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I’m a student of the Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy

This year I finished secondary school. It was a medical lyceum. My favorite subjects were chemistry and biology. I passed successfully the Uniform State Examinations in chemistry, biology, mathematics and the Russian language.

According to the results of the Uniform State Examinations, I was admitted to the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy (SPSMA). This Academy is a higher medical school that trains specialists for preventive and curative medicine. Now I am a first year student. I study at the General Medical faculty. There are two other faculties in the Academy; they are the Preventive Medical faculty and the faculty of Higher Nursing Education. There are day (full-time), evening (part-time) and correspondence departments in the Academy. I entered the Medical Academy because my dream is to become a doctor and help people suffering from different diseases.

I am not from St.Petersburg. I am from …. There is no higher medical school in my town and I came to St.Petersburg to enter higher medical school. I decided to enter the SPSMA because it is one of the best higher medical schools not only in Saint-Petersburg but also in Russia. I have no relatives in the city and now I live in the hostel. My hostel is in Svetlanovsky-prospect. There are two other students in my room. They are from different towns of Russia and also came to St.-Petersburg to study at higher medical school. We are rather friendly and always do our homework together. And when we have free time we often go to the cinema or theatre, visit exhibitions or museums or walk along the streets of the city admiring its beauty. I also go in for sports. I play basketball.

I am very happy that I have entered the Academy. It is very interesting to study here, though not easy.

V. Ответьте на вопросы словосочетаниями из текста

1. When did you finish secondary school? 2. What were your favorite subjects at school? 3. What Uniform State Examinations did you pass at school? 4. What faculty do you study at? 5. How many faculties are there in the Academy? 6. What faculties are there in the Academy? 7. How many departments are there in the Academy? 8. What are they? 9. Why did you enter the Academy? 10. Have you got any relatives in St.-Petersburg? 11. Where do you live now? 12. Where is your hostel situated? 13. How many students are there in your room? 14. What do you usually do in your free time? 15. What do you do in your free time?

VI. Назовите английские эквиваленты следующих русских словосочетаний:

первокурсник, различные заболевания, профилактическая медицина, медико-профилактический факультет, средняя школа, ЕГЭ, лечебный факультет, готовить специалистов, гулять по улицам, медицинский вуз, факультет высшего сестринского образования, любимый предмет, дневное отделение, свободное время, родственник, заочное отделение, лечебная медицина, страдать от различных болезней.

VII. Начните следующие предложения соответствующими словосочетаниями из текста.

1.... in chemistry, biology, mathematics and the Russian language. 2.... trains specialists for preventive medicine. 3. … I was admitted to the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy. 4.... a first yearstudent. 5.... Preventive Medical faculty. 6.... because I want to become a doctor and treat patients. 7.... in the hostel. 8.... students in my room. 9.... free time together.

VIII. Заполните пропуски словами или словосочетаниями из текста.

1. I successfully passed... examinations and was... to the Academy. 2. Now I am a... student. 3. I study at... faculty. 4. There are the General Medical, Preventive Medical and Higher Nursing... in the Academy. 5. This Academy is a … that trains specialists for preventive and curative medicine. 6.There is a …, a part-time and a … department in the Academy. 7. I... the Academy because I want to become a.... 8. I have no... in the city and now I live in the.....

IX. Выберите необходимое по смыслу слово из тех, что приведены в скобках.

1 This year I (entered, finished, admitted) secondary school. 2. I passed the Uniform State Examinations in (English, chemistry, literature,) biology, mathematics and the Russian language. 3. Now I (go, study, live) at the Academy. 4. Our Academy is a special (higher, secondary, middle) medical school. 5. The Academy (makes, gives, trains) specialists for preventive and curative medicine. 6. I (passed, study, entered) the Academy because I (want, like, have) to be a doctor. 7. Now I (sit, live, stand) in the (hotel, house, hostel), because I am not from Saint-Petersburg and have no (parents, relatives. friends) here.

X. Закончите следующие предложения словосочетаниями из текста.

1. This year I.... 2. Now I am a.... 3. According to the results of the Uniform State Examinations I … to the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy. 4. I study at the.... 5. I entered the Medical Academy because.... 6. I am from.... 7. Now I live in.... 8. There are three.... 9. I often spend my free time.... 10. It is very interesting to.....

