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Ex.8 Listening (13) Listen to the conversations and write them down

Ex.9 In all emergencies, the cabin crew must give clear instructions, calm the passengers and act quickly. Work with a partner. During an emergency situation, what would you say to these people? Choose from the sentences below. There may be several possible answers.

a) a worried passenger whose wife has just fainted

b) a pregnant woman experiencing contractions

c) a young boy running in the aisle to the toilet

d) a panic hyper-ventilating passenger

e) a noise group who are not taking the emergency instructions seriously

f) a mother whose child is sick and vomiting

g) a woman with headphones who is listening to music

- Please keep quiet

- Don’t worry, you will be fine

- Listen, stop

- Do not be upset. We will take care of her.

- Keep quiet please – you are disturbing others.

- Don’t shout. Speak normally.

- Breathe slowly and deeply.

- Calm down now, please.

- That’s enough. Control yourself.

- Try to relax. I will stay with you.

- Listen carefully, please, these instructions are for you.

- Wait until we land.

CHML child meal DBML diabetic meal FPML fresh fruit platter HNML hindu meal LCML low calorie meal LFML low cholesterol meal/low fat meal LPML low protein meal LSML low salt/sodium meal MOML moslem meal SFML seafood meal SPML special medical meal VGML vegeterian/non-diary meal VLML vegetarian lacto ovo meal KSML kosher meal BBML infant/baby meal AVML asian vegeterian meal BLML bland meal GFML gluten free meal HFML high fiber meal NSML no salt added meal ORML oriental meal PRML low purin meal RVML raw vegetarian meal


Cup/glass/wine glass/champagne glass Tumbler Pint glass Plate Saucer Table ware/flatware/cutlery Fork (dessert) Knife Spoon (tea/dessert/soup) Pie server Cocktail straw Corkscrew (Can) opener Nippers/tongs Tin/can Bottle (plastic/glass) One litre bottle/half litre bottle Jug/jag Sauceboat Salt cellar Sugar bowl Pepper pot Toothpick Hot towel Napkin/tissue Linen Casserole dish Pre-set tray/lunchbox Fish/seafood Caviar Sturgeon Salmon Tuna Perch Pike-perch (Salted) herring Crab (meat) Shrimps/prawns Mussels Squid Oysters Octopus Lobster   Meat Poultry Chicken (breast) Duck Turkey Beef Veal Pork Mutton Lamb Goose Rabbit Liver (Pork) chop Beefsteak/roast beef(welldone/overdone /underdone) Sausages Sausage (boiled/smoked) Ham Cold boiled pork Carbonade (Cold) tongue Pate/paste Goulash

CA: Would you like beef or chicken, sir? Or the vegetarian option, the lasagne?

Man: Beef, please.

CA: Here we are. What would you like to drink?

Man: A glass of red wine, please.


Man: Is it French?

CA: No, it’s a South African wine – it’s very nice. Would you like to try it?

Man: Yes, thanks.

CA: And you, madam, would you like beef, chicken or the lasagne?

Woman: Oh, have you got any fish?

CA: No, I’m sorry. Our choices are beef, chicken or vegetable lasagne today.

Woman: Is the chicken very spicy?

CA: No, it’s just mildly spiced. It’s not like a curry – would you like to try it?

Woman: Good, I’ll take the chicken. Could I have a glass of water, too?

CA: Certainly, madam. Would you like still or sparkling?

Woman: Still, please.

CA: There you are. Enjoy your meal, please.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 579 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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