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Ex.6 Read and translate the dialogues

C – captain, CP – co pilot, P – purser

C: What was that? This isn’t right!

CP: What’s happened?

C: Three circuit breakers have tripped. They’re showing a problem.

CP: Where’s the problem?

C: In one of the washrooms. Maybe the fan overheated.

CP: I’ll ask the purser to look into it.

C: I’ll try and reset the circuit breakers.


P: Yes, hi, I’m getting reports of an unpleasant smell back here, coming from the rear washrooms, like an electrical burning smell. Some of the passengers are getting a little uncomfortable with it.

CP: Could you move the passengers away?

P: Sure, will do.

CP: Go have a look.

P: I’ll check it out now.

C: Why didn’t it set off the smoke detector? I’m not happy with this at all. Something’s wrong.

P: There was smouldering in the washroom. I don’t know if any wiring has come loose. I sprayed it with the fire extinguisher – I think it’s gone out.

CP: What do you think caused it?

P: I don’t know. Maybe the vacuum outlet overloaded. I couldn’t see where it was coming from. I’ll go back now and double check.

C: Yeah, go. We need to know the cause of the fire.

P: I’ll take my goggles just in case.

C: Yeah, we’ll put our masks on. Go back, but don’t get yourself incapacitated.

P: I can’t get back there.

CP: Why not?

P: The smoke’s too heavy.

CP: Are the passengers OK?

P: People are starting to have trouble breathing.

CP: We have to go down.

C: Initiating an emergency descent.

Команды КВС в аварийной ситуации

«PURSER TO THE COCKPIT» (immediately)

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