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My working day. My name is . I am a first year student of the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy

My name is …. I am a first year student of the St.-Petersburg State Medical Academy. I study at the General Medical faculty of the Academy.

Every day I get up at half past 6. I wash, dress and have my breakfast.

Our classes begin at 9 sharp. I live rather far from the Academy and it takes me one hour and a half to get to it. I leave for the Academy at seven o'clock. I take a bus, metro and tram to get to the Academy.

Every day we have three or four classes. As a rule they are two lectures and two practical classes. I attend all the classes, except when I am not well. All the missed lessons are to be answered with the permission of the dean. At lectures I listen to the lecturer and take notes. Usually lectures are delivered by professors or assistant professors. At practical classes I perform experiments, do laboratory works, read and translate texts and discuss different philosophical works and problems.

I have many subjects, such as chemistry, anatomy, physiology, biology, Latin and others. My favorite subject is anatomy. I like anatomy because it will be necessary for my future work as a doctor.

Usually my lessons are over at half past four. After the lessons I go home. Sometimes I go to the library or to answer my missed lessons. At home I have a little rest, dinner and then do my homework. It takes me two or three hours to do my homework for the next day.

When I have free time during my working days I like to read books, watch TV, listen to modern music, or when the weather is fine, I go for a walk. On Sundays I like to sleep a little longer, visit my friends, go for a walk or stay in and have a good rest.

VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What’s your name? 2. What are you? 3. Where do you study?

4. What faculty do you study at? 5. When do you usually get up in the morning? 6. When do you leave for the Academy? 7. When do your classes begin? 8. Do you live far from the Academy? 9. How do you get to the Academy? 10. Do you attend all the classes? 11. How many classes do you have every day? 12. What kind of classes do you have every day? 13. What do you do at lectures? 14. What do you do at practical classes? 20. What subjects do you study? 15. What is (are) you favorite subject(s)? 16. Why do you like it? 17. When are your classes usually over? 18. What do you do after the classes? 19. When do you answer your missed lessons? 20. When do you usually go home? 21. When do you do your homework? 22. How much time does it take you to do your homework? 23. Do you have free time during your working days? 24. What do you do in your free time? 25. How do you usually spend your weekend?

VII. Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами.

1. My friend's... is Nick. 2. I... the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy. 3. I live... from the Academy. 4. Our classes begin at 9 o'clock.... 5. We have to answer our... lessons after the classes. 6. Usually I... all the lessons. 7. At lectures I … to the lecturer and... notes. 8. Every day I... at 7 o'clock. 9. To get to the Academy I... a bus. 10. When I have... time I go to visit my friends. 11. It... me 2 hours to do my homework. 12. I like... TV in my free time.

VIII. Назовите английский эквивалент следующих русских слов и словосочетаний.

первокурсник, читать лекции, проводить эксперименты, делать лабораторные работы, сдать экзамен, любимый предмет, быть принятым в институт, высоко квалифицированный специалист, вставать ровно в семь часов, идти домой, довольно далеко, делать домашнее задание, у меня уходит … (я затрачиваю), ехать на автобусе, свободное время, как правило, очень уставать, практические занятия, возвращаться домой, плохо себя чувствовать, смотреть телевизор, слушать преподавателя, слушать музыку, писать конспекты лекций, оставаться дома.

IX. Заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями из текста.

1. I am а.... 2. I am … of the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy. 3. This year I finished.... 4. According to the results of the Uniform State Examinations I... to the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy. 6. I entered the Academy because.... 7.... I get up at 7 o'clock. 8. Our lessons begin at.... 9. It... to get to the Academy. 10. Every day we have.... 11. I attend all the classes except when.... 12. All the... are to be answered. 13. At lectures I... and.... 14. At practical classes I... 15. My... is microbiology. 16. I think that microbiology is a... for a future physician-practitioner. 17. Usually our lessons... at half past four. 18. At home I.... 19. It takes me two hours to... for the next day. 20. In my free time I like....