XI. Переведите на английский язык слова, заключенные в скобки, и прочтите все предложение.

1. I’m a (первокурсник). 2. I study at the (Санкт-Петербургской государственной медицинской академии имени И.И. Мечникова). 3. The Academy trains (врачей общей практики, специалистов по профилактической медицине, старших медицинских сестер). 4. I (учусь) at the General Medical faculty. 5. I passed Uniform State Examinations (по биологии, химии, математике и русскому языку). 6. I entered the Academy because (моя мама работает врачом в поликлинике) and I want to follow her. 7. (Я не из Санкт-Петербурга) I amfrom Bryansk. 8. Now I (живу в общежитии). 9. There are (три студента в моей комнате). 10.We are very friendly and (часто проводим свободное время вместе). 11. We often go to the (кино или театр), visit (выставки или музеи). 12. I(занимаюсь спортом). I (играю в волейбол).

XII. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. This year I entered... the SPSMA. 2. I study... the SPSMA. 3. I am a student... the General Medical faculty. 4. I am not... St.-Petersburg. 5.... 2009 I finished... secondary school. 6. I studied... school №183. 7. I was born... Petrozavodsk. 8. I came... St.-Petersburg to enter... the Medical Academy. 9.... many years ago my mother studied... this Academy too. 10. I live... the hostel. 11. The hostel is not far... the Academy. 12. There are three faculties... the Academy. 13. I want to help people suffering... different diseases. 14. I live... my relatives.

XIII. Заполните пропуски артиклями, где это необходимо.

1. I am... first... year... student. 2. I study at... SPSMA. 3. I finished... secondary... school in... 2011. 4. I successfully passed Uniform State Examinations in... chemistry, … biology, … mathematics and … Russian language. 5. I entered... Academy because I like this... profession and have read... many... books about... doctors and their... work. 6. Now I live in... hostel. 7.... my hostel is situated in... Kirilovskaya... street. 8. There are... three students in... room. 10. I like to study at... Academy. 11. My favorite subject is... anatomy.

XIV. Расскажите о себе, как о студенте медицинской академии, используя следующие слова и выражения

secondary school, Preventive Medical faculty, Uniform State Examinations, to enter higher medical school, full-time department, to train specialists, to become a doctor, preventive and curative medicine, to help people, first -year -student, different diseases, General Medical faculty, to be from, to have (no)relatives, to live in a hostel, different towns, to be friendly, free time, to go in for sports, to read books, to watch TV.

XV. Прочитайте и выучите наизусть следующие диалоги.


A. Hello, В! I haven't, seen you for ages! How are you?

B. Fine, thanks! I'm a student now!

A. Really! And where do you study?

B. I study at the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy.

A. Oh, only to imagine! And why did you enter it? Do you really want to be a doctor?

B. Yes, for sure, it was my dream from my very childhood. Besides, you know that my parents are doctors and I decided to follow them*. And what about* you? Are you a student?

A. Yes, I was lucky* to enter the St.Petersburg State University.

B. Great! My congratulations! What faculty did you enter?

A. The Law faculty.

B. Look here! Let's go and celebrate the event

A. Why not, it's a good idea! I know a wonderful place…


* to follow smb – идти по стопам кого-либо

* and what about – а как насчет …

* to be lucky –посчастливиться

* Look here! – Послушай!


E. Hello, D! Did you pass your Uniform State Examinations?

D. Yes, surely!

E. And how did you pass them?

D. Successfully! According to their results I was admitted to the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy.

E. Lucky you are! My congratulations!

D. Thanks!


F. Oh, glad to meet you at last! Where are you going?

G. I'm going to the Saint-Petersburg State Medical Academy.

F. What for?

G. Don’t you know? I'm a student of the General Medical faculty.

F. Really? My congratulations!

G. Thanks!


B. Hello! Where are you from?

C. I'm from Sosnovo, it’s not far from the city.

B. Now, I think, we'll live together in this room.

C. I believe so*.

B. Do you like our room and the hostel in general?

C. It's difficult to say, yet. We'll see it later.


*I believe so – думаю, что да; полагаю, что так


M. Hi! I suppose I'll be your roommate*?

N. I think so.

M. My name is Mike, and what’s your name?

N. Nick. Nice to meet you!

M. Nice to meet you too! Where are you from?

N. I'm from Kirovsk.

M. What is your first impression of the Academy?

N. It’s great!

M. They say, it's one of the best higher medical schools not only in St.-Petersburg but also in Russia.


*roommate – сосед по комнате

* It looks like* that – похоже, что так

XV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Where are you from? (What is your native town?) 4. What are your parents? 8. Where do they work? 6. What are you now? 7. When did you finish secondary school? 8. What secondary school did you study at? 9. What did you do after school? 10. Why did you enter the Medical Academy? 11. Is it interesting for you to study at the Academy? 12. What do you usually do in your free time?

XVI. Составьте рассказ о себе на основе данных словосочетаний и текста.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1574 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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