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The Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy Today

At present the Mechnokov St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy is one of the largest educational and curative centers in the city. It trains epidemiologists, microbiologists, family doctors, physician-hygienists, therapeutists, surgeons, gynecologists, senior nurses and other specialists for preventive and curative medicine.

The course of training at the Academy is five or six years long. At the Nursing Faculty it is 5 years and at other faculties it is 6 years. The first and second year students study preclinical subjects such as anatomy, physiology, histology, biology, microbiology, physics, chemistry, Latin and foreign languages. They also study some social subjects among which are history, philosophy and economics. Senior students study clinical subjects such as therapy, surgery, gynecology, nervous and infectious diseases, endocrinology, psychiatry, urology, oncology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, traumatology, principles of hygiene and sanitation, etc. Most of these subjects are necessary for the future physician-practitioners, physician-hygienists, family physicians, and senior nurses. That is why it is necessary to attend all the lectures and practical classes.

All senior students have patients and treat them under the guidance of experienced doctors. Often they are present at different operations and make daily rounds of wards with doctors in charge.

There are more than fifty departments in the Academy, such as the department of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Surgery, Neurology, Occupational Diseases, Cardiology, General Hygiene, Hygiene of Nutrition, Hygiene of Children and Adolescents, etc.

Each department has its head, professor or assistant professor, who is responsible for the work of the department. The head of the Academy is the rector. He is responsible for the work of the Academy in general. There are two pro-rectors, pro-rector for research work and pro-rector for academic work. A dean is the head of a faculty. He is responsible for the work of the faculty and helps students in their studies.

Many of the departments in the Academy are well equipped with modern medical equipment.

After the course of training students get diplomas of physician-hygienists, general practitioners, family physicians and senior nurses.

IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы словами или словосочетаниями из текста.

1. What specialists does the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy train? 2. How long is the course of training at the Academy? 3. At what faculties is the course of training five years? 4. At what faculties the course of training is six years? 5. What subjects do the first and second year students study? 6. What do senior students study? 7. Why is it necessary to attend lectures and practical classes? 8. What do senior students do in the clinics of the Academy? 9. How many departments are there in the Academy? 10. Who is the head of a department? 11. Who is the head of the Academy? 12. What is dean and what is his task? 13. What is the equipment of the departments? 14. When do students get diploma? 15. What kind of diploma do the students of the Academy get?

V. Выпишите из текста и выучите названия:

а) доклинических дисциплин

б) клинических дисциплин

в) кафедр академии

г) названия специалистов, которых выпускает академия.

VI. Исправьте допущенные в следующих предложениях неточности. Используйте выражения: Sorry to say, but that's wrong (but you're wrong); No, that's wrong.

1. Students do not work with patients during their studies at the Academy. 2. Pro-rector is the head of the Academy. 3. Rector is responsible for the work of the department. 4. At present the Academy is the largest educational center in the city. 5. Dean is the head of the clinic. 6. Only medical subjects are taught in the Academy. 7. There are five departments in the Academy. 8. Students get diploma at the beginning of their studies in the Academy. 9. The first and second year students study clinical subjects. 10. The Academy trains dentists and pharmacologists. 11. The first and second year students are often present at some serious operations. 12. The course of training at the Academy is four years. 13. Senior students study anatomy and biology. 14. It is necessary to attend only practical classes. 15. Students of the Academy get diploma of dentists. 16. Senior students make daily rounds of wards with nurses.

VII. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами или словосочетаниями.

1. The St.Petersburg State Medical Academy trains... and other specialists for preventive and curative medicine. 2. The... at the Academy is five or six years. 3. At... it is five years and at... it is six years. 4. The... study preclinical subjects 5. Senior students study.... 6. Preclinical subjects are.... 7.... include therapy, surgery, endocrinology, cardiology and others subjects. 8. The subjects the students study at the Academy are necessary for.... 9. To be a good specialist it is necessary to... and practical classes. 10. … lectures are... by highly qualified specialists. 11. All... have patients and... them under the... of the experienced doctors. 13. Senior students often are..., they make.... with doctors in charge. 14. There are more than fifty... in the Academy. 15. There are such departments as... in the Academy. 16. The head of a department is a.... 17.... is the head of the Academy. 18. The head of a faculty is a....19. Dean... in their studies. 20. After... students.... 21. They may either take a one-year … course qualifying them as general … specialists or a two-year … course qualifying them as … specialists.

VIII. Переведите на английский язык часть предложения, заключенную в скобках.

1. It is necessary (посещать лекции и практические занятия) to become а good specialist. 2. The graduates of the Academy (работают в разных медицинских учреждениях). 3. The St.Petersburg State Medical Academy is a (крупнейший образовательный и лечебный центр) not only in Saint-Petersburg but also in Russia. 4. The Academy has (более пятидесяти кафедр). 5. The Academy (готовит специалистов разных медицинских специальностей). 6. Most of the subjects studied at the Academy are necessary for future (врачей общей практики и врачей гигиенистов). 7. (Студенты 1-го и 2-го курсов) study pre-clinical subjects. 8. Rector is (глава академии). 9. (Курс обучения в академии) is five or six years. 10. (Студенты старших курсов) study (клинические дисциплины). 11. Senior students are often present (на операциях), make (обходы палат вместе с лечащими врачами). 12. (Каждую кафедру возглавляет) by professor or (доцент). 13. All (старшекурсники) have patients and (лечат их под руководством опытных врачей). 14. Many departments of the Academy are (хорошо оснащены современным медицинским оборудованием). 15. (После курса обучения) students receive diploma (врачей общей практики, врачей гигиенистов, семейных врачей, старших медсестер.)

