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Ex.3 Read and translate. How can we create the right atmosphere with passengers?


How can we create the right atmosphere with passengers? There are many ways. Show the passenger a nice warm smile. The passenger must know you, believe you, like you. Your voice and manner of speech should express friendly feelings and a helpful attitude. The passenger ought to understand you easily without asking you to repeat. Don’t talk too rapid or too slow. Check yourself every moment. Be polite.

Offer your assistance whenever you can. Little things make our passengers feel they are in good hands. Use the passenger’s name in your conversation, always walk to the left of your passenger. Try to find a solution to the passenger’s problems or wishes. Don’t promise anything you can not do. If you give a promise, don’t forget to keep your promise.

Keep yourself neat. Take special care of your uniform. Your hair, hands and nails must be well-groomed. Check that all catering stores are aboard. Check the heating and ventilating system of the aircraft that the passengers do not get cold or overheated.

After all the passengers are aboard and before the aircraft begins taxiing you must check that all the doors are properly shut. Check that all the passenger are seated in accordance with your information.

Above all you must remain calm and cheerful in any difficulties and be able to calm nervous passengers. Only detailed preparations for every trip will make you an expert in your field.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 482 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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