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Ex.7 Translate into Russian

The appetizer is cooked of:

A. -lettuce liner/roast breast of chicken/roast tenderloin of beef/a tomato wedge/a cucumber slice/a parsley sprig

B. - lettuce liner/a ham slice/a chicken roulade/a carbonade slice/two tomato wedges/three cucumber slices/a parsley sprig

C. - lettuce liner/black caviar/two salted salmon slices/one boiled egg half/one lemon wedge/two cucumber slices/one parsley sprig

D. - lettuce liner/smoked salmon/salted white fish/one slice of lemon/one bolied egg half/three cucumber slices/two tomato wedges/one parsley sprig

The hot meal is cooked of:

A. - beef goulash/rice/green beans pods

B. - poached salmon/fried potatoes/parsley butter

C. - chicken Kiev/saffron rice/peas/cauliflower/parsley butter

D. - roast breast of chicken/pasta/peas and carrots/apricot sauce

E. - grilled fillet steak/cubed fried potatoes/peas/a half of tomato/parsley butter

F. - steamed haddock/germinated rice/mixed vegetables/parsley butter

CA: - Would you care for a fish or a meat appetizer, sir?

PAX: - Please, fish. What is it cooked of?

CA: - Sturgeon caviar, salted salmon and crab sticks with garnish. There you are. Enjoy your meal!

CA: - Would you like a meat or a fish appetizer?

PAX: - No fish. I prefer meat. What is it prepared of?

CA: - Roast beef, ham and carbonade.

PAX: - Is the ham fat or lean?

CA: - It's lean.

PAX: - OK. I don't mind having a meat appetizer.

CA: - You're welcome. Enjoy your meal.

CA: - Would you like to have grilled fillet steak and pasta or chicken Kiev and saffron rice or poached salmon and mashed potatoes?

PAX: - Steak, please.

CA: - Would you care for roasted venison or roast breast of chicken or steamed mackarel?

PAX: - Steamed fish, please.

CA: - For garnish we can offer you green peas, green beans pods, carrots, cauliflower, vegetable marrow, corn-cobs, wild rice and pasta.

PAX: - Some vegetables, please.

CA: - You are welcome. Enjoy your meal, sir.

CA: - Which cheese would you prefer: Gouda, Cheddar, Emmental, processed?

PAX: - Please, three different slices of cheese.

CA: - Would you care for carrot and celery sticks?

PAX: - Please, two celery sticks and two packets of crackers.

CA: - You are welcome. Would you like some wine?

PAX: - A glass of red wine.

CA: - What would you like, madam?

PAX: - When are you going to serve dinner?

CA: - In 30 minutes.

PAX: - Do you have a vegetarian meal?

CA: - Yes, I think so. Did you order it?

PAX: - Yes, I did.

CA: - May I see your flight ticket?

PAX: - Certainly. Here it is.

CA: - Excuse me a moment, please. I'm sorry, but we don't have your meal. Did you confirm your vegetarian meal?

PAX: - No, I didn't.

CA: - That's why we don't have your meal. You see, special meals, such as Moslim, vegetarian or Kosher, must be confirmed. Are you a full vegetarian?

CA: - No.

PAX: - We can offer you a vegetarian salad, rice, one apple or one orange, tea or coffee with a roll. May I remind you of confirming your vegetarian meal next time you travel.


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