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History of the academy

The history of the Academy dates back to the Psychoneurological Institute that was founded by a group of Russian scientists headed by V.M. Bekhterev in 1907. At that time the Institute had two faculties: a pedagogical faculty and a Law faculty. The medical faculty was organized in 1911.

In 1920 the Medical faculty of the Psychoneurological Institute was reorganized into an independent higher school – the State Institute of Medical Knowledge. V.M.Bekhterev wasthe first rector of the Institute.

In 1930 it was renamed the 2nd Medical Institute, the new faculty – the Sanitation faculty – was organized. In 1936 the 2nd Medical Institute was united with the Mechnikov Hospital. Thus a large educational and curative center was formed.

During the Great Patriotic War when Leningrad was blockaded the Institute did not stop its activity. Many teachers and students went to the front. A large evacuation hospital was opened on the basis of the Mechnikov Hospital. Students continued their studies. 1305 physicians graduated from the Institute during the war. At the end of 1946 the government reorganized the 2nd Medical Institute into the Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation with the aim of improving the training of sanitary physicians.

In 1992 the Institute was renamed the St.-Petersburg State Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation and in 1994 it was reorganized into the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy.

In 1995 the Academy was awarded the name of I. I. Mechnikov.

Many outstanding scientists worked at the Institute, such as the famous anatomists P.F. Lesgaft and D.A. Zhdanov, physiologists N.T. Vvedensky and A.A. Ukhtomsky, surgeons V.A. Oppel and I.I. Grekov, therapeutists I.F. Lang and A.N. Rubel, pharmacologists M.I. Gramenitsky and V.V. Anichkov, hygienists G.V. Khlopin, Z.G. Frenkel, E.C. Andreeva-Galanina and others.

At present the Academy is staffed with academicians, professors, assistant professors and teachers. Many of them are known not only in our country but also abroad. They are busy with the development of new methods of teaching students and treating patients.

V. Ответьте на вопросы словосочетаниями из текста.

1. What does the history of the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy date back to? 2. When was the Academy founded? 3. Whom was the Academy founded by? 4. How many and what faculties were there at the beginning? 5. When was the Medical faculty organized? 6. When was the Medical faculty of the Psychoneurological Institute reorganized into an independent higher medical school? 7. Who was the first rector of the Institute? 8. When was the State Institute of Medical Knowledge renamed the 2nd Medical Institute? 9. When was the 2nd Medical Institute united with Mechnikov hospital? 10. What was the result of the uniting of the 2nd Medical Institute with Mechnikov hospital? 11. What was opened on the basis of' Mechnikov hospital during the war of 1941–1945? 12. Howmany students graduated from the Institute during the war? 13. What happened at the end of 1946? 14. What was the name of the Institute in 1992? 15. When was the St.Petersburg State Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation reorganized into the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy? 16. When was the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy awarded the name of I.I. Mechnikov? 17. What was I.I. Mechnikov? 18. What outstanding specialists worked in the Academy?

VI. Подтвердите или опровергните следующие положения. При выражении согласия пользуйтесь следующими фразами: Yes, you are (quite) right; Yes, that's really so; Right you are; Sure (ly)! Certainly!

При выражении несогласия пользуйтесь фразами: I'm sorry, but you are wrong; Sorry to say, but you are wrong; Oh, no!; Oh, on the contrary; Oh, no, that's quite wrong.

1. The history of the Academy begins at the end of the XVIII-th century. 2. The Academy was founded on the basis of the Psychoneurological Institute. 3. There were four faculties in the Institute from the very beginning. 4. There were Pedagogical and Law faculties in the Psychoneurological Institute. 5. Medical faculty was organized after the Great Patriotic War. 6. The 2-nd Medical Institute was renamed the State Institute of Medical Knowledge in 1930. 7. The Medical faculty of the Psychoneurological Institute was reorganized into an independent higher school in 1920. 8. Since 1918 till 1946 the Institute was called the State Institute of Medical Knowledge. 9. Mechnikov was the first Rector of the Institute. 10. In 1930 the Institute was renamed the 2-nd Medical Institute. 11. During the Great Patriotic War the Institute stopped its activity. 12. The Institute is well known not only in our country but also abroad. 13. In 1992 the Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation was reorganized into the State Medical Academy. 14. There are three faculties in the Academy now. 15. Besides a day department there is also an evening department in the Academy. 16. Highly qualified specialists work in the Academy now.

VII. Назовите и запомните английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний.

уходить корнями, быть основанным, педагогический факультет, юриди- ческий факультет, медицинский факультет, психоневрологический институт, самостоятельная (независимая) высшая школа (институт), государственный институт медицинских знаний, переименовать, реорганизовать, объединить, образовательный и лечебный комплекс, продолжать работу, окончить институт, улучшить подготовку, выдающийся ученый, быть укомплектованным, квалифицированный специалист, присвоить имя.

