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Наречия степени

Наречия степени могут несколько изменить (усилить или ослабить) значение глагола, прилагательного или другого наречия. Наречия badly, completely, greatly, strongly, seriously, totally употребляются либо перед смысловым глаголом либо после дополнения. Наречия almost, largely, nearly, really чаще употребляются перед смысловым глаголом. Наречия степени awfully, extremely, fairly, quite, really, pretty, rather, very употребляются перед прилагательным или другим наречием.

Наречия absolutely, entirely, purely, really, totally, completely, perfectly, quite, simply,utterly усиливают прилагательные типа astonishing, furious, которые выражают качества в превосходной степени.

Некоторые наречия степени entirely, just, largely, mainly, partly, simply усиливают или ослабляют значения придаточных предложений или предложных сочетаний. (Are you asking simply because I am here?/ I don’t think it’s worth going just for a day.)

К наречиям степени относятся также so, such, too, enough.

Enough употребляется:

~ после прилагательных или наречий

He didn't work quickly enough. He is clever enough to do it himself.

~ перед существительными. I have enough time to do the work.

Упр. 11.19 Поставьте наречия в скобках в нужное место в предложении.

1. It was mainly because of Henry that we were invited. (mainly)

2. His success was the result of hard work. (largely)

3. They finally came to an agreement because they were tired of arguing. (simply)

4. You can often get what you want by asking. (simply)

5. He usually disagreed with the majority to make things difficult. (just)

6. I missed my flight to Cairo owing to a traffic hold-up. (partly)

7. He finally got what he wanted but it was by good luck. (mainly)

8. He used to play the fool to annoy his father. (just)

Упр. 11.20 Заполните пропуски наречиями степени для усиления смысла.

1. I _______ regret not telling you the whole truth.

2. I _______ remember writing down the number.

3. But I have _______ forgotten where I wrote it down.

4. As Director, I like to be kept _______ informed of what's going on.

5. She was _______ disappointed when she learned the news.

6. It is _______ obvious that he is a _______ brilliant scientist.

7. I was _______ delighted to hear from you.

8. The solution is _______ simple. I don't know why you can't see it.

9. The area specially designated for smoking looked _______ disgusting. It was dirty, smelly and dark.

10.I was _______ relived when I finally saw them arriving.

Краткие ответы. Эллипсы

Краткие ответы могут быть в форме утверждений или вопросов.

Иногда утверждение об одном человеке также относится и к другому человеку. В этом случае краткий ответ начинается с So для утвердительных предложений и с Neither или Nor для отрицательных. Этот тип кратких ответов требует обратного порядка слов или инверсии подлежащего и сказуемого.

Иногда в предложении можно опускать некоторые слова, чтобы избежать повторения, или когда можно обойтись без них, не искажая смысла предложения. Такая конструкция в английском языке называется "эллипс" (ellipsis). Она характерна для разговорной речи.

Например, вместо повторяющегося сказуемого можно ограничиться только модальным или вспомогательным глаголом:

John likes pop music and I like pop music too. (без эллипса)

John likes pop music and so do I. ( эллипс)

При переводе конструкций с эллипсом смысловой глагол или повторяется, или опускается. Джон любит популярную музыку и я тоже/ (люблю популярную музыку).

Упр. 11.21 Дайте краткие ответы на расчлененные вопросы.

1. Columbus discovered India, didn't he? No, he didn't

2. Milan isn't the capital of Italy, is it?_______

3. John Kennedy was President of the USA, wasn't he? _______

4. It'll be Wednesday tomorrow, won't it? _______

5. You don't live in London, do you? _______

6. You're studying English, aren't you? _______

7. You don't enjoy learning English, do you? _______

8. Vienna is in Germany, isn't it? _______

9. Albert Einstein wasn't an American, was he? _______

10. You haven't answered all these correctly, have you? _______

Упр. 11.22 Соедините предложения из колонки А с соответствующими репликами из колонки В.

1. I always enjoy a good night out. a. So do I.
2. My husband is never on time. b. Neither did we.
3. I didn't get a holiday this year. c. So will Sue.
4. Amanda will be at University next year. d. So would I.
5. I haven't written to Jane yet. e. So am I.
6. George would be furious if he found out. f. Neither is my wife.
7. John can't stand pop music. g. Nor have I.
8 The children are tired out. h. Nor can I.

Упр. 11.23 Заполните пропуски нужным по смыслу модальным глаголом.

1. If you can’t do it, we’ll have to find someone who саn __.

2. You should become a doctor.

You are right. I _______ have.

3. I have never stolen any money and I never _______.

4. She is not as hard working as she _______ be.

5. He can sing much better than you _______.

6. I didn’t go to the dentist but now I realize I _______ have.

7. They are not yet rich and perhaps they never _______ be.

8. I would stop smoking if I _______.

Упр. 11.24 Заполните пропуски нужным по смыслу вспомогательным глаголом.

1. My mother has a job and so _______ my father.

2. I think you are rather taller than me. ~ I’m sure I _______.

3. Some students managed to pass the test, but others _______.

4. They haven’t visited the Parthenon yet. _______ they?

5. I think I eat more than you _______.

6. She’s probably got a lot of money. Yes, she certainly looks as if she _______.

7. I’m absolutely exhausted. I thought you might _______.

8. I’ve been to Australia but Anna _______.

9. Maria isn’t studying hard but I _______.

10. John loves flying but we _______.

11. Bill hasn’t finished his work but we _______.

12. Your English is really improving but mine _______.

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