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Word List. Exercise 5.2 Answer the following questions.

to absorb [Eb7sO:b] амортизировать
aileron [7eilErOn] элерон
airborne [7BEbO:n] находящийся в воздухе
arrangement [E7reind3mEnt] компановка, монтаж
attach [E7tXtS] Присоединять, прикреплять
auxiliary [O:g7ziljEri] вспомогательный
belly landing [7beli 7lXndiN] посадка на фюзеляж
biplane [7baiplein] биплан
box-type [bOks taip] коробочного типа
cargo [7ka:gau] груз
cockpit [7kOkpit] кабина пилота
considerably [kEn7sid(E)rEbli] значительно
directional stability [di7rBkSEn(E)l stE7biliti] продольная стабильность
elevator [7eliveitE] руль высоты
empennage [em7penid3] хвостовое оперение
to extend [ik7stend] простираться, вытягиваться
extended position [ik7stend pE7siS(E)n] вытянутое положение
fin [fin] киль, вертикальный стабилизатор
fire-prevention system [7faiE pri7venS(E)n 7sistim] протипожарная система
fire extinguishing system [7faiE ik7stiNgwiSIn 7sistim] система пожаротушения
flap [7flXp] закрылок
flight compartment [flait kEm7pa:tmEnt]] кабина экипажа
freight [freit] фрахт, груз
fuel system [fjuEl sistim] топливная система
galley [7gXli] кухня
high-wing [hai wiN] высоко расположенное крыло
to hinge [hind3] подвешивать на шарнирах
horizontal plane [6horizontal plein] горизонтальная площадь
horizontal stabilizer [6hori7zOntl 6steibilaizE] горизонтальный стабилизатор
lift [lift] подъёмная сила
load [leud] вес, нагрузка
to lower [7lEvE] опускать
low-wing [7lEu wiN] низко расположенное крыло
lubrication (oil) system [6lu:brikeiS(E)n (Oil) 7sistim] система смазки
mid-wing [7mid win] средне расположенное крыло
mission [7miS(E)n] назначение, задание
monoplane [7mOnEplein] моноплан
multispar [7mVltispa:] многолонжеронный
nosing [7neuziN] капотирование
piston [7pistEn] поршень
portholes [7pO:thEul] бортовой иллюминатор
portside [7pO:tsaid] левый борт
to prevent [pri7vEnt] предотвращать, предупреждать
to propel [prEpel] продвигать вперед, толкать
power plant [pave pla:nt] силовая установка
to reduce [ri7dju:s] ослаблять, уменьшать
to retract [ri7trXkt] втягивать
retractable [ri7trXktEb(E)l] втяжной
rudder [7rVdE] руль напрвления
sandwich [7sXndwid3] (техн.) многослойный
shock [SOk] удар, толчок
starboard [7sta:bEd] правый борт
streamlined [7stri:mlaind] обтекаемый
tricycle [7traisik(E)l] трьохколёсный
windshield [7windSi:ld] лобовое стекло
wheels up landing [7wi:lz Vp lXndiN] посадка с убранными шасси
to withstand [7wi97stXnd] выдерживать, противостоять

Exercise 5.2 Answer the following questions.

1. What are the aircraft types?

2. What are the principals part of the aircraft?

3. What is the function of the power plant?

4. What are the main types of engines?

5. What does the power plant include?

6. What can the fuselage contain?

7. How is the front window of the flight compartment called?

8. What does the tail unit consist of?

9. What does the tail unit provide?

10. What can the fuselage contain?

11. What is the function of the wing?

12. What is the function of the landing gear?

13. How is the landing with retracted undercarriage called?

Exercise 5.3 Write T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.

