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Work in pairs. In turn ask and answer the questions you have made

7 Look at the dialogue below. Complete the student’s answers with the sentences from the box.

A On the contrary, they appear in sick, older, injured or tumor cells, as well as in alien ones, or invade the organism from without.
B Antigens display conformation and sequential epitopes.
C Conformation epitopes are lost, but sequential ones are exposed and presented by antigen-presenting cells on their surface as a rind or panel.
D All antigens can be divided into exogenous and endogenous.
E Of much greater significance for the classification of antigens is their division into autoantigens and heteroantigens.
F In fact, an antigen is not only a material molecule, but also an informational unit or signal.
G They are found in normal unimpaired young cells.

Examiner: In what way are all antigens classified depending on their


Student: 1……

Examiner: May antigens be divided in another way?

Student: Well. 2 ……….

Examiner: Where are autoantigens found?

Student: 3 ……….

Examiner: Where are heteroantigens found?

Student: They are not found in normal unimpaired young cells. 4……….

Examiner: Should we interpret an antigen only as a material molecule?

Student: No, we shouldn’t. 5……….

Examiner: What types of epitopes do antigens display?

Student: 6……….

Examiner: What happens with these epitopes in the course of immune responses to extracellular antigens?

Student: 7……….

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 423 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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