IX. Расставьте предложения, приведенные в Задании 6, в таком порядке, чтобы получился рассказ о современном состоянии академии.

X. Соедините словосочетания левой и правой колонок, так чтобы получились законченные предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

1. Preclinical subjects include 1. preclinical, clinical and social subjects
2. Senior students are often present 2. attend all the lectures and practical classes to be a good specialist
3. The course of training at the SPSMA is 3. at different surgical operations
4. After the academy the students 4. one of the largest educational and curative centers
5. All the subjects are 5. the course of training is 5 years
6. Senior students treat 6. surgery, therapy, neurology, gynecology, endocrinology, cardiology, urology, etc.
7. The SPSMA trains 7. work at different medical centers, polyclinics, hospitals, dispensaries, etc.
8. The course of training at the General Medical faculty and Preventive Medical faculty is 8. a Rector who is responsible for the work of the Academy in general
9. Many departments are 9. well equipped with all the modern facilities
10. The SPSMA is 10. different specialists for medicine
11. The students study 11. anatomy, physiology, histology, chemistry, physics, microbiology, Latin and foreign languages
12. It is necessary to 12. its head, a professor or an assistant-professor
13. Clinical subjects are 13. delivered by highly qualified professors and assistant-professors
14. The head of the Academy is 14. five or six years
15. There are more than 15. patients under the guidance of experienced doctors
16. Senior students have 16. necessary for a future doctor
17. Each department has 17. patients, whom they treat and care for
18. At the faculty of Higher Nursing Education 18. six years
19. The lectures are 19. fifty departments in the Academy

XI. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. SPSMA is one... the largest higher medical schools... St.Petersburg. 2. It trains specialists... the field … therapy, surgery, gynecology, hygiene, epidemiology, etc. 3. The course... training is... 6 years. 4.... the faculty of Higher Nursing Education... the course … training is 5 years. 5. The first and second years... training are devoted... practical subjects. 6. Senior students study... clinical subjects. 7. All subjects are necessary... the future physician-practitioners. 8. It is necessary to attend... all the classes. 9. The lectures are delivered... a high level. 10. It is interesting to listen... the teachers and discuss different problems... them. 11. Senior students treat patients... the guidance... experienced doctors. 12. Senior students have... their practical work... the clinics... the Academy. 13. They make daily rounds... wards... doctors... charge. 14. Many departments... the Academy have modern equipment. 15.... the course... training students get diploma. 16. There are more than 50 departments... the Academy. 17. The chief... the department is responsible... work... the department... general. 18. Pro-rectors are responsible... the research and... academic work, they help the Rector... the Academy... his work.

XII. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. СПГМА – один из крупнейших учебных и лечебных центров в нашем городе. 2. Академия готовит специалистов для работы в разных областях медицины. 3. Курс обучения в Академии – 5 или 6 лет. 4. Студенты 1 и 2 курсов изучают доклинические дисциплины. 5. Старшекурсники изучают клинические предметы. 6. Все занятия проводятся высококвалифицированными преподавателями. 7. Старшекурсники лечат больных под руководством опытных врачей. 8. Студенты старших курсов делают обходы палат, присутствуют на операциях, лечат больных. 9. В Академии более 50 кафедр. 10. Многие кафедры хорошо оборудованы. 11. Каждую кафедру возглавляет профессор. 12. Во главе академии стоит ректор. 13. После курса обучения студенты получают дипломы. 14. Получив диплом, они могут пройти курс обучения в интернатуре и начать работать в различных медицинских учреждениях. 15.Только пройдя двухгодичный курс ординатуры, они могут работать узкими специалистами.

XIII. Прочитайте следующие диалоги и на их основе составьте свои собственные.


A. Hi, B! Where are you going?

B. I am going to the SPSMA.

A. What for?

В. Now I'm a student of the Academy!

A. You are, aren't you? Well and how do you like it?

B. It's wonderful. But I must say that to be a medical student is very difficult. Sometimes I have to learn anatomy or Latin till late hours.

A. And how long is the course of training there?

B. It's 6 years, just like in all other higher medical schools.

A. And what doctor would you like to be?

B. Well, I’d like to be a surgeon.

A. Just like your father?

B. Yes, why not! I'm sorry, but I'm short of time* and must be in a hurry*. Bye.

A. Bye.


* to be short of time – не иметь времени

* to be in a hurry – торопиться


A. Hello, В.! Have you entered the higher medical school as you wanted?

B. Oh, yes! My dreams come true! I’m a student of the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy.

A. What subjects do students study at the Medical Academy?

В. You know, it depends on the faculty and the year they are in.

A. Well, let’s say the first-year-students of the General Medical faculty.

B. They study anatomy, biology, foreign language, chemistry and history, Latin, foreign languages and others.

XIV. Расскажите о современном состоянии академии на английском языке, пользуясь следующими словами и выражениями:

educational and curative center, to train, the course of training, preclinical subjects, clinical subjects, future physician-practitioners, physician-hygienists,, to attend, experienced teacher (professor), high professional level, to discuss different medical problems, to treat patients, under the guidance, to make daily rounds of wards, doctor in charge.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 782 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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