1. Monoplanes have two sets of wings.

2. There are 3 types of monoplanes.

3. The aircraft consists of six principal structural units.

4. The power plant provides lift.

5. The main part of the power plant is the engines.

6. The function of the fuel system is to feed the engine with fuel.

7. The size of the fuselage is the same for any aircraft.

8. The fuselage is the central body of the aircraft.

9. The fuselage carries the crew and passengers.

10. The flight compartment is located at the rear part of the fuselage.

11. A window at the front of the flight compartment is called a porthole.

12. The fuselage must be strong enough to withstand resistance.

13. The wings are attached to the nose section of the aircraft.

14. The fuselage of the wing is to propel the aircraft in the air.

15. Ailerons and flaps are attached to the leading edge of the wing.

16. The design of the wind depends on the size of the airplane.

17. The vertical surface of the tail unit is called the “stabilizer”.

18. The fin provides directional stability of he aircraft in flight.

19. The horizontal stabilizer provides longitudinal stability of the aeroplane in flight.

20. The function of the landing gear is to support the aircraft on the ground.

21. The tricycle landing gear is the gear with a nose wheel.

22. If the undercarriage is left in down position it increases the rate of climb.

Exercise 5.4 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and word combinations.

Back part; complex; to hold; wheel; airplane; secured; hold out against; energy or force that can be used to do work; over; regarding to; cargo; design; comprise; purpose; type; the fire fighting system; part; to supply; to change; cockpit; passenger compartment; coat room; WC; front section; windscreen; left side; right side; portholes; empennage; accommodate; facility; to stretch; secured; different; longeron; to manage; to roll; decrease; suck in, helping; to employ stationary; to extend; situation needing quick action; it is practicable; wheels up landing; airman, to stop.

Exercise 5.5 Give the English equivalents for the following.

В зависимости от расположения крыла; поршневые и реактивные двигатели; система пожаротушения; система управления двигателем; кабина экипажа; багажный отсек; иллюминаторы; лобовое стекло; с правого бока фюзеляжа; горизонтальный стабилизатор; в задней части фюзеляжа; пассажирский салон; создавать подъёмную силу; выдерживать загрузки; движимые части хвостового оперения; элероны и закрылки; передняя стойка шасси; руление; взлёт и посадка; основная опора самолёта; убирающиеся во время приземления шасси; уменьшает вертикальную скорость набора высоты; аварийная посадка; посадка с убранными шасси.

Exercise 5.6 Make up your own sentences with the words and word combination from the exercises 4 and 5.

Exercise 5. 7 Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B.


1. Airplane a. the act of supporting or the condition of being supported
2. Wing b. a heavier-than-air powered flying vehicle with fixed wings
3. Fuselage c. any force that tends to retard or oppose motion
4. Rudder d. the main body of an aircraft, excluding the wings, tailplane, and fin
5. Fin e. the assembly of wheels, shock absorbers, struts, etc., that supports an aircraft on the ground and enables it to take off and land
6. Undercarriage f. a vertical control surface attached to the rear of the fin used to steer an aircraft, in conjunction with the ailerons
7. Support g. able to be moved or rearranged; not fixed
8. Resistance h. a vertical surface to which the rudder is attached, usually placed at the rear of an aeroplane to give stability about the vertical axis
9. Movable i. the ability of an aircraft to resume its original flight path after inadvertent displacement
10. Stability j. the full span of the main supporting surface on both sides of an aircraft


1. structural a. the compartment in an aircraft in which the pilot, crew, and sometimes the passengers sit
2. engine b. disc or cylindrical part that slides to and fro in a hollow cylinder.
3. piston c. the reason for which anything is done, created, or exists
4. fuel d. the component of the aerodynamic forces acting on a wing, etc., at right angles to the airflow
5. cockpit e. an unforeseen or sudden occurrence, esp. of a danger demanding immediate remedy or action
6. purpose f. of, relating to, or having structure or a structure
7. stabilizer g. a movable surface fixed to the trailing edge of an aircraft wing that increases lift during takeoff and drag during landing
8. lift h. any device for stabilizing an aircraft
9. flap i. any machine designed to convert energy, esp heat energy, into mechanical work
10. emergency j. any substance burned as a source of heat or power, such as coal or petrol

Exercise 5.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. The function of the fuel system is to ______________ the engine with fuel (supply, house, provide).

