew must be evacuated without any delay.

Exercise 6.4 Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Human survival instincts; rush, push; little regard for; block exits; injuries; take into account; rapid evacuation of the aircraft; descend; descent clearance; inform the ATC; manoeuvre, emergency descent; ground surface; maximum permitted rate; phase of emergency; provide safety; forced landing; controller; make sure; crew; oxygen masks; put out; delay.

Exercise 6.5 Complete the sentences.

1. One of the most dangerous accident _________.

2. In aircraft accidents with a fire _________.

3. It means that people either _________.

4. But human behaviour in fire ________.

5. In case of danger the passengers__________.

6. People rush to the available exits_________.

7. If fire happens_______.

8. It will not ask for a descent clearance_________.

9. Emergency descent is a procedure__________.

10. The higher level at which this occurs_________.

11. All the controller can do during this phase of emergency________.

12. If forced landing follows emergency descent__________.

13. The controller should not________.

14. In case when fire is not put out________.

15. After the forced landing________.

Exercise 6.6 Match the definitions in the left column with the English equivalents in the right column.

1. to happen a. fatality
2. state of continuing to live or exit b. exit
3. find out whether thing is definitely so c. to predict
4. to see or describe a future happening in advance as a result of knowledge, experience, thought etc d. permitted rate
5. a way out e. to occur
6. a violent accidental death f. to make sure
7. cleared rate g. survival
8. a thing that may be chosen; a choice h. an option

Exercise 6.7 Match Ukrainian terms in the left column with the English equivalents in the right column.

1. аварийное снижение a. injury
2. разрешение на снижение b. ground surface
3. задержка c. emergency descent
4. обеспечивать безопасность d. descent clearance
5. повреждение e. maximum permitted rate
6. вынужденная посадка f. put out
7. фаза аварийной ситуации g. delay
8. потушить h. phase of emergency
9. земная поверхность i. provide safety
10. максимально разрешённая вертикальная скорость j. forced landing

Exercise 6.8 Answer these questions.

1. What is the most dangerous accidents on board?

2. How often does it occur on board the plane?

3. Is the human behaviour predicted in fire?

4. Must a pilot descend or climb when there is fire on board?

5. When should a controller call a pilot?

6. Are there any oxygen equipment for passengers on board?

7. In what case is a forced landing necessary?

8. What actions are taken after the forced landing?

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 585 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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