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Ex.7 Match a line in A with a line in B

A 1.A man says he has never flown before. 2.A passenger drops her bag at the top of the steps and the contents fall out. 3.A young mother asks about feeding her baby. 4.A passenger lights a cigarette as he walks up the steps. 5.A young woman is crying as she enters the cabin. 6.A passenger requests reassurance about the flight and destination. 7.A passenger wants to know where to sit. 8.A female passenger smiles but says nothing on entering the cabin. 9.A passenger seems nervous and asks how smooth the flight will be. 10.A passenger asks about the duration of the flight. B 1.Don't worry, madam. Let me help you. 2.Let me see, 27C. Right here and you'll find it at the end on the left. 3.Flight time is about 6 hours. 4.Yes, this is the flight to Frankfurt. 5.Don't worry, sir. I'm sure you'll have an enjoyable flight. 6.Good morning, madam! Welcome on board! 7.The flight conditions reported as favorable.   8.You'll have a special seat allocated to make feeding easier. Your CA will be with you after take-off. 9.Is there anything I can do to help you, madam? 10.Excuse me, extinguish this cigarette immediately!
Breakfast/lunch/dinner Dessert Snack/appetizer/starter Garnish/side dish Soup/broth Sour cream Cottage cheese, dumplings Yoghurt Cheese(processed/hard/soft/Emmental/ Swiss) Egg(soft boiled egg/hard boiled egg; the white/yolk) Fried eggs Scrambled eggs Omelette Vegetable oil Olive oil Butter Ketchup Mayonnaise Mustard Sauce/dressing/seasoning Vinegar Salt, pepper Horseradish Spicy Salty, sweet Bitter Sour Piquant Rice, buckwheat Pasta/macaronis/noodles/spaghetti Mushrooms Roll (white, poppy-seed, caraway seed, bran, sesame, muffin, croissant, Danish, cinnamon) Bread (rye, white, brown, fresh, stale) Pancake Sippets Confectionary Sweets (with cream filling) Chocolate bar Pastry/cake Sponge cake Flaky cake Chocolate sweets/Assorted chocolates Cracker Biscuits/cookie Waffles Jam Sugar/lump of sugar Sugar substitute Ice cream Canned fruit to taste Tasty/delicious/tasteless Tray/serving tray

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 570 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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