2. The rudder is _____________ to the fin (bolted, attached, hinged).

3. The aircraft ______________ of five principal structural units (includes, consists, uses).

4. The main _____________ of the power plant is the engine (element, side, part).

5. It extends from the nose to the _____________ of the machine (rear part, fin, tail).

6. The size of the fuselage ______________ with the purpose of the plane (consists of, accommodates, varies).

7. There is a window at the front of the flight _____________ (cockpit, cabin, compartment).

8. There is a _______________ at the rear part of the fuselage on some aircraft (nose wheel, main wheel, tail wheel).

9. The fuselage is the ______________ body of the aircraft (main, front, rear).

10. The fuselage must be _______________ enough to withstand loads (light, heavy, strong).

11. There are ______________ parts in the wing (stationary, changing, movable).

12. The most _______________ section is the wing section (important, useful, complicated).

13. The function of the wings is to ______________ lift (develop, support, create).

14. The tail unit provides direction ______________ of the aircraft in flight (motion, controllability, stability).

15. The horizontal surface _____________ elevators (controls, attaches, supports).

Exercisе 5.9. Fill in the gaps with the related words.

1. The function of the power plant is to ______________ the aircraft (propeller, propelling, propel).

2. Biplanes are planes which have two ______________ of wing (set, setting, sets).

3. Modern airplanes have _____________ kinds of jet engines (differ, differently, different).

4. According to the ____________ airplanes can be passenger, cargo and special mission (using, used, use).

5. The power plant ______________ some systems (include, including, includes).

6. The flight compartment is ________________ in the forward section of the fuselage (normal, normally, normality).

7. It ______________ all passengers, crew, cargo and equipment (house, houses, housing).

8. The wings are mostly metal _______________ (structures, structured, structuring).

9. The wings _______________ out on each side of the aircraft (extended, extention, extend).

10. Modern aircraft use ______________ types of wings (variable, vary, various).

11. The vertical surface serves to _______________ the rudder (supports, supported, support).

12. The elevators ______________ climb and descent of the airplane (control, controlling, controls).

Exercise 5.10 Match the words and word combinations in column A with those in column B.

1. principal structural unit a. убирающееся во время взлёта шасси
2. central body of the aircraft b. трьохколесное шасси
3. to provide the engine with fuel с. движимые части хвостового оперения
4. engine control system d. удерживать самолёт на земле
5. the tail unit e. хвостовое колесо
6. according to the use f. самая задняя часть
7. from the nose to the tail g. основной структурный элемент
8. the galley h. зависит от размеру, веса
9. technical compartment i. центральная часть самолёта
10. the very rear part j. поставлять топливо в двигатель
11. to withstand loads k. согласно назначению
12. to create lift l. технический отсек
13. to control climb and descent m. система управления двигателем
14. the movable parts of the tail unit n. от носовой части до хвостовой
15. depends on the size, weight o. бортовая кухня
16. tail wheel p. хвостовое оперение
17. to support the aircraft on the ground q. создавать подъёмную силу
18. to absorb the energy of landing r. выдерживать нагрузки
19. tricycle landing gear s. управлять набором высоты и снижением
20. landing gear is retracted during take off t. поглощать энергию посадки

Exercise 5.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Бипланы – это самолёты, имеющие два комплекта крыльев.

2. В зависимости от расположения крыла существуют три типа монопланов: высокоплан, среднеплан и низкоплан.

3. Функцией силовой установки является создание мощности.

4. Силовая установка состоит из нескольких систем, а именно: топливной системы, системы смазки, системы пожаротушения, системы охлаждения и системы управления двигателем.

5. В фюзеляже можно расположить кабину экипажа, пассажирский салон, бортовую кухню.

6. Сама сложная секция – это крыло.

7. В криле находятся движимые части: элероны и закрылки.

8. Конструкция крыла зависит от размера, веса и назначения самолёта.

9. Фюзеляж должен иметь обтекаемую форму.

10. Крылья крепятся к центроплану.

11. Функцией крыльев является создание подъёмной силы и удерживания самолёта в полёте.

12. Функцией шасси является также уменьшение удара во время руления, взлёта и посадки.

13. Шасси состоит из основных и вспомогательных агрегатов.

14. После безопасного взлёта самолёта, пилот затормаживает колёса и убирает шасси.

Exercise 5.12 Retell the text.


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