X. Выберите из скобок необходимое по смыслу слово.

1. I (learn, study, go) at the St.Petersburg State Medical Academy. 2. Alex is a first (student, course, year) student. 3. Professor Jacobson (teaches, learns, studies) us to care for patients. 4. Assistant-professor Clark (reads, gives, delivers) lectures on anatomy. 5. My friend and I (love, like, admire) to walk along the streets of the city. 6. In winter I shall (read, write, take) for my 1-st exam in the Academy. 7. Usually I (go, come, walk) home at 5 o'clock. 8. It (spends, takes, gives) me two hours to (take, do, read) myhomework. 9. I'll (visit, go, come) to see you tomorrow. 10. Usually I (study, learn, teach) Latin terms in the evening before (taking, going, coming) to bed.

XI. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу местоимениями.

1.... friend's name is Mike. 2.... is a first year student. 3.... classes begin at 9 o'clock. 4. Nick studies at the Medical University.... is in Lev Tolstoy street. 5.... lives far from... Institute. 6.... is interesting to study at... Academy. 7. Ann is not from St.Petersburg.... parents live in Vologda. 8. There are 13 students in... academic group. 9.... is necessary to attend all the classes. 10.... friends are from Kirishi.... live in the hostel.... hostel is in Svetlanovsky prospect. 11. Usually... friends and... spend... free time together.... like to walk along the streets of the city. 12. What is... favorite subject? 13. Why did... give... book to...? 14.... don't know....... have seen... only once. 15. I don't like... method oftreating patients.

XII. Подберите к репликам в левой колонке реплики из правой колонки так, чтобы получился диалог.

A. То the night club? Why, certainly! A. You see, today I answered the lesson on biology I've missed the previous week. A. O.K. That's settled! A. I don't know yet A. Yes, certainly. I know the material well, but I was ill and that's why I missed the lesson. A. I'm going from the Academy. В. Then let's meet in an hour and a half. В. Oh, L., hello! Glad to see you. Where are you going from? В. Would you like to go to the nightclub? В. Why so late? В. I see. What are you going to do in the evening? В. Was it a success?

XIII. Заполните пропуски репликами так, чтобы получился диалог.

А. Hi N...! How many lessons do you have today?


A. What are they?


A. And what about tomorrow?


A. Will it take you much time to do your homeworktoday?


A. Then let's go to Ann's place. Today is her birthday.


A. Then let's meet at 6 o'clock near Metro station.

XIV. Прочитайте следующие диалоги и выучите их наизусть

A. Hello, В.! How many classes shall we have today?

B. Why, have you forgotten? On Fridays we always have four lessons.

A. Four!? And what is the last?

B. English.


M. Hi, N!Where are you going in such a hurry?

N. Oh, M. Glad to meet you. But I'm short of time, I must be in the dissecting room at 9 o'clock, we have a practical lesson today.

M. What a pity! I haven’t seen you for ages and would like to have a chat with you.

N. Sorry, but I must go. Bye.


K. Hello, N.! Where are you going?

L. To the department of Biology. We have a lesson there.

K. Is it a practical lesson or a lecture?

L. It's a lecture.

K. Do you always attend all the lectures?

L. Yes, I try to. But last week I was ill and did not go to the Academy. So

I have to go to answer my missed lesson.

K. I see. Then good luck. Bye.


X. What's the matter with you? You look so worried?

V. Nothing's the matter with me. I have just too much work to do and I have too little sleep recently.

X. You ought to take it easy. Remember the proverb: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

V. Thanks for the advice. But there are too many things I must do this week.

Few people realize how much time it takes to prepare for an exam, particularly for biochemistry. The exam will be on Monday, as you probably know, and I want to do my best to pass it successfully.

X. There is no doubt about that, but still: a few more hours of rest will do you much good.

V. Not now, I'm afraid. But after the event I want to have a really good rest, to see as few people as possible and to spend as much time in as I like.

X. Good luck then. I know how much time it takes to prepare for biochemistry. I'll see you later.

V. Thanks for your concern. Bye.

XV.Темы для устных и письменных сообщений:

1. Мой рабочий день;

2. Мои занятия в академии;

3. Мое свободное время;

4. Мой выходной день.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1487 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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