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Lesson 1. Items for Nursing

New words:

Tube – зонд

Oil–skin – клеенка

Compress – компресс

Oxygen cushion – кислородная подушка

Ice – bag – пузырь для льда

Syringe – шприц

Disposable / one piece syringe – одноразовый шприц

Adhesive plaster – лейкопластырь

Splint – шина

Crutches – костыли

Roller – бинт

Blood-pressure apparatus – аппарат для измерения давления

Medicine dropper, pipette - пипетка

Gauze – марля

Needle – игла

Tourniquet -жгут

Wheel-chair – кресло-каталка

Stretcher – носилки

Drinking bowl – поильник

There is shortage of … - Не хватает …

Ex.1 Read and translate:

1. There is shortage of gauze. 2. Now only one piece syringes are used. 3. You may take the pipette for dropping the medicine. 4. An ice bag is put at the site of a bruise. 5. If the patient feels shortage of oxygen, use oxygen cushion. 6. If your wound is not very serious you may apply adhesive plaster. 7. It is necessary that you should have a blood pressure apparatus at home. 8. In case of a fracture of the arm use a splint. 9. He cannot walk without crutches. 10. Put a splint and fix it with a roller. 11. Needles must be disposable. 12. A tourniquet is applied in case of bleeding. 13. Casualties can be transported on stretchers or in wheel chairs. 14. Fill the drinking bowl with tea and give it to the patient. 15. The patient was fed artificially through a tube. 16. Put a cold compress on the bruised place. 17. Oxygen was administered by a nasal tube. 18. Will you apply a cold compress on the patient’s head? 19. Place oil-skin under the sheet.

Ex.2 Add missing words or letters:

Oil -…, drinking …, wheel -…, …plaster, oxygen …, ice - …, hot water …, … dropper, one … syringe, blood -… apparatus;

Str----e-, -au-e, t- -rni- - -t, cr - - ches, - ee - -e

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 771 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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