VIII. Прочитайте следующие даты и вспомните, в каком контексте они упоминались.

1946, 1920, 1907, 1930, 1936, 1911, 1992, 1995, 1994.

IX. Закончите предложения, переведя слова в скобках.

1. Medical faculty (был основан в 1911 году). 2. In 1930 the State Institute of Medical Knowledge (был переименован во 2-ой медицинский институт). 3. In 1936 the 2nd Medical Institute (был объединен с больницей им. И.И. Мечникова). 4. (На базе института был открыт) a large evacuation hospital. 5. 1305 physicians (окончили институт во время Великой Отечественной войны). 6. The history of the Academy (уходит корнями) to the Psychoneurological Institute. 7. V.M. Bekhterev (был первым ректором института). 8. During the Great Patriotic War the Institute (продолжал работать). 9. At the end of 1946 (правительство реорганизовало 2-ой медицинский институт в Санитарно-гигиенический медицинский институт). 10. (В институте был открыт новый факультет) – Sanitary faculty. 11. In 1994 the St.Petersburg State Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation (был реорганизован) into the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy. 12. In 1916 the Medical faculty was reorganized (в самостоятельный институт) – the State Institute of Medical Knowledge. 13. In 1995 the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy (было присвоено имя) of I.I. Mechnikov.

X. Расставьте предложения, приведенные в Задании 5 в логическом порядке.

XI. Выберите из скобок необходимое по смыслу слово, прочитайте предложение и переведите его на русский язык.

1. The history of the Academy (dates, begins, comes) back to the Psychoneurological Institute. 2. The Academy was (built, founded, organized) by a group of Russian scientists. 3. At first the Institute had two (units, departments, faculties). 4. The Medical faculty of the Psychoneurological Institute was reorganized into an (secondary, main, independent) higher school. 5. In 1930 the State Institute of Medical Knowledge was (recalled, renamed, reorganized) the 2nd Medical Institute. 6. During the Great Patriotic War the Institute (continued, began, stopped) its working. 7. 1305 physicians (entered, admitted, graduated) from the Institute during the Great Patriotic War. 8. At the (opening, end, beginning) of 1946 the 2-nd Medical Institute was (rebuilt, reorganized, reconstructed) into the Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation. 9. In 1994 the Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation was reorganized into the St.Petersburg (Town, City, State) Medical Academy.

XII. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словосочетаниями.

1. The SPSMA... in 1907. 2. The history of the Academy... to 1907. 3. At first there were two faculties in the Institute:.... 4.... was opened in 1911. 5. In 1920 the... of the Psychoneurological Institute became.... 6. V.M. Bekhterev was.... 7. In 1930 the Medical faculty was reorganized into... 8. In 1936 the 2-nd Medical Institute was.... 9. A large evacuation hospital was organized.... 10. During the Great Patriotic War the Institute.... 11. 1305 physicians... during the Great Patriotic War. 12. In 1946 the 2-nd Medical Institute was reorganized into.... 13. The 2-nd Medical Institute was reorganized into the Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation with the aim.... 14. … worked in the Institute. 15. In 1995 the Academy was...

XIII. К словосочетаниям из левой колонки подберите словосочетания из правой колонки так, чтобы получились законченные в смысловом отношении предложения.

1. The history of the Academy 1. Pedagogical and Law faculties
2. The Academy was founded 2. was renamed the 2nd Medical Institute
3. There were two faculties in the Institute 3. dates back to 1907
4. At first the Institute had 4. into the State Medical Academy
5. In 1911 5. graduated from the Institute during the war
6. The Medical faculty of the Psychoneuological Institute 6. by a group of Russian scientists
7. In1930 7. the 2-nd Medical Institute wasreorganized into the Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation
8. The State Institute of Medical Knowledge 8. the State Institute of Medical Knowledge was renamed the 2nd Medical Institute
9. In 1936 the 2nd Medical institute 9. was renamed the St.Petersburg State Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation
10. During the Great Patriotic War 10. at the beginning
11. 1305 physicians 11. the Institute continued its work
12. At the end of l946 12. was reorganized into an independent higher school
13. In 1992 the Institute 13. was united with Mechnikov hospital
14. The St.Petersburg State Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation was reorganized 14. a medical faculty was organized

XIV. Расскажите об истории Санкт-Петербургской государственной медицинской академии, используя следующие слова и выражения.

to date back, Psychoneurological Institute, to be founded, Pedagogical faculty, Law faculty, Medical faculty, Independent higher school, State Institute of Medical Knowledge, to rename, to reorganize, to unite, educational and curative center, to continue activity, evacuation hospital, to graduate from, Medical Institute of Hygiene and Sanitation, to improve the training, outstanding scientists, to be staffed with, to be awarded the name of.

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